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Funny / Doctor Whooves Adventures

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  • The Doctor and Twilight's first meeting. The Doctor is busy marveling at everything while Twilight gets increasingly frustrated by his lack of explanation.
  • The Doctor repeatedly getting Twilight's name wrong throughout the majority of Number 12.
  • The Doctor determines which way the Weeping Pegasi went...through eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
    Pinkie Pie: Do not mock the enny-meeny Spike.
  • In the prologue to Chords of Chaos, Sergent Kazoo of Prance is face to face with Sergent Pie of a game of tag...during World 'Party' II.
  • The Doctor tries to get Sergent Kazoo to stop him from assaulting Treble and fails. Twilight succeeds...on account of using the word everypony instead of everyone.
  • In Pony of the Opera, the Doctor attempts to open a door with his Sonic Screwdriver as usual. He runs into a complication though.
    The Doctor: See this lock? It's arguing with me.
  • At the end of the Crossed Wires short. Berry Bubble's surprise appearance. The Doctor's reaction is icing on the cake.
    The Doctor: I don't think the universe is ready for this.
  • The Lovestruck short. All of it.
    The Doctor: Oh, thank Gallifrey. She fainted. Now, where's he gone?
    • Another moment once the Doctor catches on to Twilight's unusual behaviour.
    Twilight: Don't worry Doctor, I've read books about this.
    The Doctor: (panicky) You shouldn't have those kind of books! Twilight, you're not thinking clearly.
    Twilight: Oh no Doctor, my mind is completely clear *hugs the Doctor*
    The Doctor: (nervous and muttering) Oh why oh why couldn't it be Daleks? I know how to deal with Daleks, I don't know how to deal with Twilight...
  • The Doctor once again fails to grasp how Equestrian terminology works when he questions why there are two princesses but no queen or king.
  • Pinkie wards off the Vashta Nerada by playing Tiptoe Through the Tulips, a song the Doctor absolutely loathes.
    • And then during the credits, it starts playing again. And everyone admits it's not that bad, much to the Doctor's chagrin.
  • Even before the big crossover in Wrong Way Backwards, the official blog for "Adventures" said the following when asked "Who would win in a fight, Clockwork or Tick Tock."
    Ditzy and Twilight would slap them both over the back of the head, tell them to knock it off, then they'd all go and get ice cream.
  • Twilight's annoyance that Spike slept through the TARDIS' crash in Number 12 (Part One).
  • The Doctor giving the TARDIS a tune-up:
    The Doctor: You're back there, you're back in place and... I've five parts left over. [...] For once let me have no parts left over!
  • The Doctor (loudly) protesting the Cliffhanger at the end of Chords of Chaos. Come to think of it, all these little meta moments around the end credits have to count.
