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Fridge / Bug Fables

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Fridge Brilliance

  • At first, this line from Vi ("It's like studying to be a chef, but having to work at the bank!") was a bit confusing. And then it makes a bit more sense when you remember that the money of this world is edible berries; she's saying a chef at the bank would have to look at all the food and not be allowed to do anything with it. That said, the berries used as currency actually taste awful (except for one miner ant), which is why they can be used as currency, since no bugs want to eat it.
  • After he eats the Everlasting Sapling's seed, Hoaxe's One-Winged Angel form is named the Everlasting King, where he gains nearly godlike power. What's one of Jesus' names in The Bible? The Everlasting King!
  • Some of the enemies in Upper Snakemouth are bees and beetles zombified by cordyceps as part of the Roaches' experiments. These are clearly meant to mirror the members of Team Snakemouth, since Vi and Kabbu are a bee and a beetle...except there's no moth enemy. However, not only does the theme hold out because the zombified moth is the area boss, Zommoth, it also holds true because the cordyceps moth was there the whole time! It's Leif!
  • You only get 30 berries for obtaining the artifacts, which seems underwhelming considering what a longtime goal they were. Yet Vi always acts like the reward was larger, probably because it was; she just pocketed most of them for her "Secret Stash".
  • Seems like a hilariously happy coincidence that Team Snakemouth has such a close resemblance to the Bug Rangers, a superhero team portrayed by actors. But when one thinks about it, they essentially become superheroes in the scope of their feats ranging from returning lost toys to fighting vicious monsters to potentially saving the world from an evil superpowered tyrant. And In Kabbu's case, it is said they are an inspiration to bugs all over, including his homeland to the north. As a little boy, he must have idolized them so much that it's no wonder why he looks so much like Ranger Green.
  • How can Leif eat so much and stay so slim? Most of his organs are probably missing! All the fungus animating him needs is to animate his exoskeleton and limbs. Where does the food go? Having a bunch of decaying matter remaining inside him feeds the fungus just fine.
  • The Ancient Castle being a desert dungeon with freezing rooms might be a reference to real life deserts becoming cold at night.
  • The Lore Books state that the Termites used to be close allies of the Roaches as a way to explain their use of advanced technology. Those who know insect taxonomy are likely aware that termites are in the Blattodea order and thus are roaches themselves in all but name, having biologically little in common with the similarly eusocial ants, bees or even wasps of the Hymenoptera order, also somewhat explaining their isolationism from the rest of Bugaria.
  • It's probably intentional that being Inked doesn't get cured by items. All the other status effects are actual biological conditions, so it makes sense that they would be cured by eating something; after all, you eat pills to get over your sickness in the real world, right? But Inked seems to be literally coating your party members in ink, so why would eating something remove that status? It's not like you can eat something and get cleaner in the real world.
  • This one's a bit of Accidentally-Correct Writing, but the term "rainbow scarab" can refer to both a specific species, and a genus that species is in. Said species can produce offspring with others in the genus, meaning a rainbow scarab that lacks the red marking isn't impossible in real life.

Fridge Horror

  • There is a lot of implication that Dead Lander Omega is a mutated human child. The Giant's Lair is full of scattered children toys and the Lost Sands are a backyard sandbox, also full of children toys, implying that a child used to live there. It also likes toying with bugs it spots, dropping Dead Landers Gamma at them to see them fight. Though Word of God had confirmed that Dead Lander Omega is actually much larger than it appears in game...what prevents the possibility that it continued growing even after it got mutated into what we see now?
  • Speaking of Dead Lander Omega, there's confirmation via Word of God that the other Dead Landers are afraid of this thing too. Yes, the Dead Lander Gammas that this thing drops on you are legit terrified of Omega as it's getting carried down, and besides of the encounter before the Fridge, an optional postgame sidequest and the Cave of Trials (as a hologram), this is the only way you can fight them normally. You might be fighting an Eldritch Abomination that will hit you like a truck, but in its perspective, this thing is afraid for its life.
  • When the Wasp King enters the Giant's Lair at the end of Chapter 6, he has several Wasp Troopers with him. As you walk through the Lair, you can see several Wasp Troopers' spears embedded in the ground, and when you finally meet up with the Wasp King, his Troopers are nowhere to be found. Something happened to those wasps, and it was NOT pretty.
    • One of the Roaches mentions that the Wasp King carelessly discarded the Troopers to go after the Roaches while he went for the Everlasting Sapling. This means that at least some of them made it to the Roach village, although how many of them isn't clear, and the thought that the Roaches may have actually killed them isn't too pleasant either considering how they were just mind controlled.
  • The Dead Lands are implied to be but one room in the house that is now the Giant's Lair. Which begs the question; if the one room Team Snakemouth visits houses countless crimes against Venus, including one that's the size of the whole goddamn lair, implied to be heavily mutated from the lack of Crystals, what the hell is in the OTHER rooms?!
    • Something else to consider, if Omega is a child, what happened to the parents? Were they driven out? What if they were mutated too and are skulking around somewhere else?
  • Post-battle, it's implied that the reason that the Everlasting King turned into a tree once defeated was because being turned into a Planimal via the usage of the dead (and thus much less potent) Everlasting Sapling's seed meant that he needed light to sustain his power. You can see a boarded-up window around the Sapling Plains, (presumably) put there by the former Giants to keep...something out. While this is scary enough on its own, had that board been just a bit off, Hoaxe would have become a Physical God and all of Bugaria would have been in deep trouble.
  • In the room before Zommoth in Upper Snakemouth, you can find a Mushroom on one of the pieces of wreckage. Then you consider what the Snakemouth Lab was studying, and you realize that's likely not a mushroom...
  • Even though Vi changes her mind and returns quickly, Kabbu gives her grief for quite a while afterwards about leaving him and Leif to Spuder for even a minute. On a first run through, one might think he's holding a grudge a bit too long for an overcome fear response. And then you learn hours later that he's constantly grappling with his own Survivor Guilt after leaving his previous team to The Beast even though he was told to run..
  • The recruitment of Chompy. You're essentially invading the Chompers' new home, killing off their kin and even their mother before taking the mother's offspring and using it to fight for you. To twist the knife further, you can also use Chompy to fight and kill other Chomper enemies.
  • The Zombees and Zombeetles are roughly around the same height as Vi and Kabbu respectively, while the Zommoth is an overgrown abomination likely due to the all the magic experimentation. The Zombiants, however, are noticeably shorter than adult ants. Could it be possible that, perhaps, the Zombiants are undead ant children?
  • Leif was lucky the Hive's scanners couldn't identify the "something else" inside his body. Real life insect colonies deal with cordyceps by killing infected bugs on sight. At best, he'd be forced into quarantine, but considering the fungus is the only living part of him left, that might not end any better.
  • Seeing that, in Leif's words, they are "too lazy" to press charges, it's clear that in Bugaria, the use of pheromones against another bug is considered a criminal act, and given that even Kabbu, pretty much the kindest and nicest character in the entire cast, was incapable of resisting Kali's pheromones and made to attack his friends, it's understandable why it would be deemed a crime. (And Leif was possibly only able to resist purely because of his cordyceps nature.) In Real Life, certain pheromones are used to sexually attract a mate, usually by the female for a male. After the Day of Awakening and the subsequent gaining of sentience and sapience, we can assume that concepts such as consent also arose. If pheromones in Bugaria are still powerful to completely take control over an unwilling bug though, what's stopping someone with twisted morals from using pheromones to do other things, such as forcing someone else into doing something unquestionably intimate?

Fridge Logic

  • How can characters eat food that is not designed for their mouths? For instance, Cenn the butterfly has proboscis, yet he can eat Crunchy Leaves that Pisci gives to him. Crunchy Leaves definitely require jaws to get chewed, while proboscis is designed for sucking fluids, which are most likely absent in dry leaves.
  • Rewatching the scene where the Wasp King wipes out Team Snakemouth after Chapter 5 with his flame attacks, Vanessa (who is with them) gets knocked out as well. Besides plot reasons, wouldn't have Vanessa been immune to it, considering she carried the pendant that she later gives to Team Snakemouth before they enter the Giants Lair (and even explained how she was immune to his flames)?
    • The pendant grants Team Snakemouth resistance to the Wasp King's fire attacks but it doesn't make them immune to them. In the fight against the king he still has several fire-based attacks that do damage against Team Snakemouth and since Vanessa isn't a fighter, the pendant's protection likely wasn't enough to prevent her from being knocked out.
