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Fridge / Mad Max

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Fridge Heartwarming: George Miller interprets the series as muddied myth and legend. Of course, that means that hundreds of years later there must still be people around to tell the tale. Meaning despite all his demons, all the horrors he's faced, all the times Max tried to convince himself he didn't care... His battles made a difference after all.
    • This interpretation of Max as a legend would explain the weird tonal shift of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome; The first half of the film (Bartertown) is quite dark, although still Lighter and Softer than the first two films, while the second half (The Lost Tribe) goes straight to being Denser and Wackier. The first half was from the point of view of Aunty Entity and citizens of Bartertown, while the second half was from the point of view of Savanah Nix and The Lost Tribe.
    • This might also explain the Continuity Snarl of Max's age and appearance in Mad Max: Fury Road. Unlike Road Warrior or Beyond Thunderdome, Fury Road is being told from second-hand accounts.
