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Funny / Bad Lip Reading Star Wars

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  • Han in general being an overly comedic singer, with a tendency to ask for ridiculous items in absurdly specific numbers such as 17 frogs.

A New Hope

  • C-3PO having an Indian accent.
  • Luke and Owen having deep southern country accents.
  • And R2-D2 acting and sounding like a little girl.
  • The fact that the many characters without visible mouths makes it really easy to just dub in whatever they want. Especially stormtroopers and aliens.
  • Luke's introduction:
    Luke: A big grey thing chased me up the mountain and froze!
    Owen: Remember what I said about that? That was your shadow!
    Luke: Oh yeah, that thing.
  • Leia's hologram, and Luke's reaction:
    Leia: I want a wooden snowman, but no one sells them. *knocking at door* I'll be right out! *crouches to insert plans, farts* (repeat on loop)
    Luke: I want her to dance!
    R2-D2: She does not dance.
    C-3PO: Come on, make her dance for him!
    R2-D2: That's not how it works.
    *message plays*
    Luke: Holy chicken, she's beautiful. *points* I wish you were real!
  • Obi-Wan's reason for seeking Han's help:
    Ben: Look, I just need the pickaxe of Cortez and the mystical diamonds!
    • This exchange:
    Han: Well, why don't you just move to Nevada, dude?
    Luke: Because I heard it was a bad part of Mexico! Did you hear him? He doesn't even know geography! note 
  • Negotiations with Greedo:
    Greedo: Listen, I've been sent here to collect all your fireworks, okay?
    Han: Aw, just let me set 'em off at the meeting.
    Greedo: Well, maybe I will if you give me your grilled meat.
    Han: I don't have any grilled meat.
    Greedo:, do you have any pets?
    Han: I have a monkey in a bottle...
    Greedo: Does your monkey go "hoo hoo HOO"?
    Han: No, that's the pet giraffe. *immediate cut to Greedo being shot*
    • Musings aboard the Falcon:
    Han: Y'know, I should build a baby Taco Bell. The sign would be kinda cute.
  • Han singing:
    Han: ♪I love it when you say that/A lot of great skaters bust their teeth♪
    Obi-Wan: That song didn't make a bit of sense, and I don't like it!
    Han: ♪There's an extra part that's worth it/And I'll sing it if I get/To clip your nails♪ Okay, anyway, I'm hopping on the can.
  • Food?
    Han: Ugh, I'm going crazy, I'm so hungry.
    Luke: Well, I could make grilled cheese...
    Han: No offense, kid, I don't think you even know how to boil water.
  • Luke meets Leia:
    Luke: I was a dog walker, you're really cute!
    Leia: Ew.
    Luke: Oh, you're really cute, and I forgot to wash earlier, but my bed is open!
    Leia: No, person!
    Luke: That's okay!
  • The lightsabers sounding like two plastic props smacking together, much like they would have on-set.
  • Han's innocent!
    Luke: Did you take my wallet?
  • Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin's relationship:
    Vader: Yo, what's up, Moffball?
    Tarkin: I like bread.
    Vader: Yeah, great, thanks for reminding me of what I can't eat 'cause of the mask!
    Tarkin: You shouldn't have called me a "big turd burglar" at the gym.
    Vader: Hehehe, turd burglar...
  • Leia's strange noises like 'FNEER!'

The Empire Strikes Back

  • The Battle of Hoth serving as a venue for Luke's Rap Career:
    Luke: ♪ Uh, I'd love to catch a firefly that's far away. I see your whole crew starin' as I put this beat down ♪
    Luke: ♪ You're like a soup can, I'm like Superman, I saw Veronica the girl that put you OFF blast, cause you played harmonica in Art class ♪
  • An Imperial Officer comes to Vader (Played by Jack Black) for comfort:
    Vader: So what's up man, what's troubling you?
    Officer: When it's dark out there, I kinda want mommy.
    Vader: Yeah, but it's not like your mom can do anything to protect you.
    Officer: Not even if she's bonkers with a razor?
    Vader: Ohh. Wow. Okay, different kind of mom. Ask her if she wants a job!
    Officer: Oh, okay. Nice floor!
    Vader: Thank you!
  • We then cut to Yoda having just told a fascinating story:
    Luke: Yo, dawg.
    Yoda: Penny for your thoughts.
    Luke: I hate Brenda, and,uh, bad guy hit me in the shin and I peed all over my pants!
    Yoda: Nothing a little music can't help.
    Yoda: ♪ Rockin, rockin and rollin! Down to the beach I'm strollin', but the seagulls peck at my head, not fun! ♪
    Yoda: ♪ I said Seagulls, (grunts) stop it now! ♪
  • Han and Leia find out what happened to C-3PO:
    Han: Aww, what happened?
    Chewbacca: He tripped over a wicker basket and fell apart.
    Han: Wicker?
    Chewbacca: Uh-huh!
    Leia: A wicker basket?
    Chewbacca: YES!
    • When Lando runs into them later:
    Lando: Another wicker incident?

Return Of The Jedi

  • Jabba has apparently been eating Han's stuff.
    Han: Did you get my frog?
    Jabba: Well, what do you think is dripping out of my mouth?
    Han: Yogurt?
    Jabba:No, I've been eating your frog!
    Han: Now you owe me a pet gerbil, twenty red ferns, and an old megaphone! And 17 frogs!
  • Han wants to learn magic, and so points a gun at Lando.
    Han: Come on, teach me a spell!
    Han: Chewie, write that down, all right?
    Chewbacca: ...okay, uhhhhhh...
  • Ben Kenobi doesn't think much of Luke's taste in music.
    Ben:Yeah, you probably dig that band that played in Swingers, that 90s film.
    Luke: Mmm-nnn, I like Dooky Buttons.
  • Luke tells Leia that he's going to confront Vader over his stolen feather... kinda.
    Leia: Wait, what kind of feather? Did you have a brown one, or just like a weird stick? Did you even have a feather?
    Luke: My feather is actually... not authentic. It's, umm... plastic cheese.
    Luke: Go where?
    Leia: Everywhere you don't?
  • Vader gets distracted by Luke's lightsaber apparently having a loose screw.
  • Lando claims that Nien Nunb's French accent is horrible, but the latter denies that he has an accent at all.
  • Unfinished sentences seem to annoy Palpatine.
    Luke: I can teach you the turkey trot. But I'm not a dance instructor, okay? I'm just a guy...
    Palpatine: Oh wow, it sounded like there was more to this story. (Force-zaps Luke)

The Force Awakens

The Last Jedi

  • Luke begins by trying to destroy the Texts only to be interrupted by a familiar someone:
    Yoda: Hey. Where's the fire son?
    • When Luke tries to ignore him.
    Yoda: Hey! eh-wha. I told you to stop!
    Yoda: (Destroys texts)
    Yoda: Now THAT'S a fire!
  • This also implies Yoda destroyed the tree holding the texts because he was mad at Luke instead of for more symbolic reasons.
  • Yoda then proceeds to go into an entire musical number about his Stick, which he proclaims to be better than bacon. Some highlights:
    • Yoda insisting Luke wants to touch his Stick, only for Luke to reply he wants nothing of the sort.
    • Yoda having bought a pig, only for it to wake him up, and later a bag of venom.
    • Yoda apparently got his stick from that Log back on Dagobah.
    • Yoda calling Luke's grumpiness out.
    • In a nod to speculation about Grogu/Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian, cue footage of him when Yoda mentions his childhood.
    • A rather fed up Luke threatening to destroy the Stick with The Force.
