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Funny / Peter Pan Goes Wrong

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TV Special

  • At the start of the play, David Suchet as the narrator is introduced by a sudden blast on stage. Not even three seconds after he's started narrating, another blast goes off, startling him.
  • Dennis' attempts to remember his lines.
    • First, he wears a large headset to get his lines read to him. It malfunctions and he starts saying what's on the radio.
    • Later, he gets it broken, and has to read off cue cards. This leads to lines like 'you can't act -> in this way' and 'this is a terrible show -> of cowardice'.
    • Dennis, after his headset is knocked off and he's acting as Mr. Smee, is trying to remember his lines. Chris tries to prompt him with his next line, only for Dennis to answer with Hook's next line, with Chris just going with it and saying Smee's lines in answer.
    • During the musical number "The World of Make Believe", he starts singing the lines that he hears over the radio. For added hilarious irony, Dennis is easily the best singer of the bunch, which makes him singing the Teletubbies theme even more ridiculous.
    • After Jonathan and the unprepared Trevor get hurt, everyone stares in silence at Peter's hat, waiting for someone else to take up the part. Then, just as Dennis is approaching...
    Dennis: NOT YOU, DENNIS! WALK AWAY! [he does just that]
  • Chris, playing Mr. Darling, tries to hang his jacket on a coat hook, only for the jacket to immediately fall to the floor. Turns out the hook has been painted onto the door.
  • Robert finds that the doggy door ONLY swings into the room the hard way, when he headbutts the door as he's crawling as Nana.
  • Robert also gets stuck in the doggy door. Twice.
    • The first time, while he plays Nana, the stagehands have to come in while Annie, playing Mrs. Darling, is singing a lullaby to the children. As they try to cut him out of the door, finally succeeding with a chainsaw, Annie has to yell in order to be heard.
    • When he's acting as Peter's shadow, he tries to get through the cut open doggy door after the lock jams, only to realize he's stuck and yell "Not again!"
  • When the crocodile first appears, Chris's final recording as Captain Hook for Jonathan-as-Peter to lip-sync to doesn't end when it's supposed to, segueing into Chris and Robert talking about the problems with the show. This includes how the crocodile's actor, Max, is only in the show because either his aunt runs the BBC and got the group on TV (in the TV special) or his uncle donated forty thousand pounds to the group (in the stage version). He then sadly walks off before the scene resumes.
    • The bottom of the scooter he uses to go along the floor says "Max's Croco Trolley".
  • The Running Gag of the cab horn honking at inopportune moments. Starting with three cab horns playing and Annie as the housekeeper announcing each horn and Chris improvising.
    Chris: Excellent. Three cabs. One for Mary, one for me, and one for... my... hat.
    • The second time has Hook hearing the cab in Neverland, then, examining the chimney for the lost boys hideout, the horn sound effect plays again (complete with Dennis chiming in like it's a pantomime).
    Chris: A cab!
    Dennis: Oh no it isn't!
    Chris: Yes, it is! YES, IT IS! I don't know WHY it is, but it is!
    • The horn honks again while Wendy and Michael are on the ship, right after Chris-as-Hook talks about the stillness of the night.
      Chris: A CAB! Why is there a cab in the sea?!
  • Chris re-enters the stage.
    Narrator: But little did Peter, Wendy, or the Lost Boys know that Hook lurked among the trees, and his men kidnapped the children!
    Audience: Booooooo!
    Chris: [breaking character] Oh, grow up.
  • Video footage of Hook is shown to represent him on the water. The first one ends with him being told he needs to be in a pedalo. The second time around, he's in a pedalo (shaped like a swan) and told the lake is closing. By the third time around, he's in a lap pool filled with bystanders splashing about (which he promptly falls into as he's trying to get out of the boat.)
    • There's a bonus laugh that only emerges through repeated viewings; the first two clips have a time stamp of 21st September 2016, while the final clip has a timestamp of 30th December. The special was broadcast on 31st December, which means in-universe Chris had clearly exhausted all other options and was filming this scene the day before the broadcast!
  • Robert's niece Lucy repeatedly being injured as Tootles, with her first wearing a leg brace and using a crutch, then two leg braces, then finally being in a wheelchair during the final battle.
  • After Jonathan has a big fall out of his harness, David Suchet needs to stall for time, so he tells a story of a time a child actor got badly injured during a play he was in, and how the ambulance couldn't help because he was parked in the ambulance spot. The real kicker is, after Suchet admitted to being "partially responsible" for the child's death, he then reveals that he's also the actor who injured the kid in the first place.
    • Later on, when Annie's unresponsive after being electrocuted, Sandra hisses for David to call an ambulance — "and move your car!"
  • Chris' arguments with the audience when they treat the play like a pantomime. First they argue about whether or not revenge is sweet, then he goes off at them for telling him where Peter Pan is.
    • During the same scene, Chris realizes that, given he has the hook hand on, he can't open the poison bottle he has to poison Peter's medicine. When one of the audience members yells "You need a hand?", he goes off on them.
    Chris: NO, I DO NOT NEED A HAND!
    Audience member: Oh yes, you d-
    Chris: NO, I DON'T! SHUT UP! What is WRONG with you people?! This is a serious play! You're RUINING it!
    Audience member: Oh no, we're n-
    Chris: YES, YOU ARE!
    • He continually fumbles with the bottle, trying to get the tip of the hook under it. He finally manages to do it as the audience applauds... only for him to realize he also needs to open the medicine bottle as well. Frustrated, he just dumps the poison onto the (closed) bottle and walks off.
  • After Annie gets electrocuted, Chris gives a panicked order to David Suchet to cover for them. At that moment, Suchet freezes for a moment, then steals Chris' Captain Hook moustache to temporarily become Poirot.
    David Suchet: "Mesdames et messieurs... it is not very usual for Poirot to be so near to the catastrophe." [Chris angrily steals his moustache back.]
  • Robert's unintelligible accent as Starkey. At one point, he loses his sword (wearing a prop shaped like a canoe) and tries to get Dennis to retrieve it, pronouncing it as "soooeeerrrddd..." and getting increasingly frustrated as Dennis doesn't understand, to the point that he just uses the canoe's oar to cut Tiger Lily free.
  • Annie's continual costume changes as she plays different characters, namely Mrs. Darling and Liza in the beginning.
    • When she realizes she's still dressed as a pirate, she quickly flips the costume off, revealing she has her Tiger Lily costume underneath.
  • After Jonathan falls from his harness, Trevor comes in as Peter, carrying the script, weakly lifted in on the harness and Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud from a huge script book.
    • At one point, he reads "Peter begins to eat, Tinkerbell..." and Sandra's eyebrows raise.
    • The people controlling the harnesses do no better with him than with the rest of the cast. His flying, like Jonathan before him, leads to him being flung around stage, and him "landing nimbly" is portrayed as him being abruptly dropped to the floor. At one point, he reads "Peter flies up onto the table" before shaking his head off-stage, then uses a chair to climb up himself — only for a loose board to swing up and strike him in the face, knocking him out. Robert ends up having to use a broom handle to push him offstage while he's still hanging from the harness.
  • After the chaos with the revolving stage and Trevor's attempt to literally anchor it to the wall, the strain causes the rope to snap. With the majority of the cast still aboard, the pirate ship is sent rolling through the sets of Eggheads, BBC News at 10, and Teletubbies before somehow returning with Po the Teletubby on board.

Stage Version

  • What happens preshow — at least, what happened during closing night — is definitely hilarious:
    • Robert tries to power the lamps in the bedroom with the power generator for the turntable — more specifically, he uses the same wire for all three of them. This starts causing power surges in the theatre, and the actors end up having to run a very long power cord from another generator through the audience to get everything working like it should be.
    • In the specific video linked, Robert points out to Trevor that two people in the audience who are recording are dressed up as Tinkerbell and Wendy. Trevor immediately asks them if they're here on behalf of the union and is relieved to learn neither of them are trying to be understudies.
    • Max and Dennis arrive late. Much to Trevor's dismay, Max tries to drink while he's up on stage, while Dennis offers him some snacks that he clearly doesn't want.
    • Lucy, clearly not wanting to do the show, books it for the exit as fast as she can. Trevor finds the poor girl outside and brings her back while she's on the verge of having a panic attack.
  • Trevor's "No Talking or Phones" Warning is more hilarious than his previous one:
    • When he mentions that all drinks should be decanted into plastic cups, he does a Double Take and hides his bottle of alcohol.
    • As he talks about the need for mobile phones to be switched off, someone named Tanya calls him mid-warning. He tells her that he's on-stage and proceeds to take a selfie with the audience for her... then goes on to say that photography is strictly prohibited.
    • "One final note, please be aware that the emergency fire exits are locked."
  • During Chris and Robert's introduction:
    • Robert claims the show is a pantomime, which Chris doesn't appreciate.
      Chris: Robert, it's not a pantomime. It's a traditional Christmas vignette.
      Robert: Oh, no it isn't!
      (audience joins in with "oh, yes it is!"; Robert grins at the response before noticing that Chris doesn't look happy)
      Chris: ...hahahaha.
    • The two take the opportunity to reflect on their past performances, including an adaptation of the famous Rapunzel story where — due to Sandra getting an ill-timed haircut — Rapunzel had to be imprisoned in a bungalow instead of a tower, and a production of Oliver! where Robert, playing Mr. Bumble, witnessed Dennis (Oliver Twist) come up to him, hold up his bowl, and say "Please, sir, I'm full." They also attempted to perform an adaptation of Puss in Boots with a real puss in the boots (it was apparently Robert's idea), which became known among the society as "Puss Who Was Occasionally in Boots, But Often Refused to Wear His Boots and Pooed in Them".note 
  • Chris's tie ends up suffocating him when Annie accidentally ties it too tight, causing him to end up choking out his next few lines before he stumbles into the wall. Max's immediate next line as Michael is "I don't want to be like father."
  • Since Robert-as-Nana is stuck in the doggy door and is unable to get a spoon, Max decides to improvise when it comes time for Mr. Darling to give his children the medicine and hands Chris a pair of scissors. The medicine rather predictably ends up creating a puddle on the floor that Chris keeps slipping on throughout the scene, and he accidentally manages to stab himself in the leg after trying to take the scissors out of Max's mouth. There's a long Beat — and then he screams in agony.
  • While she's turning out the lamps during Mrs. Darling's lullaby, Annie notices the middle lamp turn back on after she puts out the lamp on the left. She goes to put it out, and the left lamp turns back on. After she turns that one off, she accidentally rips the middle lamp out of the wall trying to turn it back off.
    • And then Trevor enters to free Robert from the door.
      Annie: (singing) All is quiet-
      (Trevor starts loudly hammering away at the door)
  • As he enters, Peter suddenly starts flying back towards the windows. He grabs onto one of them — and rips it off as he starts flying forward again.
  • Some of Francis' narrations:
    • When he says he "shall disappear" before the children arrive in Neverland, the chair moves away from the stage. Very... slowly. And then it slowly slides back into place. And then it takes off without him.
    • Following his role as Cecco before the scene in Marooner's Rock, he isn't ready when changing costume into the Narrator, and has to spend the entire narration suffering from Comedic Underwear Exposure while he tries to hide it with his book.
    • One of them shows Trevor clearly controlling the chair when he pushes it too far to the right.
  • In the first Neverland scene, Annie tries to turn on the lights connected to her Tinkerbell dress... and ends up knocking out power to the whole theatre. The scene then temporarily has to be done while Trevor stands on stage holding a flashlight.
    Jonathan: (in pitch blackness) You can see all of Neverland from here, Wendy!
    • Trevor points the flashlight at himself when Wendy comments on the trees, leading to him briefly being introduced as Tootles before he points the flashlight over at Lucy.
      Jonathan: That, Wendy, is Tootles! One of the Lost Boys! The other one was a... a merman.
      (running with this, Trevor briefly strikes a sultry pose before the lights come back on)
  • Starkey remains truly incomprehensible.
    Robert: (unintelligible vaguely-pirate gibberish)
    Chris: (staring at him stunned) ...aye, Starkey. I know what you mean.
  • Francis also plays Cecco and has problems retrieving props for Hook in the first act when a spyglass, a pistol, rum, and a compass are requested. For the spyglass, he rolls up a map. For the pistol, he uses and tears up a Playbill for the musical Six. For the rum, he provides a bottle of hand sanitizer. And for the compass, he retrieves the three objects he failed to grab before.
    Francis: [holding up the torn playbill for Six] Your pistol, Captain!
    Chris: That's not a pistol!
    Francis: Aye, Captain! It be a six-shooter!
  • At Marooner's Rock, Peter and Wendy dive into the water to see the aquatic life of Neverland. Predictably, the following scene goes as well as you'd expect:
    • The fish props keep getting dropped by the actors.
    • Two actors drop props for a mermaid and crab. After picking the pieces back up, the crab ends up with mermaid legs while the mermaid gets crab legs.
    • Some of the actors accidentally form a penis using two pufferfish and a long fish.
    • At one point, the lights come on to reveal the actors standing on stage in dark costumes. Once the lights go back out, the music for the section starts playing faster and faster until it abruptly cuts out, while Max decides to stay on stage and play around with his fish prop for the audience until Chris calls for him.
  • As Peter falls to the floor from his harness, a banner comes down advertising a previous production of ''Jack and the Bean'' starring Robert.
  • The Significant Anagram that starts the second act: instead of reading "ACT TWO OF PETER PAN", the introductory cards held by the cast read "A TON OF WET PET CRAP". Robert has to stall for time, repeating his introduction while the cast shuffle the cards around to get them in the right order.
  • Instead of appearing out of a circle that the rest of the cast makes, Robert enters from the top of the stairs during the "World of Make-Believe" song — and promptly falls down them as soon as his music cue ends.
  • While he's being suspended upside-down from his harness, Trevor tries to flip himself over. He fails the first time — simply slamming himself back into the tree — and spins back over the second time, before succeeding with the third.
    Sandra: I do worry about you, Peter!
    Trevor: (reading the script from where he's being suspended) "OH, BUT WENDY, THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT."
  • The story of an actor crushing a kid during a performance is given to Robert, leading to Sandra asking if he crushed Annie too after she's been electrocuted.
