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Funny / Missing Link

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  • Lionel casually insisting to his panicking assistant Mr. Lint to hold still, smile, and say "cheese" while he takes a picture of Nessie. The way he goes about it, you'd think Mr. Lint were simply fidgeting rather than fearing for his life that this monster could eat him...which it does, in one bite!
    Lionel: Huh, a carnivore.
    • Also, some of Lint's lines are absolutely hilarious.
    Lint: [sighs] Should've joined the army...
    • And while Lint is holding onto the rope as Lionel readies his camera, there's the series of protests he makes:
    Lint: My hands are bleeding!
  • This argument Sir Lionel has with Mr. Lint when he tries to convince him it was an honor to be eaten alive by Nessie:
    Lionel: You were mauled by a prehistoric lake monster. How many people can claim that?
    • Also in the same scene, Sir Lionel tries to keep Mr. Lint in his employ by half-heartedly (if somewhat sincerely) promising he won't let his valet get eaten again. Mr. Lint argues with "That's what you said the last time!"
  • "The afoot!"
  • Lord Piggot-Dunceby is making a stand for all that is civilized by hiring a thug to kill Lionel.
    • Even earlier, the way he dramatically climbs upon an end table to brag that Britain brings civilization and good manners to the world.
  • Lionel riding through the town nearby where the sasquatch lives. On the second floor of a building, a prostitute filing her nails blows a kiss his way, and he's flattered. Inside a jail cell, a thug filing the bars on his window blows one at him too. Lionel has a wide-eyed look that just screams "Nope".
  • Sir Lionel and Mr. Link's first meeting. At first, it looks like the sasquatch is about to give an animalistic roar. ...before he goes into coughing, wheezing fits from something he ate once.
  • Sir Lionel measuring Mr. Link's chest circumference by hugging him is just begging for a Jurassic Park Dr. Grant meme.
  • Mr. Link learned who Lionel was from reading newspaper headlines about him... mostly about how he squandered his family's inheritance, makes crazy claims, and was involved with a Spanish ballerina "in flagrante".
    Sir Lionel: [embarrassed] You can't believe everything you read.
    • In regards to the "In Flagrante" news article, Mr. Link casually mentions there's a picture attached to said article. It's just the pure, innocent way Mr. Link talks about it that nails it home.
  • From the bar fight scene:
    • A dog barks and growls at Mr. Link, who responds by roaring at him. The dog backs up and apparently decides he wants to take its chances with another foe... then he begins to attack his master, who was standing next to him.
    • Once everyone starts to punch each other, one man has no one next to him except a stuffed moose head mounted on the wall. He chooses to punch that.
  • When Mr. Link voices his complaint about how claustrophobic and hot his clothes feel on the train, Sir Lionel suggests he can open a window if it will make him feel better. However, the way he words his suggestion leads to this gem:
    Sir Lionel: Fine, fine. By all means, crack open the win—
    Mr. Link: (cracks open a window, with his bare fist)
    Sir Lionel:...doww.
    Mr. Link: Oh, that's better!
  • In the commentary, Chris Butler pointing out that if Mr. Link is wearing clothes he stole from one of Stenk's men, chances are that somewhere out there, that man is waking up naked.
  • From the scene where Lionel is trying to get Adelina to give him the map:
    • Adelina figures out that Lionel just wants her map and asks if he was planning on just charming his way into her giving it to him. He then offers to pay her for it...and it goes about as well as you'd expect.
      Lionel: I see how much your husband's legacy means to you. I would never wish to obtain the map by insincere flim-flammery. No. ...I will pay you for it!
    • Throughout the entire scene, Lionel is rummaging through drawers to find the map, and when Adelina turns around, he quickly tries to look like he was doing nothing with comical feigned casualness.
    • After Lionel offers to pay for the map, Adelina just...loses it. It cuts to Lionel legging it out of the room where Mr Link is waiting, Adelina yelling in Spanish off-camera, and the butler being knocked out in her rage by a hurled paperweight.
  • The entire scene where Sir Lionel and Mr. Link try to sneak into Adelina's home to steal the map.
  • Sir Lionel thinks opening the safe using the crowbar is too loud, and maybe throwing the safe out the window will be less trouble. He gets a rude awakening when Link makes an unholy din by scraping it across the floor while trying to push it towards the window. Frustrated, Lionel sarcastically claims Link might as well play a trumpet and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner". Link says he would, but he doesn't have a trumpet, and he doesn't know that tune very well anyway. Then, when Link finally catches onto the sarcasm, he facetiously says "I'm on to you", as though Lionel's sarcasm were some sort of scheme he was planning all along.
  • "You terrible thieves!!" "A fair assessment."
  • Adelina screaming as loudly and shrilly as a train whistle when she spots him running off with her map, which immediately hard-cuts to an actual train whistle.
  • Adelina goes in search of our heroes to get back her husband's map. At the train station, she sees two suspicious figures: a nun and a wheelchair-bound granny that obviously resemble Sir Lionel and Mr. Link, respectively. She confronts them, adding that she doesn't want to know how Sir Lionel got a hold of a nun's outfit... and then Mr. Link blurts that they robbed a nun. Sir Lionel tries to play dumb and pretend he is but a humble nun...for all of five seconds, until Adelina holds up a gun, prompting him to sheepishly confess it is them.
    • When he's caught and confronted by Adelina, Nun!Lionel crosses himself, as though maybe it's not just to keep up the charade, but as though he sincerely wishes for protection against Adelina's wrath.
    • When Adelina has Frost at gunpoint, he starts trying to reason with her, only for a gunshot to be heard and for him to duck. Adelina then looks in confusion at her gun, wondering if she accidentally pulled the trigger.
  • "Someone is shooting at you, and it isn't me! Did you steal from him as well?"
  • Adelina confronts Sir Lionel about how he treats Mr. Link poorly, to which an offended Sir Lionel asks her to name one time he's ever done so.
    Sir Lionel: Okay, I said "Name one".
  • During the fight sequence on the boat, Stenk tries to get some men on his side by framing Mr. Link (who's carrying Adelina) as a "monster kidnapping a defenseless girl". Clueless that he's talking about him, Mr. Link confusedly wonders "...Monster?" And Adelina bemusedly says "Defenseless?"
  • The scene where Lord Piggot-Dunceby finds out from Stenk that the heroes are getting ahead of him starts with a shot of a crate labeled "Nuts", whilst we hear Piggot-Dunceby's off-screen screaming and yelling. As though even the camera is unnerved by this spectacle, it pans slowly over to Lord Piggot-Dunceby indeed going nuts, throwing a tantrum from the news. He actually kicks and screams like an angry child in front of his colleagues. Mr. Collick notes that he took it quite well. As Chris Butler comments in the Directors' Commentary:
    Chris Butler: Subtle.
  • In the mountain village situated near the hidden Shangri-la, Sir Lionel tries to ask for directions from a local, slowly and loudly. The old man in question, with a glued-on smile, playfully sticks his tongue out at them.
    Link: [offended, at old man] Sir, that was RUUUUDEEEE!
    • When Sir Lionel then explains to an offended Mr. Link that the old man's tongue-sticking is possibly the village's customary greeting, Link tries to imitate it by greeting with his tongue sticking out. The old man is repulsed.
  • Upon taking our heroes to see Gamu, Ama warns them not to mention the chicken under any circumstances. Inside Gamu's home, the chicken is literally the first thing they (and the audience) see, making it all the more harder to ignore the elephant in the room.
    Sir Lionel: [ignoring the chicken] Greetings, venerable Gamu.
    Adelina: [reverently] It is an honor.
    Mr. Link: What's with the chicken?
  • The exchange between Mr. Link and Gamu's chicken. When it looks down, he looks down. When it blinks one eye and then the other, he tries doing the same. When it clucks, he's spooked a bit.
  • Gamu keeps patties made from the dung of yaks to fuel her fire... and, believing they're cookies, Mr. Link eats them. It's the way he savors the "cookies" that sells it.
  • When Mr. Link reveals he's a sasquatch to Gamu, she screams and faints. Her granddaughter Ama shrieks "You have killed my grandmother!" This leads to some wacky hijinks where everyone's looking to Link to give Gamu the kiss of life. Just when Link is about to administer a kiss, Gamu wakes up and screams.
    Ama: You killed her again!
  • The Yeti Elder calls sasquatches their "redneck cousins". The Literal-Minded Mr. Link assumes she's talking about his fur color, and explains it's more auburn than red.
  • When they get a view of the yetis' valley, our heroes savor the beauty that is Shangri-la. Of course, the yeti elder points out that's just an outsider's name for it. What it's really called is something else:
    Yeti Elder: We call it [series of yeti growls and snarls].
    Sir Lionel: [visibly unnerved] How phlegmatic. What is the meaning?
    Yeti Elder: [without missing a beat] "Keep-out-we-hate-you".
    • All while the Yeti Elder shares the "name", Adelina and Sir Lionel look surprised, while a serene Mr. Link is unfazed.
  • The yeti elder instructs her guards to throw the group into the pit, but then adds in an Overly Long Name for the place.
  • Whilst interrogating Gamu, Skenk tries to threaten her at gunpoint, but Lord Piggot-Dunceby points out that threatening an old lady isn't going to work, and there are more effective methods. Skenk wonders "How 'bout the chicken?"
  • When Adelina asks Sir Lionel why he wants to be one of the Optimates, he answers "Because they said I couldn't!" His tone sounds so incredibly childish, as though he were a little boy who was forbidden by the big kids to join them in their clubhouse.
  • Mr. Link's attempt to throw Sir Lionel out of the pit at his behest. Lionel hits a wall for his troubles, letting out the most pained grunt a person who collides with a solid wall can make. Link can't tell whose fault it was... and enthusiastically suggests they do it again!
    • Link then successfully throws Adelina out of the pit, we briefly hear a scuffle and Lionel call for her to throw something to them. Cue an unconscious Yeti guard being unceremoniously tossed into the pit.
    Sir Lionel: A rope would be better.
    Susan: I don't know. Three more of them and we could build a ramp.
  • The Elder Yeti's response to Sir Lionel escaping prison.
    Elder Yeti: The people we don't want here are leaving! Force them to stay!
  • During the climax, Sir Lionel and Stenk engaging in the most immature slap fight imaginable whilst hanging off the ledge for dear life. In fact, when Stenk first slaps Sir Lionel, the latter simply looks rather annoyed, as though thinking "Did you really just slap me?"
  • When facing off with the Elder Yeti and her yetis one last time, Susan gives them a dignified Death Glare... before blowing the longest ever raspberry at them. The indignant, wide-eyed look in the Elder Yeti's eyes just sells it.
  • When parting ways with Adelina, Lionel leans in to kiss her, but she completely stops him in his tracks. Susan proceeds to poke fun at him for it.
    Susan: [In a teasing manner] You were going in for a kiss there, weren't you?
