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Funny / Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware

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Look Gordon, ropes! We could use these to— HELP ME GORDON!

With the absurdities of all the things around Gordon, as well as his own dysfunctional companions, it's expected for you to get some chuckles out of all of it.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Do you have your passport, Troper?

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    Act 1 

Part 1

  • Benrey jumps off an elevator when it's a few feet above its destination. In one of the very rare occasions that he displays any emotion besides apathy or mild anger, he laughs uproariously as Gordon chides him. His prideful, crazy laughter implies Benrey thinks he did something much worse.
    Gordon: Damn. Damn, you wait for nobody, huh?
    Benrey: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
    Gordon: *wheeze*
  • After being harassed all the way there by Benrey, Gordon finally manages to ditch him just outside of the test chamber.
    Scientist: Gordon, we have complete faith in you.
    Gordon: I love this guy. Yes! Yes, that's what I'm fucking-
    (Gordon tries to pat the scientist on the shoulder, but the scientist walks away without a word.)
    Gordon: Okay, apparently nobody here knows how to socialize and, y'know, be a friendly co-worker and just...
    (The test chamber doors open. Standing behind them, somehow, is Benrey.)
    Gordon: HOW THE FU-
    • It's even funnier after watching the commentary, which reveals that Benrey's player, Scorpy, actually got lost and only managed to get there by coincidence.
  • The first time Benrey is seen in action, he shoots down a headcrab with a pulse rifle - and the pulse rifle shot accidentally kills the two scientists in the room.
    Gordon: What are we arming our guards with?! What the fuck was that weapon?!
    Bubby: Oh my god, they're dead!
    Benrey: That was uh, that was a passport.
  • When the group assembles itself, Gordon's trying to talk to Tommy when he sees Benrey using his Sweet Voice to immolate a scientist in the background.
    Gordon: Hey, what happened to those guys?
    Benrey: Th- uh, they didn't have their passport.
    Bubby: You're gonna want to find that passport, Gordon.
  • After getting back to the locker room to search Gordon's locker, he shows off a picture of his baby son Joshua to his friends. And then there's Benrey's response.
    Gordon: That's my baby. I have a son, that's Joshua.
    Benrey: Looks a bit... shit.
    Coomer: Your boy is beautiful, Gordon!
    Gordon: *wheeze*
  • And then, Gordon is blocked by Benrey in the locker, who in turn is blocked off from exiting by Coomer.
    Benrey: (Voice becoming more muffled and distorted as he speaks.) GET ME OUT OF THIS BOX
    Gordon: Please!
    Coomer: Hello, Gordon!
  • At one point the group finds Benrey sitting calmly as a headcrab attempts to latch onto him. A completely exasperated Gordon tells Benrey to move so he can kill the headcrab, and his tone of voice makes it very clear he really doesn't care if Benrey doesn't move and the headcrab kills him. Which leads us immediately into this gem of an interaction:
    (Benrey looks at Gordon and the headcrab instantly bursts into flames.)
    Benrey: (without a drop of emotion) Oh no.
    Gordon: I'm afraid of you, I'm gonna admit that.
  • The whole episode ends as Gordon curls up in despair (and the fetal position) as Benrey sings his Sweet Voice in the background.

Part 2

  • While trying to press Bubby for a passport, Benrey accidentally backs into an elevator shaft, and he drops out of sight. His only reaction is a subdued "Oh, shit-"
  • While in the vents, Bubby tries to show Gordon how strong he is by crossing a massive fan. Due to Gir forgetting to turn on God Mode, Bubby ends up ragdolling instead.
  • While lost in the vents, Dr. Coomer tells Gordon he can guide him to the exit using the SuperPlayer feature, starting Coomer's obsession with PlayCoins and acting as a guide for Gordon.
  • Tommy insists that the Turret Room is actually totally safe. "It can't hurt you if you're smart! That's why we're all scientists. It's the Turing Test room. The Turret-ing Test room."
  • After making it to Surface Access and getting bombed to high hell, Gordon tries to scan the area for cover, only to notice something tearing ass towards him in the midst of the chaos.
    • According to the commentary, Wayne loves this moment. According to him, the skeleton seems to be just as discombobulated as the Science Team. To this end, it's likely the skeleton didn't intentionally charge Gordon; it was only trying to seek cover. It just happened across Gordon at the worst possible time.
  • At the very end of ACT 1 Part 2, as the scientists shoot the skeleton and Wayne prepares to end the simulation, a figure randomly appears behind Coomer for a split second. Pausing the video at the right time reveals that it's a certain famous electric yellow mouse. The cast commentary reveals that it was G-Man VA and resident stagehand Mike, and that he'd photobombed the cast multiple times during filming.

    Act 2 

    Act 3 

Part 2

  • After the horror that is the fight between Gordon, Tommy and the army of Dr. Coomer clones (well, mostly the latter two) what is the original's reason for rejoining the two?
    Dr.Coomer: (said with utter nonchalance) Well, clearly climbing inside of your arm and wearing you like a puppet didn't work, so perhaps I could help you find... something to help.
  • Gordon finally lets his rage towards Bubby for taking his arm boil over.
    Gordon: If this over a GODDAMN passport, I will strangle that bald fuck with my own one hand!
    Dr. Coomer: Can I help?
    Gordon: ...yeah. You can do the other hand. That'd be fun for you, I bet.
    Dr. Coomer: Exciting!
  • The Skull Grinding Facility.
  • After reuniting the the party, Bubby tries to prove to Gordon that he can be trusted... about as well as Bubby can manage.
    Gordon: The same five dollars you murdered a man for?
    • Coomer talking Gordon into accepting Bubby's offer by reminding him of the Playcoin™ exchange-rate.
  • Gordon convincing the party not to kill a random civilian for once. Bubby immediately catches him in the blast radius of a grenade.
    "Bubby is back, bitches!" (Guard explodes) "Woops. Collateral damage."
  • Tommy taking the initiative to shoot some headcrabs that got stuck in an animal pen.
    Bubby: Tommy, that's disgusting. Those are caged animals.
    Gordon: Ohhh, don't open them, why would you open them?!
  • Gordon hiding from the HECU and alien grunts due to missing an arm, then popping out from cover to explain himself.
    Gordon: I'm hiding, hey. I gotta be like a pussy right now.
    Dr. Coomer: Fine work, Dr. Pussy!

Part 3

    Act 4 

Part 1

  • The Team Fortress 2 dream Gordon has at the start of Act 4 and Dr. Coomer's interruption.
    Dr. Coomer: Hello, Gordon! Fine shooting! None of this is real, is it?*ragdolls* Hel-!
    • It should be noted that until the "Hel-", Coomer is speaking like a Banjo-Kazooie character with his dialogue in a text box. The actual audio sounds more like
  • Benry's one-sided Ho Yay towards Gordon reaches a fever pitch in this episode, best shown by these quotes from Darnold's lab.
    Benry: (as Gordon drinks the potion) YEAA BRAZZERS!
  • In Darnold's lab, after Gordon gets his minigun arm, Benrey accuses Gordon of being the one who's been killing civilians the whole game. However, Gordon is just about done with Benrey's nonsense.
    Benrey: Hey! You're the one that keeps killing people.
    Gordon: (unloading into Benrey's face) I WISH I COULD KILL YOUUUUUUUUU!!!
  • There's Gordon's attempt to trick the military into giving them information.
    Gordon: Uhh, alpha... beta... gamma, uh, scientists dead. Over. Uh, report back for... lunch?
    Bubby: (Beat) ...Lunch?
    Gordon: (Whispering) I don't— I don't know.
  • After riding a Cadillac through a parking structure, Wayne's having problems getting his character model out of the car. The in-universe explanation? Benrey glued Gordon to the seat.
  • Benrey attempting to use the FootScanner HD to get hi-res pictures of Gordon's feet results in Gordon using his Arm Cannon to punch him off the platform. Benrey's response is calling him Gordon Feetman with the tone of an upset child.
  • When the Science Team first opens the room that Forzen and Sunkist are in:
    Forzen: *menacingly* Hey.
    Door closes
    Forzen: Uh, goodbye.
    Door re-opens
    Forzen: Welcome, again.
  • As Forzen retreats...
    Gordon: Is that you Forzen? You rat fuck! You-
    Forzen: "Irate Gamer" Chris Bores did not ripoff "Angry Video Game Nerd" James Rolfe! [The elevator begins to descend.]
    Gordon: What?
    Forzen: Goodbye!
  • "Gordon, titty boob huge fuck."
    • And just before that, when the Black Ops soldiers appear...
    Coomer: Gordon, look out! Massive tittums!
  • Benrey interrupting the G-Man's speech to Gordon.
    G-Man: Doctor Freeman, it's good to see you in such... good spirits. You are nearing the end of your journey, my friend and I thought it would only be fitting to- [Benrey walks over to him]
    Gordon: What? What?
    Benrey: Do- Do you have credentials?
    G-Man: Uh... I... Uh, they're in my other coat. I-If you wouldn't mind I'm trying to, uh, talk to Mr. Freeman.
    Benrey: It's okay, I wanna see them, though? Do you have Playstation Plus?

Part 2

    AI Crushes All Banks / PAYDAY 2 VR but the AI is Self Aware 
  • Gordon accidentally kills a hostage, begins discussing how important it is to avoid civilian casualties, then finds the bank manager and this happens:
    Gordon: Get the hell outta here! Get outta here, man... actually, you own a bank! BLAM
  • Benrey manages to hack into the stream and joins the heist.... as johnwicklover1984.
  • How did they convince Tommy to join the bank heists? A tube of Mini M&M's, of course!
    • Specifically Mini M&M's, by the way; the circumference is different.
  • The Science Team breaks into the White House to find Tommy. Turns out he's scurrying through the walls like a rat.
    Tommy: This insulation has been here since Lincoln! I can smell it!
    • This leads to Tommy becoming less and less lucid over the course of the heist due to developing a case of asbestos poisoning. Gordon frantically picks up the pace of the heist after that trying to find him before he succumbs to his symptoms, but as the heist fails Tommy reveals that he got out and just went home.
    • While preparing for the mission for the second time (the team got kicked back to the menu without making much progress), Benrey claims that Tommy's in the White House because he forgot his Beyblade and references a nonexistent "Spider Dragoon" Beyblade. Gordon challenges him to name more.
      Bubby: Spiral Demon.
      Benrey: Recycled... Man.
      Bubby: Psychic Warrior.
      Gordon: These aren't Beyblades. Trust me.
      Benrey: Icy Chicken!
      Bubby: Tempered... Pi- Pineapple.
      Benrey: Frozen... Beef.
    • Each time the team is abruptly kicked back to the menu, Benrey inexplicably parses it as them having beaten the game.
    • The White House heist ends in colossal failure at the very end when the gas defense for the blank pardons goes off, downing everyone but Gordon all at once and leaving them in a place that Gordon can't get them up from. He tries anyway, running into the gas under a storm of bullets and getting downed for his trouble.
  • While infiltrating a casino, the Science Team runs into the ghost of Elvis Presley and all of them, even Gordon, start geeking out. Then Elvis phases through them, at which point they freak out and panic, at which point Elvis uses his dance moves to brainwash the Science Team into head banging until he leaves.
    Coomer: He’s a phantom! This casino is haunted! Let’s get out of here!

    Cast Commentary / Behind The Scenes 

  • ACT 1:
    • The YouTube uploads of the Cast Commentary streams are portrayed as an in-universe Movie-Theater Episode. Gordon is sent to a movie theater by the G-Man after Tommy's party and is forced at gunpoint to watch the commentary with him and the Science Team.
      G-Man: I rented out the whole theater, and... I think it'd be, awfully, terrible, if you didn't stick around to... see the fullness... of the party?
      Gordon: I'm gonna go find an implement, break the glass and leave.
      G-Man: ... [Pulls out a revolver, aiming it right at Gordon.] I think you should stick around and watch the movie, with me and my friends, wouldn't you... think so?
      Gordon: This is quite the day I'm having. Yeah, let's go.
    • It turns out that Tommy's line about having a drawer full of Tic-Tac's was inspired by when Baaulp had a drawer full of loose Tic-Tac's as a kid. This revelation promptly causes the entire cast to die with laughter.
    • Mike, the Stage Director who spawns in props for the cast to play off of, was working on spawning the scientists that get blown up with a grenade. Viewing the ordeal from his perspective, and with subtitles to highlight what was going on, we learn Mike, for a brief second, accidentally spawns The Nihilanth because the button for it was directly next to the one he was using and immediately deletes the boss hoping to god no one saw it. Wayne is glad he didn't as he was absolutely certain if he did he would've had absolutely no way to properly improv off of that.
  • ACT 2:
    • Holly had some trouble with her mic. She demonstrates this by saying, in a voice described as "someone playing Counter Strike: Source in 2007":
    • In the Behind the Scenes footage, Mike reveals that during the session, Holly earned the Steam achievement One Week in the middle of the session. The moment this shows up in the footage, Holly proceeds to die with laughter, which is boosted by her mic.
    • The Act 2 commentary reveals that literally everyone - including Scorpy - forgot Forzen's name immediately after it was revealed.
    • Scorpy is also revealed to have tried to get the Vox announcer to announce the existence of a Beyblade with three bit beasts.
    • Wayne accidentally reveals via some overly-generous YouTube Recommendations that he has slept to the sound of The Angry Video Game Nerd videos. The entire cast is utterly baffled by this revelation—something that Wayne admits he also finds hilarious.
    • Holly actually memorized the Wikipedia page for chairs back in 2011, all so she could torment her friends over Skype.
    • The commentary also showcases a scene that didn't make the final cut of the YouTube release, along with why it happened: near the end of the part, Gordon actually followed Gman (played by the normally-invisible stagehand Mike) out into the main lab to ask who he was; Mike, who had not expected Gordon to follow him and had nothing prepared, panicked and delivered the first line that popped into his head:
  • ACT 3:
    • In the opening skit, Benrey accosts Gordon during his bathroom visit. Among other things he does, Benrey admires his "reflection of perfection" and makes out with it in front of Gordon, then rightfully points out that Gordon never flushed the toilet he used.
      • At the end of their meeting, Benrey sneakily looms behind Gordon as he takes refuge in a stall. However, the bathroom mirror gives Benrey away. When Gordon points this out, Benrey shouts "Aw, fuck!" and phases back into the wall, giving Gordon an opening to escape.
      • Gordon also discovers a baseball inside of a toilet. When Benrey sees this, he is, for once, just as baffled by this as Gordon.
    • Wayne mentions a comment that notes the Irony at the start of Questionable Ethics regarding the security guard between this machinima and Freeman's Mind: In Freeman's Mind, this is the first guy Gordon kills almost immediately out of shock. Here, it's one of the few people the gang doesn't kill outright (at least until Bubby shoots him by accident).

  • Act 4:
    • The opening skit has Gordon trying to go to the concession stand and losing his mind because not only is the Skeleton running the place, but they're selling Blue's Clues branded candy. He eventually buys the "Blue's Chews" on Bubby's urging... and is given a television remote, which he promptly drops and is ridiculed for.
    Bubby: You're a clumsy little dingus, aren't you?
    Benry: Little butterfinger boy.
    • As the Science Team and the G-Man prepare to finish off their movie night, Gordon asks if anyone knows how the movie will end. He expects Benry to know better than everyone else. His answer?
      Benry: (cheerfully) I WIN!!!!!
  • Turns out that the bit about Darnold being a potions professor instead of a cybernetics professor was planned by everyone except Wayne, who was left desperately trying to improv when he was expecting to make a bunch of cybernetic jokes.
  • One cut moment had Holly get disconnected and vanish entirely, leading to a series of jokes where the group tries to figure out what happened, which blends into Bubby acting like Coomer had never existed, to Gordon's exasperation.
    • Another cut Holly moment, best shown in Mike's behind the scenes footage, stands out as possibly one of the most ridiculous things Dr. Coomer has ever said.
      Mike: Holly, get ready for another Titted Boobs joke if you're gonna do it. There's more assassin's in the next room.
      Holly: (overlapping) Oh! Yes, yes, yes! (inspiration strikes) Oh!
      Dr. Coomer: Gordon, we should get a move on. But I have a bad feeling about this. My penis weenis is tingle wingles!
      Baaulp: (dying laughing)
      Gordon!Wayne: I'm... I imagined that one, there's no way you said that.
  • The times a "contortionist nightmare" Benry flew through the level were actually nerfed from the original versions Scorpy created, which would perform an Interface Screw on anyone who looked at them.
  • Some of Benry's dialogue during his pre-fight monologue, specifically "I'm a great cool" and "I feel a good" was taken from a channel called Haley Joel Osment on their Discord server, where only Scorpy is allowed to post. He uses it to post pictures of Rocco Botte at lower and lower resolutions, as well as to say nonsense like the above, as well as a few other examples they show off.
    Scorpy: some of you might get sad.Some might dont
    Scorpy: I'm i like everything
    Scorpy: It's just had on momoa who is chisel
    Scorpy: lean meat is the healthies
    Scorpy: Shat striped jeans
    Scorpy: As i child?
  • When Forzen was teleported away after telling the Science Team to hold on, it cut off his next line: "They need me at YouTube." Everyone laments that it's the funniest thing Scorpy said that none of them could hear.
  • At one point, the players are told not to kill a particular NPC in case he's important and has a role to perform. Except Scorpy "has the quickest goddamn trigger finger" and executes the guy almost before the instructions were out of the stage manager's mouth.
  • The non-Gordon members of the Science Team had problems with a teleporter at one point. Namely, there was a set point characters were teleported to and they weren't moving out of the way fast enough, resulting in them telefragging each other over and over into a pile of corpses.
  • The ending scene at the Chuk-E-Cheese didn't pick up their dialogue in the final version, so we get a few gems:
    • Tommy talking to Sunkist.
    "Sunksit, you'll never die! You'll live forever, for another million years! When all of us are dead in the ground you'll still be alive roaming the Earth!"
    • Dr. Coomer talking about himself after their decadent pizza feast.
    "I'm so full of pizza and soda, I'm like a fat bug on your countertop! Don't squish me!"
    • Dr. Coomer (probably) apropos of nothing.
    "I'm getting my clown hole ghouled, Gordon!"
    • One of Tommy's deleted birthday wishes was "performance anxiety."
  • The much longer final clip of everyone making awful hoglike slurping noises drinking soda at the party, to the point that it becomes almost disturbing.
    • And that at one point, Wayne orders them to keep going, because his recording wasn't long enough.
