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Fridge / Let the Darkness Bring Us Into the Light

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • It seems strange that Hiroto Honda hasn't appeared in this series despite being a main character in the original anime. But then you remember that in the original manga, Yuugi never formally interacted with him until Duel/Chapter 7 and always kept his distance from him. Given that the series borrows heavily from the manga, Honda wasn't needed to interact with Yuugi, especially with Jounouchi not showing up until middle school.
  • Anzu having a Light Emitting Quirk befits her given her dream of being a Broadway performer and how her last name can be translated to "elegant, shine".
  • Tanaka-ba's cat breeding career pays tribute to the original show's usage of Ancient Egyptian culture. In Ancient Egypt, cats were animals of great value who were known to bring good luck and protection to those who cared for them. The main cats in the series, Ra and Kuriboh, bring both those things by protecting their owners from harmful foes. Ra with the home invader and Kuriboh with Stain.
  • Jounouchi instantly bonding with Izuku over heroes isn't a Contrived Coincidence. He's always been a nerd but rarely showed that side as the series mainly presented him as a goofy macho guy to contrast the protagonist who was more skilled at the game. But with Yuugi having little interest in heroes, this gives the street rat the opportunity to let out his inner nerd.
  • Jounouchi has an easy time beating up Bakugou in two simple moves. This is not only thanks to his history as a street fighter but also because the bully has never been on the receiving end of a brawl, making it a surprise for him to take a hit. That and he never expected his opponent to fight him while Quirkless.
  • Hirutani incorporating fidget spinners into his arsenal of weaponry could be a case of Technology Marches On given modern times. But the world of My Hero is set hundreds of years into the future so fidget spinners wouldn't be as new as the common yo-yo.
  • Yami wanting to keep Socks, an emperor scorpion, as a pet fits well since they're both deadly beings with grim reputations but are quite docile when you treat them properly.
  • The Super Special Awesome Squad serve as an alternate reflection of the Origins Trio from My Hero.
    • Just like Shouto, Yuugi comes from a prestigious family background whom he has complicated feelings towards while also struggling to accept his Quirk which he initially didn't want. But while Shouto wants to be a Pro Hero and is still struggling to interact with others, Yuugi doesn't want to be as involved in heroism and has a steady understanding of how to engage with people.
    • Much like Bakugou, Jounouchi is a blonde fighter who isn't afraid to throw hands and is more analytical then what most people give him credit. Of course, Jounouchi only picks fights if he or his friends are antagonized and is much more approachable whereas Bakugou lashes out at everyone regardless of the reason and is unapologetically hostile.
    • Izuku is... still Izuku. Though the main difference is that this version has more self-preservation and only voices a desire of throwing himself into danger but will exceed more caution when it comes to saving his friends. Unlike canon who threw himself into the danger regardless of how badly he would get hurt in the long run.
  • Yami choosing the name Yami instead of Atem works since he's an extension of Yuugi, a Japanese boy with little to no knowledge of Ancient Egypt, instead of being the spirit of a lost Pharoah. So he would stick with a traditional Japanese name instead of an Egyptian one.

Fridge Horror

  • How many civilians have been killed due to Endeavor's reckless fighting style? Mind you, this is the same man who's currently abusing his family and has no issue with using his wealth and status to maintain his hero career.
  • Alot of Jounouchi's Dark and Troubled Past gets slightly worse with the MHA elements.
  • Gozubaro already had his weapon-producing company before Seto took over and changed it's direction. Along with supplying weapons to other companies, what are the chances that he made some shady deals with potential villains?
  • What exactly did Sir Nighteye see in his vision involving Yuugi and All Might? How did he envision Yuugi bringing the Number One Hero to ruin?
