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Fridge / Willow

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Fridge-Awesome: When Raziel tells Willow that her curse as a possum "could've been worse", it's Played for Laughs. However, bear in mind this is Bavmorda's spell. This is the same woman who can easily curse an army of men to turn into pigs. And they were cursed to be without the ability to speak (or worse, without the ability to rationalize as people). At least Raziel has that going for her. If anything, Raziel was powerful enough to retain her ability to speak and think. She's just that strong.
  • How Willow confronts Bavmorda at the end and tricking her into believing a simple sleight-of-hand magic trick actually teleported the baby to another dimension. Bavmorda herself is a powerful sorceress, having to deal with real magic all the time. She's gotten so used to fighting other real magic-users like Raziel that she couldn't comprehend a stage magician would employ a fake spell.
  • When Madmartigen meets Sorsha for the first time in the inn, the first thing he says is "You are beautiful". Nice forshadowing of thier future relationship.
  • At first it seems like the High Aldwin sending Burglekutt along with Willow is just to put the braggart in his place and override his objections to Vohnkarr going - but once you learn that Bavmorda's forces had gone to the village, you know Burglekutt would have gleefully sold out Willow's exact destination in order to get his land.
  • While the fact she spills the potion on herself, and holds the wand high where it can attract the lightning bolt, seems like plenty reason for Bavmorda to be banished by her own ritual, there is one further important detail: she puts a lock of Elora's red hair in the potion. Sorsha also has red hair, which implies Bavmorda's hair may once have been red as well. Since magic often works more on a "like calls to like" principle than something as scientific as genetics, the red hair in the potion may have drawn the ritual spell (and the lightning) more strongly to Bavmorda than it would have been otherwise.

Fridge Horror

  • The fate of the other female prisoners in Nockmaar Castle and all their not-Elora Danan spawn is left up in the air, but considering their gracious host was Queen Bavmorda, chances are they all ended up dead or enslaved instead of released.
