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Funny / Jurassic World

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The Movie

  • Owen trying to flirt with Claire. Badly. VERY, VERY badly.
    • And the two briefly arguing Like an Old Married Couple afterward...especially with the reveal of how well their first date went.
      Owen: What kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila?
      Claire: ALL of them, actually. And what kind of man shows up to a date in board shorts?
      Owen: It's Central America, it's hot!
    • At one point, Claire runs to Owen shouting "I need you!" You'd expect Owen to make a leery joke about it, but instead he just says "Okay" in the most awkward voice possible.
  • Doubling as a heartwarming moment: There's a scene in which a bunch of kids happily run around the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo to play with and pet baby dinosaurs. While the kids love it, the baby dinosaurs seem...less pleased by it.
    • One of the kids happily hugs a baby Apatosaurus. The poor herbivore looks rather distressed.
    • Made even funnier if you've been to an actual petting zoo. All of this is very accurate to the real interactions between petting zoo animals and children.
      • Verges into Mythology Gag when you remember Hammond in the first film said that Jurassic Park was so spectacular that it made his nature reserve in Kenya 'look like a petting zoo'.
    • During the terrifying attack on the petting zoo later on, one of them tries to pick up a baby Triceratops. This one seems very unamused. And the Pteranodon is clearly struggling to lift it, as said baby dinosaur is rather chubby. So it drops it. Understandably, the baby dinosaur is not very psyched about this either.
    • When the Indominus breaks into their aviary and starts roaring at them, the Pteranodons take off quickly, as if going "nope, this is not worth it." and nope the fuck out of there as quick as they possible.
    • And the Gentle Giants sign in the background as everyone screams and runs for their lives.
    • The fact that, in the third GIF shown on this tumblr page of clips from the film, a child is trying to hug four baby Gallimimus. And they just scatter for their lives! They're so busy running for their lives that one of them nearly gets squished by an oncoming baby Triceratops.
      • Even funnier? The baby Gallimimus on the left apparently has not seen the child until it tries to smush him in a hug, at which point it jumps out of its skin and runs away.
  • Right off the bat, Owen is seen scolding his raptors in much the same way a parent would a naughty child. His sixth line in the film consists of him yelling at Charlie like she's a back-talking teenager.
    Owen: Charlie! Hey! Don't give me that shit!
  • The otherwise scary pterosaur attack has a brief scene wherein a Dimorphodon crashes into Winston's Steakhouse and steals some meat right off the grill! Credit to the Dimorphodon, it's easier than chasing humans... and already cooked!
  • When Claire tells the investors that they have a hybrid dinosaur, one of the investors immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion and awkwardly tries to ask how they got two different dinosaurs to have sex.
  • Jurassic World has a Starbucks. Later in the film it gets ruined. Yes ... Jurassic World actually gets to destroy a Starbucks. On screen. By smashing it with two Tyrannosaurids.
  • Claire explaining to Owen why the I. rex was so named, seeing as Owen found the name ridiculous (if not Tempting Fate to the extreme).
    Owen: (through barely-contained laughter) The Indominus Rex?
    Claire: We needed something that was both scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus".
    Owen: ...You should hear YOU try to say it.
    • Made even funnier by the fact that she said it perfectly.
      • But what are the chances Owen knows that?
  • If Charlie is shown in any scene with her sisters, then it's almost guaranteed that she's whacking them with her tail. Echo takes at least three whacks in the first twenty minutes and looks pissed off every time it happens.
  • Gray calling Zach out for creepily staring at girls in the park, in FRONT of the girls that start to giggle.
  • After Owen saves the poor feeder from becoming raptor chow, he jokes about their inability to keep the position occupied. Meanwhile, the terrified boy is sitting along the outside bars and nearly has a heart attack when he turns around and sees Echo's snarling maw right there, barely six inches away from his face. She resembles a very hissy and frustrated cat, which is pretty funny when coupled with Owen's exasperated reaction to her behavior.
    Owen: You ever wonder why there was a job opening?
    • And immediately after that, "Never turn your back to the cage." The handler looks back, and Echo is right there, claws and part of her muzzle sticking through the bars. What makes it even funnier is the look on Echo's face. Less "I'm gonna eat you" and more "You should really listen to the man."
    • Way before either, there's Owen's dismissive 'are you stupid?' demeanor when listening to Hoskin's spiel, regarding weaponizing/controlling the raptor pack... and culminates in his final answer to the guy:
    Owen: (amused) Do you hear yourself when you talk?
  • Both Big Damn Kiss scenes:
    • After Owen and Claire kiss, her nephews question who he is. Her response: "We work together." Zach just gave her the 'are you kidding me?' look. He later watches Owen driving his motorcycle alongside his pack from Claire's tablet and comments, "Your boyfriend's a badass." and she smiles like a schoolgirl.
      • Also, the kiss scene is hilarious as its during the pterosaur attack, her nephews are watching and it's only halfway through the movie!
      • Oh, and the way that her nephews immediately assume that Owen is Claire's boyfriend is pretty hilarious. Justified, as they barely know anything about Claire's personal life and they saw her saving a rather buff guy's ass.
      • The kiss was planned between Colin Trevorrow and Chris Pratt, without informing Bryce Dallas Howard beforehand. The surprised squeak she makes is totally genuine and utterly hysterical.
    • Lowery decides to stay behind and secure the park operations even while Vivian urges him to evacuate. He goes in for a kiss, only for Vivian to pull back and reveal that she has a boyfriend. It's a subversion, but still possibly the funniest part of the movie. They then decided to hug instead.
      • Made funnier by the fact Lowery knew the guy and didn't think things had progressed that far with her.
    • Also, Vivian and Lowery getting annoyed with Hoskins leaning over them and watching the "progress". Lowery also looks very ticked off when Hoskins steals his soft drink.
  • Owen knocking over Lowery's dinosaur figures out of frustration to Lowery's visible disappointment.
  • Owen is more than a little skeptical about the competency of Hoskins and his security team. And he definitely doesn't want them anywhere near his raptors, either.
    Owen: Gentlemen, you have one big target. Do not shoot my raptors ... please.
  • After finding out Hoskins is taking over the situation...
    Owen: Sonuvabitch!
    Gray: You shouldn't say "bitch"...
  • In a fairly darkly comedic moment during the I. rex's escape, supervisor Nick decides that it is a good idea to hide from the hybrid by hiding in front of a vehicle. It doesn't go well for him ... at all.
    • Watch his lips. He's clearly saying "Fu--"
  • Just about every scene of Claire worried of how her sister will react to her nephews being endangered.
    Gray: [after zapping a raptor with a cattle prod] I can't wait to tell mom about this!
    Claire: Oh, please, no, you can not tell your mother about that, EVER!
    • In one TV spot, the two lines are even intercut with the I. rex kicking the Gyrosphere around like a soccer ball.
  • The gyrosphere instruction video hosted by Jimmy Fallon.
  • Owen asks Claire to just go back as she's wearing an impractical outfit and even more hindering shoes. She rolls back her sleeves and ties up the front of her shirt, he asks what's that about, and she explains that was her getting ready. (The shoes part is even more amusing considering Claire keeps the high heels through the whole movie, even while being chased by the Tyrannosaurus.)
    • To make it more clear: she finishes modifying her outfit, sticks her hands on her hips, and strikes an attempted Badass pose. Owen just looks at her and asks "What does that mean?" Her Flat "What" reply is "It means I'm ready to go," as her pose deflates somewhat from Owen being unimpressed.
  • If you watch very, very closely, when the pterodactyls are swooping down onto the park visitors, one man can be seen holding two margaritas and running off with them. And even better, just as he's fleeing, he takes a sip from one of them.
    • And for added humor, that guy is played by Jimmy Buffett himself.
    • It's only funny if you've been to Universal Orlando, but the placement of the Margaritaville restaurant at Jurassic World is identical to its placement at City Walk (which the shopping plaza greatly resembles). Someone did some theme park research.
    • For even more hilarity, there are cosplays!
  • As Owen, Claire, and the boys are fleeing through the crowded maintenance alley, they halt anxiously at a large gate when something is loudly banging against it. But when the gates burst open, instead of a large dinosaur rampaging through as expected, its a surge of people fleeing from the pterosaur attack. Owen and the others turn tail and run, duck into a convenient SUV, and Owen drives in reverse away the crowd, as if they were trying to escape from a stampede of animals.
    • This turns into very dark humor, as their vehicle could've very easily struck or run over people fleeing for their lives.
    • In the background, a really ticked off looking Pteranodon can be seen perched on the Spinosaurus skeleton while flapping her wings and screeching loudly, but apparently not trying to attack the fleeing crowd. She looks as if she's saying something like "THIS IS MY PARK NOW! EVERYONE GET OUT!"
  • Grey asks "Can we stay with you?". Claire assumes they are speaking to her and instead asks them to go to a safe place, only for Grey point out that he was speaking to Owen. She can't disagree for the life of her.
    Grey: Can we stay with you?
    Claire: Oh, boys, I am never leaving you again as long as you live!
    Zach & Grey: No, no, not you! Not you! [point to Owen] Him.
    Claire: ...Oh.
  • When Claire asks if Owen can somehow track the boys on his own: "I was with the Navy, not the Navajo!"
    • Even funnier because she asked if he could track by smell. Which he later does. With the raptors.
    • Also funny when you consider Chris Pratt was a Navy SEAL in Zero Dark Thirty.
  • When Masrani lands the helicopter at the helipad the first time, someone gets out of the helicopter and throws up in the bushes. Made even funnier by the fact that there were only three people seen on the helicopter; Masrani, Claire, and the instructor, which means that the vomiter is most likely the instructor.
    Claire: [pointing at the vomiting instructor] Um, is he ok?
    Masrani: Oh, he's just being dramatic.
  • Claire reveals a new sponsor: "Verizon Wireless presents the Indominus rex". Lowery even sarcastically asks why they don't sell the dino names outright ("Pepsisaurus!").
  • When Claire is trying to get a reluctant Lowery to break out the T. rex:
    Claire: Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life!
    Lowery: ...Why'd you have to make it personal?
  • Charlie getting hit with an AT4 rocket almost immediately after recognizing Owen is amusing in a darkly comical way.
  • While it is also awesome, Hoskins' Karmic Death at the hands of Delta is very darkly hilarious. Earlier on in the movie, it's made very clear that Delta has her sights set on Hoskins. Towards the end, as Hoskins monologues his plans to Owen and the group, Delta comes in and promptly has Hoskins cowering on his knees, a blabbering mess. He tries to reach out and talk to Delta like Owen does... and it goes about as well as you'd expect.
    • Right before Delta rips Hoskins to shreds, he attempts to talk her down like Owen does and even calls her a "Good boy" when she appears to back down. The look on Delta's face is nothing short of insulted, almost as if she's thinking: "Ok, once was annoying, twice made me angry, three times means you die."
    • The fact that Owen doesn't even try to call Delta off.
      • The fact that, even if he is not her alpha at the time, Delta would probably have obeyed.
    • And of course, the fact that the scene in question hilariously subverts Talking Is a Free Action in a way reminiscent of another Chris Pratt film.
  • Owen holding out his hand when running away from the I. rex at the old Visitor Center, as a gesture for Claire to grab it so they can both run away. She instead just runs past him, making him look like an idiot.
  • After Delta starts chasing the group, Gray activates the hologram in the main atrium as a distraction, and Delta is stalled by the Dilophosaurus that pops up. As the doors close behind them, we see a very confused Delta hopping through the hologram to attack the "rival" carnivore in her way.
  • Grey and Zach manage to get the Jeep from the first movie working, and Grey points out that Zach failed his driving test. Zach cheerfully replies that he only failed the "driving" part. A few minutes later, they smash through the rusting gate to the main park while cheering wildly.
    • The rangers' reaction to an ancient 90s Jeep that was savaged by ol' Rexie now charging towards their gate is:
    Park Ranger: Well, that's a first.
    Zach and Grey: [freaking out] OPEN THE GATE!
  • "WE JUMPED!"
  • The annoyed-as-heck Ride Attendant at the Gyrosphere ride. He's clearly bored having to look after the ever-coming visitors. In fact, he seems so done with his job that when he receives a call that orders him to close the ride down, he's at a loss about what to do, and has to pick up a freaking manual to look up for protocols and can do nothing when the visitors start complaining.
    • Of course, he clearly succeeded in closing the ride down, because the Park Cam shows it as completely vacant.
    • The Fridge Logic of a kid who looks like he'd be more at home working at a Burger Fool working at a major theme park that is situated on an island off the coast of Costa Rica and requires a plane and then a ferry ride to reach. It really makes you wonder just how the heck he got this job in the first place! If you've ever been a retail or attraction employee, the situation may seem very familiar.
  • The Running Gag of Claire closing the shutter on the boys looking at how the hunt is progressing on her tablet. The boys want to see shooting, violence and raptor rampages, plus Owen being cool and mercenaries spraying brass everywhere, but Claire doesn't agree.
    • Also, while they're in the truck:
      Claire: Seatbelts!
      [Zach and Grey reluctantly look for their seatbelts]
    • Even better is when they realize the back of the truck has no seatbelts so Claire tells them to just hold their hands together. Cue Grey awkwardly holding his hand out to Zach.
    • Claire deciding that the live-footage of the raptor hunt is too scary for the kids to watch, closing the sliding window over their protests. Just as if they were all at home watching ... well, Jurassic Park. She then turns around later to find the boys have opened the sliding window by themselves and have been calmly watching the graphic deaths, gunfire and explosions the whole time without flinching. Her response is to close it again, causing the brothers to complain once more.
  • In a very narmy way, the Pteranodon crashing into the helicopter and skewering the machine gunner with its beak.
  • As horrifying and tragic as it was, Zara's death could be seen as darkly humorous due to the sheer overkill of the whole thing. Plus her last words...
    Zara: Well don't just stand there—[gets snatched up]
    • According to a behind the scenes featurette, Zara's last words were encouraged to be improvised from this baseline: "Don't just stand there, you little--".
    • In a Narmy way, the Mosasaurus bursting out of the water to eat the Pteranodon that's tormenting Zara as if to say "PIPE DOWN I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!"
      • The thing that makes it even funnier? Two Pteranodons end up playing Hot Potato with Zara before dropping her.
  • After the ominous opening involving the baby I. rexes, the scene cuts to a shot of a extreme close up of what looks like a giant dinosaur foot Of Stomping ... that turns out to be the foot of a random blackbird. Which, technically speaking, is still a dinosaur foot.
  • In an early example of just what a terrible workday she is about to have, Zara is forced to squeeze through the visitor center's doors to avoid accidentally getting a door to the face. She visibly tries to reassert her dignity, obviously hoping no one noticed.
  • While mostly a Tear Jerker, this line from when Gray is crying over his parents' impending divorce is oddly funny...
    Gray: [tearing up] They got letters from two separate lawyers...
    Zach: That doesn't mean anything!
    Gray: I Googled them, they're divorce lawyers!
  • Lowery's half hidden classic Jurassic Park t-shirt ("I got it on e-bay!") and Claire's faintly-horrified reaction to it. Helped by the fact that it's totally in keeping with Claire's corporate persona at this point, and that it would not be the most tasteful thing to wear in-universe.
  • When Barry is inside a log and Blue is poking holes in it, he shouts her name like she was a sassy teenager. She then halts and peeks through the hole, as if to say, "Oops, didn't know you were in there!"
  • After Zach gets the idea to go Gyrosphering off-road, we have this gem from Gray:
    Gray: We shouldn't do this! We'll get arrested, they'll shave our heads and we'll have to make root beer in a toilet!
    Zach: What are you talking about?
  • A bit of Gallows Humor, but after Barry informs Hoskins that raptors stare at targets they want to kill, after the I. rex takes control of the raptors, they all stare at Owen.
    • Could cross with a Heartwarming Moment as well; they stare at "what they want", and throughout the movie demonstrate extreme reluctance to attack Owen. It's possible that they're looking to their leader for instructions, wanting him to tell them whether or not they're supposed to work with this weird new sibling. And then the InGen mercenaries open fire before he can give his girls a signal, and they react defensively.
      • Considering Owen's Oh, Crap! reaction, and his earlier statement that his control over the raptors is tenuous, it was probably the former. Oh, and the full quote is "what they want to eat". Eep.
      • The full quote is "She looks at what she wants. Usually at what she wants to eat." And all raptors stare at Owen during their first appearance, when they are following his commands. So it might well be that they are looking for instructions.
  • When Claire, Owen, and the boys enter the lab, a very easy-to-miss bit is one of the computer images of one of the hybrid dinosaur designs, which appears to be a Therizinosaurus with a crest atop its head. In silhouette, the crest is shaped like Mickey Mouse ears.
  • The irony of this Mythology Gag;
    Tim: [in the first movie] Turn it off! Turn it off!
    Grey: [during the raptor chase] Turn it on! Turn it on!
  • The Dimorphodons actually have a few Funny Background Events. In particular, the attack on the petting zoo has a Dimorphodon flying straight into and getting zapped by guard's cattle prod and while a Pteranodon is tormenting Zara there's a Freeze-Frame Bonus of a Dimorphodon behind Zach and Gray attacking a dinosaur-shaped balloon.
  • At the end of the climax, when Blue and Rexy and Indominus' bellowing at each other is interrupted by Mosasaurus launching itself from the water and seizing Indominus by the neck, Blue and Rexy immediately stop roaring and back away with "Well... that's... that's a thing. Good luck with that" expressions and demeanors.
    • Immediately after the Mosasaurus drags away the Indominus, Blue and Rexy turn to look at each other before Rexy just snorts at Blue as if to say "I'm getting too old for this crap" and walks away.
  • During the first scene with the Velociraptors, they're chasing a squealing pig through their enclosure. When Owen shouts for them to stop, Blue taps a couple of her toe claws in very obvious irritation at having been called off the hunt.
  • Just after all the carnage plus the park evacuation, the automated announcer gives a farewell message that ends with "And there's always happy hour at Margaritaville!"
  • Just before Zach and Grey go to the T. rex exhibit, the announcer can be heard saying it may be disturbing for small children. Several children are in the audience, trying to get a look at the goat, and what's more, they're cheering the T. rex on.
  • There's something darkly hilarious in the park's announcement of the Pteranodon escape as a rather gentle-sounding "containment anomaly", followed by an air-raid siren.
    • To be fair, the air-raid siren is extremely appropriate!
  • As Delta eats Hoskins, her tail strikes a gas canister, which shoots out air, sending two carts of vials and bottles scattering everywhere - one of the carts even bounces as the air hits it.
  • The famous "Prattkeeping" sequence only has three raptors, even though the squad has four. That's because Echo was offscreen having a hearty ham breakfast of the bait pig!

Behind the Scenes/Other

  • Following the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine, this guy posted a hilarious Jurassic World parody known as ''Human beings vs. Coronavirus'', wherein Rexy represents a reckless citizen, the I-Rex stands for the coronavirus, Claire personifies a mask, and so on. There's such an array of unexpected jokes and punchlines thrown in throughout, you simply have to watch it to the very end.
  • The very Chris Pratt himself, of all things:
  • Michael Giacchino is composing. Yes, that means punny titles in his score. There are gems like "The Teeth Degree" or "Indominus Wrecks". (Yes, really.)
  • The fact that, according to the official park website, there is both a Hilton hotel and a Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville at Jurassic World. Because of course there is.
    • One of JW's reviewers comments that a ''Pteranodon'' stole his grandfather's favorite hat. Just that visual alone is hilarious.
    • Anyone who's been to a major theme park, say Universal Studios, will know that the corporate sponsorship and product placement isn't even all that exaggerated.
    • The park website also claims Jurassic World's honeymoon suites were designed by a woman with the ridiculously Preppy Name Anna Mae West Von Hapsburg-Kennedy.
  • Jurassic World's parody trailer. You know that part from the real trailer where Owen rides alongside the raptors, the wow-moment? Someone thought that wasn't awesome enough, so now the raptors ride on the motorcycles too! One even pops a wheelie!
  • Katie McGrath is being hyped up for her role in the movie and everyone is talking about how awesome she is and how great her role in the movie is. Who does she play? The lady in the Super Bowl trailer who gets snatched up by a Pteranodon.
  • When release day arrived, the viral site for the park updated regarding the ... situation on the island. "We have experienced a security breach involving several of our attractions. If you are currently at Jurassic World, please get indoors immediately and follow all safety instructions. Our trained professionals will have the dinosaurs contained shortly." That is some ballsy PR right there to admit the world that your dinosaurs broke out. (Add the fact the camera feeds clearly show people running in terror prior to cutting to a We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties message).
    • The Facebook feed for the park also acknowledges the emergency. With the added hilarity that they responded to comments on the post.
      This was not the honeymoon adventure we intended!! Do any of the restaurants have a wine cellar to hide in?
      We're sorry to hear that your honeymoon wasn't what was intended. If it's any consolation, scientists say that partners grow closer in precarious situations.

      We were supposed to leave for our Family Vacation to Jurassic World to celebrate my husband's birthday today? We have not received any information about Park closure, should we be staying stateside and will Jurassic World be refunding our trip (which was paid in full in advance)?
      Let us be the first to wish your husband a very happy birthday. We encourage you to stay stateside so you can continue to celebrate many, many more. Refunds are not available at this time.

      Should I stay at Margaritaville?
      Please stay where you are till park security notifies you. If you're thirsty our Mesozoic margaritas are to die for.
    • The Park Cams are now mostly terrifying ... then comes the cam for the Maintenance Alley, where two workers come running, and the others shrug and jog off with them.
    • The Masrani Global backdoor terminal is mostly just creepy, but there's one particular email from Masrani about the name of the then-unopened park that can get a giggle out of folks:
    INBOX> 10231999
    DATE: 10/23/1999 0005 CST
  • Someone noted that the climactic fight reminded them of something...
  • There is a Character Blog depicting Tim Murphy as horribly traumatized by the events of Jurassic Park. And then Ty Simpkins decides to chime in...
  • Owen isn't mad at Blue for betraying him. Just ... disappointed.
  • This seems to be at least the second film that Bryce Dallas Howard plays a character who gets subjected to a nasty toilet joke, as shown in a deleted scene that's been used in some previews.
  • The "Literal Trailer" by Tobuscus. Highlights include:
  • This LEGO short film, featuring "a day in the life" at Jurassic World.
    • The general demeanor of the main character, a nameless vet. He's so nonchalant about the craziness of the park.
    • Henry Wu making a hybrid with the head of a T. rex and the body of a raptor with four legs. Wu doesn't even bat an eye at how weird it is.
    • While the vet cleans up some dinosaur poop, Masrani's helicopter can be seen chasing an escaped Pteranodon. Immediately after, the chopper is being chased by a swarm of Pteranodons.
    • Owen, Claire and the boys talking, with Gray jumping up and down adorably and shouting "yeah!" over and over.
    • An escaped Dilophosaurus shorting out the Indominus rex's electric fence with her venom and the Oh, Crap! face her handler makes when he sees this.
    • Rexy cornering the vet ... only to Wilhelm scream and run when she sees the I. rex.
    • The I. rex getting caught in a net! And afterward Claire allows Zach to feed her with the crane.
    • The Funny Background Events that happen as the vet prepares to open the park at the end. Owen is scolding the Raptor Squad for attacking some ACU troopers earlier, Masrani and his men are struggling to keep the captured Pteranodon from getting away, Rexy has been caught and is presumably being transported back to her paddock and the weird hybrid shown earlier is nuzzling Wu, who does not appear to be amused.
  • How do you make Zara's death less scary? Like this!
    Zara: Don't just stand there!
    • And then there's...this glorious video, wherein a park technician calls Zara's fiancee to inform him of what's going on—and being as hilariously unhelpful as possible about it. It's way funnier than it sounds.
    Technician: Good news, I was just informed that she was taken out of the tank by another Pteranodon—they just won't leave her alone!—and that one has successfully been killed!
    John: (sigh of relief) Good.
    Technician: By the Mosasaurus!
    John: (understandably frustrated) IS ZARA ALRIGHT!?
    Technician: Well John, the good news is, looks like you're back on the market! (cheery laugh) No but she's dead.
  • Once Jurassic World broke the opening weekend record set by The Avengers (2012), Kevin Feige made sure to congratulate everyone properly (it helps Chris Pratt is on the Marvel Studios payroll).
  • From the creator of Taco-Man comes the spoof Jurassic Turd, in which everyone introduces themselves as "the generic (insert archetype here)", each name-drop of the Indominus rex has extraneous Product Placement wedged into the dinosaur's name, and the I. rex convinces the raptors to join her by calling herself a "bigger friend [compared to humans]" who'd eat otherwise eat them.
  • On the fanart side of things, a really silly humanized version of the final battle. In particular, the humanization of the Mosasaurus "eating" the I. rex.
  • Of course the press needed to ask Bryce Dallas Howard about wearing high heels through the whole movie. The Late Late Show took the opportunity to have Chris Pratt wearing the shoes, too. And another interview she revealed that regarding the sequels, Colin Trevorrow texted Howard "#noheels2018", much to her delight.
