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Funny / Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

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  • When you fail the mission "In the Air Tonight", you can hear Phil's Big "NO!" and a funnier version of the mission failed caption that says that "Phil definitely felt it coming in the air tonight".
  • On the topic of Phil Collins, most of the banter between him and his manager, Barry Mickelthwaite, is quite funny. For example:
    Phil: Who is this Giorgio you owe money to?
    Barry: Oh, he's just a fan. He lent me, I mean, y'know, he gave me a few quid.
    Phil: Barry, are you in hock to gangsters?
    Barry: No, mate, I swear, on your life!
    Phil: Yeah, well, that's what I'm worried about - you're a real moron. I should have left you managing that talking dog...what was his name? Puddles?
  • When you pass the mission "Domo Arigato Domestoboto", Armando shoots his robot, Domestobot (which looks like Nintendo's Robotic Operating Buddy pastiche), unaware that it was controlled by Vic.
  • During "Unfriendly Competition":
    Dealer: This is a private party, pal.
    Victor: Yeah, well this is a public execution!
    Dealer: Holy shit! Get him, girls! (runs away while all his girls aim their guns at Vic)
    Victor: ...Motherfucker!
  • The whole opening cutscene of "Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out".
    Lance: (whispering) Keep your voice down!
    Victor: No. You can barely tie your own shoelaces and you tellin' me how to behave?
  • In one of the earlier missions, "Cholo Victory", there's Phil Cassidy's Epic Fail when he tries to drive his pickup truck, while being really drunk.
    Phil: Let's go, YEEEE-HAAAAAR!!
    (Phil crashes into a wall)
    Victor: Maybe I should drive, man.
    Phil: Damn stick shift!
  • Performing stunt jumps with your vehicle catches fire earns you "Flaming Insane Stunt Bonus, you're on fire!"
  • In "The Bum Deal", Vic and Lance are tricked by Forbes into entering a gay bar owned by the White Stallionz, a homosexual white-supremacist biker gang. They attempt to attack the brothers, however they ended up being killed by Vic.
    Victor: Something's not right about this place.
    Lance: Yeah. I didn't know bikers were into disco.
    Victor: I think Forbes has fucked us again.
    Biker 1: Your kind ain't welcome here.
    Biker 2: I wanna bareback the little one.
    Lance: Aw, shit... It's two for one at the boy's club. Shit.
  • In "Jive Drive", When Lance drives Vic's car after the latter picked up the former from the airport, a Cholo car pulls up in front of them and one of the two Cholos attempt to talk with Vic.
    Cholo: (talking to Vic) All the Cholos have been looking for you, Mr. Big-Shot.
    Lance: What do you want with me?
    Cholo: I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to him! (continues talking to Vic) You killed plenty Cholos, now we kill you plenty.
