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Funny / The Blockbuster Buster 2013 Episodes

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2013 Episodes of The Blockbuster Buster

2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | Honest Reviews

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    Conan The Barbarian (2011) 
  • Not sure if his hammer can bust a movie that is half good, he calls upon his friends for help, E-Joy and Dr. Affect. Their answer? Dr. Affect proposes Radioactive Toast Launcher and Water Dog guns, in four breeds.
    • The introduction of the two other members of the Skull Lantern Corps in general is pretty funny.
  • Not happy with the narration being down by Morgan Freeman's "Fatherly, March of the Penguin's voice" he proceeds to provide his own narration while impersonating Mako.
    • "And Rocking Ron Perlman had to perform the manliest C Section in the history of medicine!"
  • Playing a piece of the Nightmare on Elm Street Theme after child! Conan kills a group of marauders.
  • "You idiot. You can't stop the sheer awesomeness that is Ron Perlman with an arrow! You might as well shoot him with a Nerf noodle.
    • When Ron Perlman gets killed by having molten metal poured on his face- "World's manliest facial."
  • The censor black bars over the topless women say "Rent the movie"
  • When Conan recognizes one of the men who killed his father and the flashback starts, Ironside begins to play over it.
  • The return of Backdoor Lover.
  • During the horse chase, when Tamara disconnects the carriage- "Whoa be careful, Willow's going to fall out of the wagon!"
  • When Tamara leaves Conan. "And she's going to get captured in 3, 2, 1, whoa Khalar is punctual!"
  • His utter bafflement at the giant octopus.
    • "Wow, those special effects are worthy of the Syfy channel.
  • Thank you Conan, but our princess is in another castle.

  • For starters. The concept is so dumb that even the trailer isn't trying:
  • When Hopper asks Liam Neeson for his blessing, ERod replaces the actual dialogue with Neeson's speech from Taken.
  • When the aliens first show up, we just get a long "What?" for the entire sequence. Almost a full minute, of ERod just going "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!"
  • "Well, this is official. These are the second most incompetent aliens that I have ever seen. Oh, you guys wanna know what is the first. Well, that would definetely be the Can't-Open-the-door aliens from Signs"
  • ERod asks The Doctor if he knows the aliens' weakness, which is sunlight. Then the background music plays "Blinded by the light".
  • The Running Gag: "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!"
  • ERod can't take it anymore and starts beating up the DVD by bare hand.
     Dudley Do-Right 
  • When the new narrator voice comes on. "Man there are a lot of disembodied voices on my show lately!" "And there are more to come!"
  • He tries to figure out Brendan Fraiser's appeal by showing a fanservice clip of the guy. SHE-Rod, E-Joy and Nurse Cause, Dr. Affect's assistant, all immediately flock to the camera to watch.
  • Kid Snidely talks about what they're going to be when they grow up.
    ERod: It's obvious what he's gonna be. He's got the hat and the cape. He's gonna be a pimp.
  • When Dudley's horse farts, he tries to refuse to play the clip from Doctor Who, only for Buffy, Kim Possible, and Beast Boy to give him 'the face'.
  • His glee at Alfred Molina's spot on portrayal of Snidely Whiplash.
  • His disturbed and confused reaction to the dream Dudley has of his horse.
  • "That's ridiculous! There are no vampires in Canada!That's Sasquatch territory, and nobody fucks with Sasquatch."
  • ERod fixes the dancing dancing.
  • Second Fanservice segment and ERod cuts it.
    SHE-Rod: You're just jealous Dudley does ME right.
  • The girls' increasingly angry reactions to ERod cutting their fanservice short: E-Joy whines, Nurse Cause beats Dr. Affect with a plutonium piece and SHE-Rod flips the bird at him.
     Dark Shadows (2012) 
  • Tim Burton Bingo
  • It's unitentional, and ERod does defend it due to old age, but the special effects from the clips of the original TV show that he uses are pretty funny.
  • When Barnabas is set loose and begins taking out the construction workers, and a guitar riff starts playing.
    ERod: (whispering and looking amazed) This is awesome.
  • Super FRI

     TGWTG Producers Casting Couch 
  • The title card is him tied to a chair while Linkara, the Nostalgia Critic, Angry Joe, and Obscurus Lupa threaten him with their signature weapons. Lupa's weapon? Her cat Ash.
  • The whole Welshy-ERod exchanges
    • This first exchange for starters:
    Welshy: So Why did you spell "wine" in the script?
    ERod: Hey! I said no Meta-humor. What the fuck do I look like? Phelous? This guy looks like Phelous.
    • Welshy calls ERod by his real name. His answer? "Nadie más que mi madre me llama Eric!" (Trans: "Only my mother calls me Eric!")
    • Welshy leaves and ERod starts complaintning about him.
    ERod: That man is INSUFFERABLE!! (Beat) I can't wait to talk to him again!
  • ERod ends the episode saying that at least he didn't forget to mention any important person on the site. Then Sci-Fi Guy cries for being not being mentioned.
  • Really, all of his choices for the casting.
    • 'Jewario' get's cast as Rick Schroder
    • Film Brain is Paul Bettany, just because both are british.
    • Obscurus Lupa is Reba McEntire
    Nerdlinger's suggestions for Lupa are pretty funny too. They are-The Little Mermaid, April O'Neil, Kim Possible, and Fox from Gargoyles.
    • Cinema Snob is Alfred Molina. He admits that this was simply him being too lazy to do more research.
    • Phelous extra from Doctor Who who looks exactly like him.
    • Nostalgia Chick is Janeane Garofalo
    • Angry Joe is Danny Trejo
    • Linkara is Harry Anderson. Apparently, he's also ERod's archenemy.
    • The Nostalgia Critic is Mickey Rourke
    ERod was about to embark on a mission across time and space to save the Nostalgia Critic from the Plothole, only to hit a little snag. He has no idea how to drive the TARDIS.
    • ERod is Denzel Washington. No, seriously. ERod is Puerto Rican and Denzel is... much taller.
  • When he lists off the other members of the site that he forgot, he still forgets Jesuotaku until El Lover reminds him. But El Lover's way of talking confuses him, leading ERod to think he said Jesus Tacos. With El Lover's thick accent, ERod actually hears it pronounced "Hay-soos con tacos."
  • The dedicatory:
    I dedicate this silly video to my fellow Channel Awesome Producers. Who are always welcomed to make fun of me.
    ''... Except for Welshy. He abuses that privilege way too much!

     Rocky & Bullwinkle 
  • ERod's utter bafflement at the villains', then deciding to join in on the dancing.
  • Upon seeing Robert De Niro's bad performance after praising him as one of the greatest actor's of all time.
    • "Uh, maybe he's just warming up."
  • After learning that plan B is recruiting Rocky and Bullwinkle, he demands to know what plan C was.
    • "What was plan C, sending in the Shirt Tales?" and "Actually, now that I think about it, the Shirt Tales are the Expendables of the animal kingdom."
  • Apparently every movie studio has a machine designed to bring cartoon characters into the real world. In fact that was how Andy Samberg was brought into our world.
  • Important Plot Point!
  • Shameful Cameo Counter.
  • His reaction to learning that Robert De Niro produced the movie, and therefore either wrote or approved of the Taxi Driver parody.
  • His ever escalating attempts to bust the movie.
  • ERod Stating that insinuating that Kenan and Kel are the modern Rock and Bullwinkle is like casting Megan Fox as April O'Neil.
  • After restraining himself the second time he attempts to bust the movie, he pulls out a Goofy plushy, goes to hit the DVD with it, and then hugs it instead and walks away sadly.
  • "Yo, script writer. Subtlety, look it up!"
  • "Stop trying to bring logic into this you foolish fool!"
  • Saying that you can't be mad at Bullwinkle for being a dimwit, as it's in his nature, then saying that it'd be like getting mad at Michael Bay for being the biggest douche alive.
  • The look on his face when the villains begin to sing their...anthem?
  • ERod using a Gamecube controller to 'play' Bullwinkle's journey through cyberspace.
  • At the end: "Well, the day is saved, the bad guys are potentially dead, and my childhood is crushed!"

     Scooby Doo 2 
  • ERod comments that the fans have been saying Seth Green should play him in liveaction, for him to constantly deny some kind of similarities... Only to react the same way Seth Green is acting in the movie.
  • During the red carpet opening, ERod questions all the fangirling the gang gets, only for him to have a fangasm when Sarah Michelle Gellar appears.
  • His reactions to Shaggy and Scooby dancing. Perfect example of a "No," reaction.
  • When ERod realizes that the overall message of the movie was about self-acceptance, he decides to give Scooby Doo 2 a second chance. So shocking that even Nerdlinger jawdrops while eating his scoobysnacks.

     Alvin & The Chipmunks 2 
  • The titlecard-the chipmunks are tied to 'The Big One' from Toy Story, which ERod is lighting.
  • The utter bafflement when he realizes they made a sequel to the first movie.
  • At the beginning of the review, he states that Jason Lee is one of his favorite actors, and he wishes there was a way the guy could sit the movie out. Cue Dave getting smashed by the cutout of Alvin.
    ERod(Looks horrified)Not what I meant...but it'll do.
  • His reaction to him trying to bring logic into the chipmunks going to school.
  • "Now that Dave's incapacitated, I'm sure the chipmunks will stay with Dave's girlfriend. You know, the photographer. Don't tell me you forgot about Dave's girlfriend. It's okay, the producers of this movie forgot about her to."
  • Upon seeing that the Chipettes are naked, he gets incredibly uncomfortable and pleads for someone to do something about it. Cue the black censor bars.
  • He angrily demands to know who thought recruiting an animal onto a sports team was a good idea, only to be confronted by posters for Gus, Air Bud, and MVP.
    ERod: Never mind, proceed.
  • His dance lesson during All the Single Ladies.
  • Finally just giving in and playing the Doctor Who clip without complaint when a fart joke is made.
  • His increasing anger at Toby's song.

     Top 10 Bruce Campbell Characters 
  • The video opens with ERod killing zombies, only to stop to take a phone call, apologizing and telling them he'll kill them later.
  • When explaining his claim that Bruce Campbell is the best action star of our time, one of his questions is "Have any of you seen Steven Segall...act? No, I don't think anybody's seen that."
  • Campbell Facts!
  • The Next Bruce Campbell movie? The Blockbuster Buster movie!!

     Nancy Drew 
  • SHE-Rod takes over the episode after prooving she has more experience, has a collosal collection of books and games and a membership, and sends ERod to read the whole Sherlock Holmes anthology in the meanwhile.
  • SHE-Rod's intro:
    SHE-Rod: Greetings, fanboys and fangirls. I'm SHE-Rod and I'm the Blockbuster Buster.
    ERod: Hey!
    SHE-Rod: Did you finish reading your book?
    ERod: *obeys*
  • Nancy gives the burglars pastries.
    SHE-Rod: Yo! Sexist screenwriter. This is Nancy Drew, not "Little Fucking Debbie".
  • About Nancy's boyfriend's line.
    SHE-Rod: And what the hell is Smallville??
    ERod: About nine seasons too long.
  • Celestial voice:Doooooouche.
  • Every time SHE-Rod expressed her hate towards Nancy's dumb schoolmates.
    • The slow-motion "I HATE YOUUUUUU" to the fat kid.
    • The bomb in her car.
      SHE-Rod: (With glee) Quick! Put it whipped cream on and feed it to the fat kid!
  • About the Alpha Bitch:
    SHE-Rod: You know, It's not that I hate her... I just want her to get fingered by Wolverine.
  • After Nancy offers desserts again to people, and SHE-Rod once again rages against this, ERod intervines again.
    ERod: Come on, you know you'd be compliant if somebody gave you some strudle.
    SHE-Rod: Uhmmm... Strudle.... *an image of Dwayne Johnson appears*

     The Son of The Mask 
  • The entire review is made with Insane!ERod, inserting no-sense catchphrase every once in a while.
  • When Loki appears, ERod describes him as "The Creature that haunts my nightmares every time I turn off the dark..."
    • Then everytime Loki transforms into his green-faced form, the background music plays "A Freak Like Me Needs Company"
  • Introduces Jamie Kennedy and Traylor Howard.
    ERod: So we cut to Otis' owners, a newly wed couple played by the lovely Traylor Howard and one of the most unfunniest motherfuckers on the planet, Jamie Kennedy. Now let's enjoy some of his non-comedy!
    ERod: Now let's see now how all the Jim Carey fans felt about their favorite actor being replaced by this douche. (cut to a kid giving Jamie Kennedy a Groin Attack) Meh. Everybody is a critic.
  • Jamie Kennedy's Halloween costume is... Zombie-Pinocchio...
  • After Jamie Kennedy fucks Traylor Howard wearing the mask.
    ERod: (astonished) She just fucked a cartoon character... Well, I guess now Traylor Howard knows what it's like to be Courteney Cox (cut to a photo of Courteney Cox and David Arquette and a drums sound.)
  • Fart Joke cue:
    ERod: I know exactly what Internet meme to reference.
    *The M. Vison "Of Course!" plays instead of "The Doctor" clip*
    ERod: That never gets old.
    ERod: Oh yes! I have this meme thing down!
  • Jamie Kennedy confirms his wife is really her by grabbing her boob.
    ERod: Hey, El Lover. Is boob-grabbing a way to confirm if a señorita is a señorita?
    El Lover: Boobs can be fake, papi.
  • When Loki starts to chase Jamie Kennedy with a giant hammer, ERod starts to regain sanity momentarily... until Odin shows up.

     Top 10 Terrible Terminator Salvation Moments 
  • Since he doesn't have someone to deliver the traditional Movie-Facts, he instead gets interrupted by TDKR!Bane, getting ERod irritated because of the stupid voice and the useless interruptions.
    • Finally Batman arrives and breaks Bane's back to shut him up.
      • Also why Batman doesn't have the weird voice? Because HE IS BATMAN!

     Resident Evil Retribution 
  • The movie starts with... Milla Jovovich in the center of the screen with a heavenly light behind her. Paul Anderson just broke the record set on The Three Musketeers of how much time it would take him to insert slowmotion and overglorification of his wife in a movie.
    Paul Anderson: When my wife eats croutons, laser beams shoot from her eyes.
    ERod: Really?
  • ERod being annoyed by Cartoon-E's antics.
  • Alice appears naked again.
    ERod: Every time they capture her, they take her clothes off. Who is running the Umbrella Corporation? Frank Miller?
    Frank Miller: Dude. I challenge you to say "boobies" and not smile.
    ERod: Boobies. (starts grumpy and smiles slowly, to finally crack) Sorry, I can't do it.
  • 3D!!!
  • Noticing the child who played Becky not only is good, but actually is hearing impared, ERod wants to congratulate her because she acts better than many child actors that can hear well, illustrating the example with Noah Ringer from Last Airbender.
    ERod: (Flips the bird at him) Sorry. This is the only sign language I know.
  • "Sappy Sappy Joy Joy! Sappy Sappy Joy Joy"
  • Death Frisbee.

  • ERod being oblivious of Jeannie's attention.
  • Tony Stark makes better decisions than you!
  • The stinger:
    El Lover: So that fool knows you can get out of your bottle whenever you want?
    Jeannie: Nope.

     The Country Bears 

     Next Top 10 Voice-Over Actors 

     Garfield 2 

  • Wrestling Match narrated by ERod by pure instinct.
  • Time for commercials. When ERod questions why, Fedora Freddy explains that's the way he pays rent.
    ERod: Oh. So that means is really really really really really really really really importante we let these commercials play. (looks at the audience as they cut)
    (after the break)
    ERod: Was that it? Hey! That wasn't so bad. So what you're telling me is that all you have to do is sit throught 30 to 60 seconds of commercials and in return you get a free entertaining video? Who would be inconsidered, belligerent, down right immature to complaint about that? (looks at the audience)

     Shrek 2 
  • Nerdlinger talking in references and ERod getting annoyed at this.
    Nerdlinger: Today's episode is brought to you by the word "Irony".
  • The Puppy-Eyes.
  • ERod describes Shrek's human form as "Mark Ruffalo".

     Shrek the 3rd 
  • The Third movie has Donkey's kids with the Dragon, which makes ERod barf several times due to the idea of a donkey and a dragon doing it.
    • First realizing the Donkey and the Dragon had offsprings.
      ERod: They look like donkey-dragons. (Beat) Oh my god... Oh, no. The Donkey and The Dragon?! (Then gets a paper bag and proceeds to vomit in it)
      ERod: (Cries before starting to barf again)
      ERod: (Stunned) I'm OK now.
    • Then when questioning the frog king.
      ERod: So... If a frog turned human had sex with a human and they make an ogre, but if a donkey and a Dragon... (barfs again)
  • "That's right, kids! Shrek sleeps naked!"
  • ERod fangasming at the princesses being badass.
  • After the anticlimatic resolution, ERod decides to give a last chance with the final scene, cue to Shrek's babies vomiting and farting.
    ERod: (Fake smile) Allright, I'm done.


     The Haunted Mansion 
  • The expressionless wife was so bad, ERod didn't bother to research about her.
    ERod: You know what? I'm not even gonna bother to learn this actor's name. From this day forward, I'll only refer to her as "Expressionless McButchers-a-Line"
    ERod: My God, you're bad. I've seen talking cupcakes that were better actors.
    ERod: Miss Bellum from The Powerpuff Girls has more expressions than you.
    ERod: But Creepy-Terence-Stamp poisons Expressionless. And no... She can't even play dead.
  • "Deus-Ex-Tilly, Motherfuckers!"

     A Good Day to Die Hard 

     Batman 1966 
  • ERod and Linkara dancing to the Bat-Tootsie.
    ERod: Wait, why are we doing this?
    Linkara: Just go with it, man. (they keep dancing)
  • Linkara's blank stares whenever ERod tried to piss him off with an insult.
  • The shot of the bikini girls on a rooftop seems to piss Linkara off and ERod, noticing this, tries to provoke Linkara to his anger.
    Linkara: (repressing anger) No! Women are free to stand on rooftops in bikinis if it's their own desire. It is nothing to do with the Male Gaze.
    ERod: But this is nothing to do with their own desire, they are doing so of the desire of the film makers. Come on! Bust this movie. You know you want to, boy.
    Linkara: Boy? I AM A MAN!! (represses anger and calms down) And as a man, I am able to excersise some form of self-control. As should you.
  • This exchange:
    Linkara: I think you whine for the sake of whining.
    ERod: Your mother!!! (punches him)
    • Later, during the scene when Bruce Wayne is seducing Catwoman's alter ego, ERod gleefully makes references to her "Polishing his Baterang" and "Sliding down his Batpole", much to Linkara's chagrin.
    ERod: Who's exhibiting self-control now, Mr Man?
    Linkara: TU MADRE!!! (punches him)
  • When the police and Batman deduce the villains allied by using Insane Troll Logic
    Linkara: (Beat) I've got nothing...
  • When Batman and Robin failed to save the world diputees because they went on foot. Call-Back from ERod's Top 20 F*ed Up Batman Returns' moments.
    Linkara: I'll admit, this is an even bigger plounder than when he failed to save the Ice Princess in Batman Returns. There's a scene that will scar you for life.
    ERod: (Still crying) I don't know what you're talking about-DON'T JUDGE ME!
  • Another Call-Back after Linkara breaks the fourth wall.
    Linkara: (takes his glasses off and talks to the camera) Those are words that are meant to represent sound effects.
    ERod: Why did you just said that aloud?
    Linkara: As an expositional convenience for the audience. (gets punched by ERod
    ERod: I said not meta-humor!! What the fuck do I look like? Phelous? This guy looks like Phelous. (shows the Doctor Who extra from his Casting Couch of Phelous)
  • When ERod complains about the bomb scene, Linkara tells him to prove it... by giving him a bomb. ERod's panic as he tries to get rid of. Linkara watches him amusingly running around, and after a few laps, stops him and tells him to just "let it go". 90's Kid ends up catching the bomb.
    • After ERod leaves, Linkara wonders "90's Kid was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago..."
  • After ERod accuses Linkara of always copying him, Linkara dismisses all as coincidences, to which ERod refutes with "I'm nothing like you!", with both of them drawing out sonic screwdivers at the same time.
    Linkara: That would mean, even you chose a non-lethal force of defense.
    ERod: Actually, mine has all the sonic waves turned up to 90 decimal seconds, so it could scramble your brains like an egg.
    Linkara: Ok, there're some subtle differences between us...
  • The stinger with Doctor Linksano and Nerdlinger lamenting not having any parts in the review.
    • Nerdlinger squees when Linksano suggests doing some science.

     The Shaggy Dog (2006) 

     The Musketeer 

     Hotel Transylvania 
  • Douchenanigans!
  • When Dracula gets a short view of a Twilight spoof, he shows disgust at how vampires are being represented in modern days. ERod's answer?
    ERod: Ok, I'll give you this one, Sandler.

     House of Wax 
  • ERod's The Room references of whenever the killer, played by Tommy Wiseau, shows up.
  • Instead of learning the characters' names, ERod decides to refer to them by their stereotypes: The Virgin, The Boyfriend, The Stoner, Jerk-face, Token and Ho-Bag
  • Everytime Ho-Bag does something slutty (like giving Token a blowjob in the car and doing a strip-tease dance), ERod shrugs comedically.
    ERod: Oh, Paris!
  • Instead of cheering about Paris Hilton's death ERod calmly points out:
    ERod: You know what? Paris Hilton already looks like an expressionless wax doll in real life. Wouldn't turning her into one just be redundant?

     Texas Chainsaw 3 D 
  • Freudian Slip about Heather's topless scene.
    ERod: (completely deadpan) Boobies.

     Breaking Dawn Part 2 
  • The quick recap of the Twilight Saga.
    Deadpan/Bella: I love you. Turn me into a vampire.
    Whiney/Edward: Hair gel.
    Sharkboy/Jacob: I love you more.
    Deadpan/Bella: Uh, I'm sorry. What? I was busy throwing myself off a cliff for the other guy.
    Sharkboy/Jacob: This Un-holy union is going to cause a war.
    Deadpan/Bella: Uh, ok.
    (War music as the battle in Eclipse happens)
    Deadpan/Bella: I'm, like, having your vampire baby.
    Whiney/Edward: Uh... Do you wanna get an abortion?
    Deadpan/Bella: A what?!
    Whiney/Edward: Uhm, I mean, The birth of this baby will cause a devastating war.
    Deadpan/Bella: Uhm, ok.
    (War music as the battle in Breaking Dawn Part 1 happens)
    Whiney/Edward: I'm not going to turn you into a vampire, not even to save your- Uh, nevermind (starts biting her)
    Deadpan/Bella: Uh, I'm like a vampire, an I'm going to suck your-
  • When Deadpan is about to meet Reneesme, ERod states he's going to refer to her as "Stupid Name", and then gets freaked out by the CGI baby.
  • Starts laughing hysterically about the most unintentional bit of humor of the movie: The actors actually try to teach Kristen Stewart how to act like a human being.
  • The introduction of the super-powered vampires:
    Gathered from the lamest reaches of the Cosmos, these are The Sparkly Friends!!
    ELEMENTO: With the power of make the elements of the Earth dance whimsically, to give the audience a false sense of wonder.
    ELECTRA LASS: She can do anything a Tazer can.
    THE AMAZONIAN TWINS: They can make you think you're in a jungle instead of a forest. Handy...
    And VAMPIRE JESUS: Able to summarize an entire scene with one snarky remark.
    The Sparkly Friends: Divided they fall, United. . . they would still fall.
  • Dakota Fanning voice: "OMG, I'm so gonna tweet about this later"
  • His recap of the long conversation with the Volturi:
    ERod: And now... they talk. They talk A LOT. They talk more than a Quentin Tarantino movie, without the interesting bits. And their conversation basically... goes like this:
    Whiney/Edward: Our daughter is not Evil
    Mr. Prissypuffs/Aro: I don't care. I'm still gonna murder her until I kill her to death.
    Deadpan/Bella: Can you tell that we, like, totally love her and that she wouldn't, like, hurt a fly?
    Mr. Prissypuffs/Aro: I'm still gonna cut her pretty little head off.
    Vampirita/Alice: I have the power to show you the future. See? In the future she doesn't hurt anyone.
    Mr. Prissypuffs/Aro: That's so nice. I'm still gonna kill her.

     102 Dalmatians 

     G.I.Joe: Retaliation 
