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Fanfic / The Amazing Spider-Luz in: Across the Owl-Verse!

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At age 6, Luz Noceda barely survives the car-crash that killed her dad. The doctors manage to save her life, but it has an unusual outcome; one of the blood-transfusions contains mutated blood and she gains the powers of beloved superhero Spider-Man!

Now a teenager, Luz is about to be sent to Avengers Academy with the hopes of controlling her powers and becoming a superhero. Before the bus comes, an owl steals her things and she finds herself in a world of demons and witches.

The Amazing Spider-Luz in: Across the Owl-Verse! is a Spider-Man/The Owl House Crossover fanfic by mach_kick. This fic can be read on Archive of Our Own here.

The Amazing Spider-Luz in: Across the Owl-Verse! provides examples of:

  • Absence of Evidence: Despite poring through the books in the library of Kamar Taj, Strange is unable to find any references to the Demon Realm, and that plus the barrier makes him think that someone or something is deliberately trying to hide the realm's existence from anyone else, or at least Earth.
  • Adaptational Badass:
    • While Luz in canon was a regular human teenager, here she's a mutate with Spider-Man's abilities, giving her Super-Strength, Super-Reflexes, wall crawling, a Spider-Sense, organic web-shooters and a Healing Factor.
    • In canon, Masha was a regular human who was being sent to Camp Reality Check for some unspecified eccentricities. Here, they’re a student at Avengers Academy, having gained Chrome Champion powers as a toddler when their mother recklessly experimented with irradiated Orichalcum to "see what happens" (albeit under significant pressure from their government employers, and she's apparently still beating herself up about it).
    • Amity starts learning human magic here in addition to her canon Abominations and fire spell, and her tutelage from Doctor Strange allows her to destroy Grom all by herself.
    • Grometheus is much more dangerous here. One student that faced it previously has been in a coma since, and one of Boscha's mothers faced it and hasn't felt warm since, always wearing a sweater at least until Amity destroys it.
    • While powerful, the Owl Beast was unable to do anything to the Collector in canon. Here, her entire species was explicitly capable of hurting the Archivists, causing them to switch from archiving the species to exterminating them outright.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In canon, Raine Whispers and the BATTs didn't appear until the second season. Here they become involved in the plot during the events of "Something Ventured, Someone Framed". Raine even shows up to hear Luz's lecture about the Human World for Hexside's Human Appreciation Society.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In canon, the basilisk which attacks Hexside is treated as a purely malicious monster. Here, a medical examination after she's defeated reveals that her aggression was the result of chronic pain from the medical experiments performed on her by the Emperor's Coven, and she's treated sympathetically by the other characters afterwards.
  • Adaptational Intelligence:
    • Downplayed. While Luz was far from unintelligent in canon, she could be somewhat naïve, headstrong, and willing to jump into situations without thinking. While she retains shades of such characterization in this story, Luz repeatedly surprises a number of characters for being wiser than they expect, and is much more willing to acknowledge her own limitations and think things through as opposed to just blindly rushing into situations. One prominent example is when she chooses to simply sign up for two magic courses in Hexside as opposed to all of them like she did in canon, acknowledging that while she would like to study as much magic as possible, it would be better to limit her focus to avoid overtaxing herself with schoolwork. The arrival of Ingrimaxus only highlights the difference; while in canon, Luz would almost certainly throw herself into the fray with the eager intent of fighting a dragon, in this story, she acknowledges that she would be out of her depth by blindly taking on Ingrimaxus without a plan and initially intends to simply focus on protecting and rescuing civilians, before being stopped from doing so by Eda locking down the house. She only fights Ingrimaxus directly because Lilith specifically asked for her help in doing so, following her plan to the letter once it's explained.
    • Grom actually displays intelligence by talking to its victims instead of just being a seemingly mindless creature reacting to the fears of those who face it.
    • The Owl Beast displays the ability to speak fluently when Luz, Amity, and Eda are able to speak to it inside the mind of the latter, something it never did in canon.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy:
    • Odalia is a downplayed version of this. She is much more accepting of Amity's friendship with Luz and even encourages Amity to learn new magic outside the bounds of the Coven system. Upon learning of Amity's crush on Luz, she actually encourages her daughter's feelings and is pleased to see the two of them get together, unlike in canon. However, her motivations are still selfish in nature, with her being accepting of Luz primarily because of her connections with Earth's superheroes and figuring out ways that connection could benefit her.
    • Belos is a possible case of this. While the gist of his character remains the same (being a human named Philip Wittibane who came to the Isles 400 years ago and the current ruler of the Boiling Isles), his Fantastic Racism against witches and his Puritanical beliefs seem noticeably absent here, as while assuming that Luz is a human-witch hybrid, he openly expresses interest in seeing if this kind of hybrid can happen more often, a viewpoint that his canon counterpart would almost certainly never entertain. While it's possible that he's simply putting on appearances, a few scenes from his perspective when he's alone indicate that he genuinely worships the entity that he believes to be the Titan, unlike in canon where it was shown that he was outright lying about being the Voice of the Titan in order to manipulate the populace for his own ends. Most tellingly, one such section has him internally note that he hated having to release a deadly plague among the witches as a distraction so he could put up a barrier between the Demon Realm and Human Realm.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul:
    • Canonically, Lilith and Hunter are never even shown interacting onscreen, and she speaks negatively of their offscreen time in the Emperor's Coven together. Here, she takes on a mentorship role to him within the Coven.
    • Downplayed, but Luz and Amity start dating each other much earlier than in canon, where they got together in season 2. In this story, the confidence from their adventures plus direct encouragement from their friends and families causes them to officially become girlfriends during Grom.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection:
    • Eda and Lilith created the hidden room in the library that Amity uses in the present.
    • It's implied (and confirmed in chapter 21) that Grometheus, or at least similar beings, were used by the Archivists against the Titans, given the carvings on the wall of its prison.
  • Alien Blood: Dragon blood, as seen with Ingrimaxus, is lilac-covered and burns hot enough to set things it makes contact with on fire.
  • Aliens Love Human Food: Lilith has taken a liking to root beer and has her own stores of it that she bought from Eda (via a proxy) as a pick-me-up whenever she's particularly stressed out.
  • Alpha Bitch: On her first day at Gravesfield High, Vee has the displeasure of meeting head cheerleader Chasity Masterson, who quickly takes a disliking to her for not meeting her qualifications for being "normal". According to Masha, her attitude mostly stems from how her family has been coasting by on the wealth from a factory they used to own a hundred years ago. Vee is actually surprised to learn that Luz and Masha aren't held in higher regard at the school than her due to being legitimate superheroes.
  • Amplifier Artifact: The Eye of Argon is a ring that was created by Azura to work as a focus and amplifier for Oracle magic, and is implied to be why why she was able to see so far into the future so effectively. In Luz's hands, it meshes well with her Spider-Sense, causing her to go into an Oracle Trance almost immediately.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Odalia encouraged Amity to make friends with Luz and study more advanced forms of magic to allow the Blights to grow more powerful. When Amity grows powerful enough to completely throw off her mother's own Oracle Magic and refuses to follow her whims anymore, Amity, Edric, and Emira all point out that this is exactly what Odalia wanted.
  • Brain Bleach: Part of why it took Amity so long to learn to astral project is because an early attempt accidentally sent her into Edric's room, where she witnessed her brother posing in his underwear.
  • Broken Pedestal: Belos becomes this to Lilith when she realizes that he's Not So Omniscient After All.
  • Call-Forward: When Lilith meets with Bump to discuss Grom's death, the latter has clearly just been busy in his garden, a nod towards what he's shown doing in his apparent retirement in canon's Distant Finale.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Lampshaded by Vee when she properly meets Masha and upon learning of their powers, realizes that they're likely the unknown hero who arrives in the Demon Realm with her and Camilla according to Luz's Oracle vision. She questions what the odds of that happening are, then realizes that with everything that's happened since Luz came to the Boiling Isles, it's actually pretty likely.
  • The Corruption: Strange warns Amity that taking Grom's power into herself could cause this effect on her, as power like that wants to be used. Chapter 21 shows that this isn't an idle warning...
  • Crossover Power Acquisition: Besides Luz learning Glyph magic as in canon, Amity also learns to cast the Flames of Faltine spell from one of the Azura books. Upon learning about this, Doctor Strange gives Amity a beginner book of Vishanti spells for her to further learn Earth-based sorcery.
  • Death by Adaptation: Scooter Crane, Raine's predecessor as Head Witch of the Bard Coven, dies fighting Ingrimaxus. Canonically, he just retired, and was then never mentioned again.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Thanks to Doctor Strange's tutelage, Amity is able to permanently destroy Grometheus, something that was said to be impossible for any witch to accomplish with their own magic.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In canon, Luz's dad Manny died of some undisclosed Soap Opera Disease. Here, he died in the car-crash that eventually led to Luz gaining her powers.
  • Disappeared Dad: Luz’s father Manny still died here, but in a car accident instead of a Soap Opera Disease.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: There's a magical barrier around the exit portal for the Demon Realm, keeping any other Marvel heroes from coming through to the Boiling Isles and easily solving the conflict with Belos. While Doctor Strange does note several ways to potentially get through it, each come with their own complications. Trying to brute-force it would likely create an explosive backlash that would wipe out several cities, and finding a safer approach to bring down the barrier would take several months at the minimum. A future vision shows Vee, Camila, and Masha being teleported through the barrier, which Strange confirmed is possible, but there are still dangerous complications with the spell and it would only allow a few people to go at a time, thus it's being held in reserve as an emergency option. Currently, the best known option for shutting down the barrier is for Luz and co to find the source in the Demon Realm.
  • The Dreaded: Ingrimaxus is a massive dragon, nearly immune to magic, that once devastated the Boiling Isles before being driven off by a Heroic Sacrifice by a group of wild witches fifteen years ago.
  • Eldritch Location: The Knee is weird in this universe. For whatever reason, the caverns below the Knee will move and shift around like rooms in a procedurally generated video game, seemingly at random, with the hole that Amity and Luz fell through vanishing as soon as no one was looking; the walls are made a material that Luz can't Wall Crawl on; two of the rooms are what appears to be a human church and Cold War-era military base; and time is weird (Luz and Amity were in the tunnels maybe half a day from their perspective, but it was much later when they got out, which apparently not everyone manages). Really, the fact that the tunnels have light with no visible source, apparently from interactions from the magics used to light some of the rooms and basements caught up in the effect, is one of the less weird things about it. It even seems to sapient, as all of Luz's attempts to simply use her webs to get Amity and herself out are foiled by a gust of wind out of nowhere. Oh, and for some reason using levitation spells on anything on the Knee sends it shooting into the sky.
  • Embarrassing Browser History: When Masha's friend Alex gushes over the former's new muscles, Masha mentions how the latter looks at bodybuilders when she thinks that no one's looking. Alex retorts by pointing out how Masha searches for Cute Monster Girl stuff, with their other friend Mark interrupting and lampshading how they're practically shouting their embarrassing fetishes.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: After the battle with Ingrimaxus and seeing Luz's contribution to it, Belos comes to the conclusion that Luz is in fact a human and witch hybrid and Eda's daughter, believing her to be a unique being that could potentially come about by the mating of witches and humans. Lilith, who knows enough about Luz to know that's not even remotely true, is noticeably dumbstruck as to how he could have possibly come to this conclusion and takes it as further confirmation that Belos is full of shit.
  • Everyone Can See It: The mutual crush that Luz and Amity are developing on each other is fairly obvious to others around them. Eventually, their closest friends and family openly encourage the two of them to get together during Grom.
  • Experienced Protagonist: Zigzagged. Luz is noted to not have any formal training or experience as a superhero, which she was supposed to get at Avengers Academy before being waylaid to the Boiling Isles. That said, given she's had her powers since she was 6, she has full control over them, and has volunteered as a first responder in crisis situations alongside Masha, which allows her to remain calm in otherwise unfamiliar and dangerous situations.
  • Fantastic Racism: This being the Marvel Universe, Differently Powered Individuals make up 1% of the human population and plenty of them experience discrimination on some level. Luz had suffered bullying and isolation from her classmates after gaining spider-powers and the X-Men have had to liberate mutant slave-camps.
    • Jacob Hopkins is mentioned as specifically being racist after Vee is officially revealed to Gravesfield as an alien refugee adopted by Camila, as not only did he try to make a scene at the event (and get shut down by The Invisible Woman herself), but he's mentioned as having tried repeatedly to get Luz and Masha arrested for being "mutants". Vee also has to hide her shapeshifting abilities because of all the attempted invasions by Skrulls.
  • Fling a Light into the Future: It's implied that The Good Witch Azura books and all related merchandise aren't actually real and were made by the actual Azura to help Luz and Amity fulfill a magical destiny. She even has a package for the two put on her own tomb, knowing that they'll eventually find it in the future.
  • Genocide from the Inside: Belos and Bill of the Titan Trappers are both in contact with a voice that claims to be both the Boiling Isles Titan and the "Grand Hunstman" that the latter group worships, saying that it led the Trappers in eliminating the other Titans to protect the early witches societies from them after the other Titans grew jealous of their friendship with said witches.
  • God Guise: The voice that communes with both Belos and the Titan Trappers claims to be the Boiling Isles Titan himself, but there's enough evidence in the story to indicate that it's lying. Besides the fact that it needs both groups to find the Birthing tower of the last Titan child instead of just telling them where it is, there's also the battles with Ingrimaxus; Belos explicitly notes that the magic gifted to him by the Titan was outright useless against the dragon last time it showed up, and it's why he doesn't even bother fighting against it himself when it returns in the present day. When Luz uses her own Titan Glyph magic against it, however, the magic proves to be extremely effective in halting the dragon in its tracks, and a Fire Glyph drawn on Ingrimaxus' head is what ultimately kills the beast for good. Chapter 21 implies that it is in fact an Archivist, one who isn't the Collector.
  • Hero of Another Story: Comes up more than a few times. Several of Earth's superheroes are noted to be absent at times due to dealing with other crises that came up. Doctor Strange in particular has a tendency to note several other things he's had to deal with between his appearances, which each double as a Shout-Out to a different fictional work.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A group of wild witches including Eda's mentor sacrificed themselves to drive away Ingrimaxus during his first attack on the Boiling Isles.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard:
    • In potions class when making Sticky-Goop potions (which use spider-silk as a key ingredient), Boscha refuses to get any spider-silk from Luz like the rest of the class, having convinced her moms to buy her a personal potions kit with her own supply of high quality spider-silk. When everyone hands in their potions, Boscha's sticky-goop potion ends up being the least impressive of the entire class due to Luz's webbing turning out to be much better quality than even high-quality spider-silk found in the Demon Realm.
    • Lampshaded by Eda during a sparring session with Luz. She tries to use a unique teleportation spell to blindside Luz, but despite the surprise of the move, her apprentice easily counters with her Spider-Sense. Luz points out that Eda was the one who both taught her how to fight, and helped her get better with using her senses, to which the Owl Lady concedes that she fell for this trope.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: One of the reasons why Luz decides to stay behind in the Demon Realm is that the Human Realm is already packed to the gills with superheroes, with there being too many with Spider-Man's power-set to set her apart. As such, she believes it would be more fulfilling to learn how to be a hero helping the people of Bonesborough.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: After Eda manages to successfully threaten Odalia into making a few calls, Odalia has her abomi-butler get her their strongest wine.
  • Inter-Service Rivalry: The Avengers seem to find Professor X's school's tendency to monopolize mutant applicants over Avengers Academy frustrating, Thor lampshading that all it does is needlessly categorize Differently Powered Individuals.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Camila instantly bonds with Vee and happily becomes her official caregiver, though it takes some time before an actual discussion occurs about whether or not Luz has a new sister.
  • Kaiju: Ingrimaxus, a massive dragon that attacked the Boiling Isles fifteen years ago and was only driven off because a group of wild witches sacrificed themselves to wound it badly enough to drive it off.
  • Life Imitates Art: In-Universe. Its implied that the events of the Good Witch Azura novels are based on the events happening to Luz, Amity and Vee, Azura having been a good enough seer to see the events unfold centuries before they happen.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Combined with Not So Omniscient After All, but later chapters confirm Belos has absolutely no idea about how much Earth has changed in his absence, not knowing that superheroes and supervillains are a normal thing in the Human Realm. As such, he comes to the completely wrong conclusion about where Luz's powers come from, believing that she's a human-witch hybrid who Eda gave birth to. Lilith notably decides to keep him in the dark and plays along with his assumptions, even though she is much more aware of the truth than he is and knows that, despite his beliefs that she's likely the only one of her kind on Earth, Luz is really a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond and far from the only superhuman in the Human Realm.
  • Logical Weakness: Having spider-DNA, Luz is particularly vulnerable to the pesticide Chloroethane, which thankfully is rarely used in the present.
    • Luz's Spider-Sense is a powerful ability that's saved her butt a lot of times, but it's noted that it only works when she actually pays attention to it.
  • Merged Reality: Everyone's theory on the Day of Unity seems to be that it means merging the Human Realm and the Demon Realm, which Belos promised would be a paradise for both worlds. A number of prominent witches and demons begin to question the wisdom of the Day of Unity and how much of a paradise it would actually be after meeting Luz and hearing about the kind of threats Earth has to deal with on a regular basis.
  • Metal-Poor Planet: Well, not quite planet, but as the Boiling Isles is a Giant Corpse World, there's not a lot of natural metals available. They have some mines on surrounding Isles, but they're small and the journey dangerous, so metals from Earth sell very well for Eda, especially since they're useful for enchantments.
  • Morton's Fork: Eda has Lilith scan Luz before her duel with Amity, to prove that she hasn't used any spells or potions to help her cheat. When Lilith cheating by giving Amity a power glyph is exposed, and Lilith accuses Eda of using illusions to disguise a spider demon as a human, Eda reminds her sister of this, and thus Lilith is caught between admitting that she cheated this time, or claiming that a wild witch's magic beat hers, implying that the Coven system is flawed.
  • Mundane Utility: It's been stated more than once that Luz's Wall Crawl ability makes her ideal for cleaning ceilings and other hard-to-reach places.
  • Named by the Adaptation:
    • The basilisk which attacks Hexside in "The First Day" is named Zero, though Luz starts calling her "Zee" to match Vee.
    • The Owl Beast wasn't given any other name in canon, but here, the Beast identifies as Rinseri, Queen of the Balye.
  • "No. Just… No" Reaction: This is Lilith's response to Belos' musings about his belief that Luz is a half-human and witch hybrid, and his subsequent desire to experiment and see how such a thing can come about, though he notices her disgust about the latter and says that they would simply wait until after the merging of worlds on the Day of Unity and let such pairings come about naturally as opposed to doing something more unsavory.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • In Chapter 17, Eda offhandedly mentions a time as teenagers that she and Lilith explored the ruins of "Castle Clawthorne", which resulted in Lilith getting scars from saw blades.
    • In Chapter 19, when Willow and Amity are recounting the times Luz has thrown herself into danger to save people, they mention a sabrecat wandering onto school campus the prior week.
  • No Ontological Inertia: Once Grom is defeated for good by Amity, all of its curses suddenly break.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond:
    • Luz notes that on Earth, her powers are hardly unique, let alone super special or powerful. On the Boiling Isles however, her presence is considerably ground-breaking, not least of which for being the first known human to arrive in the Demon Realm in a long time. Her spider-powers allow her to take on multiple skilled witches and defeat them with ease, not to mention a number of monsters that she struggled to face in canon. The fact that she is this in the Demon Realm isn't lost on the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles either, as a number of prominent witches begin to question the wisdom of merging realities on the Day of Unity if Luz represents merely an average superhuman for her world.
    • Amity becomes a variation of this thanks to learning Marvel-based magic from Doctor Strange. While she gets a beginner book of spells and some personal tutoring from him, it's clear that she still has a long way to go before she's anywhere near his level. Despite that, the amount of human magic she does learn allows her to utterly destroy Grometheus, completely shrug off her mother's own magical attempts to control her, and effectively makes her one of the most powerful witches in the Boiling Isles.
  • No-Sell:
    • Luz's powers, particularly her Spider-Sense, make her essentially immune to illusions, as she can always tell that they're fake images with no real substance. She manages to clue into Adaghast's true nature and defeat him easily offscreen as a result.
    • The barrier around the portal door's exit on Earth doesn't affect plants, inanimate objects, or Palisman and similar magical creatures (the latter being why Owlbert never noticed it when gathering human trash).
    • Amity learns to create mental barriers from Doctor Strange that allow her to dispel Grometheus' fear illusions and utterly ignore her mother's magical efforts to control her.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: The Owl Beast turns out to have been trying to protect Eda whenever she emerged, and the magic draining is merely a side effect of their fusion.
  • Oh, My Gods!: Oddly enough, a number of characters from the Demon Realm have invoked the names and aliases of various entities from the Cthulhu Mythos in casual conversation as curse words. Meanwhile, Vee invokes the name of The One Above All after meeting Hooty for the first time and asking what he is.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Lilith comes to the Owl House to ask for Luz's help against Ingrimaxus, Eda denies her, on account of it being her house and it's on Lockdown. The second time, Hooty calmly interjects that it's his house.
  • Outside-Context Problem:
    • Dragons are this for the Boiling Isles. According to Lilith, no one's ever found out where they come from, and all they know for sure is that they seem drawn to attacking the Isles for some reason.
    • Human-based magic is this to Grometheus. When Amity uses the magic she learned from Doctor Strange in her fight against it at Grom, it's completely unable to fight back and is quickly destroyed by her.
  • Plausible Deniability: After Amity uses the human magic she's learned to defeat Grom, Bump has her claim that Eda taught it to her, since the Emperor's Coven firmly denies that magic exists on Earth, and if he has her claim that Eda taught it to her he won't have to tell the Emperor's Coven about it.
  • Propaganda Machine: It's implied that the media and books of the Boiling Isles has been manipulated to consistently depict humans as Puny Earthlings who are defenseless but surprisingly kind-hearted, needing the aid of their witch cousins, justifying the need to merge Earth and the Demon Realm.
  • Properly Paranoid: The interest of the superhero community in the Demon Realm has shades of this. After learning of its existence from Vee, the Fantastic Four and Doctor Strange start preparations to investigate the Boiling Isles more thoroughly. Strange admits to Camila that while they definitely have Luz's safety in mind, it's technically a side goal for their real objective: to learn more about the Demon Realm and any potential allies or dangers, and get ahead of the latter before they become a threat to Earth. Given the kind of threats they deal with on a regular basis and considering the official claim of the Day of Unity would involve the Demon Realm being merged with the Human Realm, the superhero community certainly has good reason to be concerned.
  • Pulling the Thread: How Lilith loses faith in Belos. It starts when seeing Luz using her powers repeatedly and hearing from both her and others that she's far from the only person on Earth capable of feats like that, completely shattering the worldview Lilith has held of humanity, a worldview that it's implied Belos at least partially taught to her. As the doubts continue, more and more of Belos' lies continue to become clear as Lilith plays along, like his claim that anyone who betrayed him would be tortured by their Coven sigil, something she knows to be false from both second and first hand experience. It culminates in the aftermath of the battle with Ingrimaxus, where he claims to divinely deduce that Luz is a rare human-witch hybrid and Eda's own daughter; Lilith, who at this point has learned enough about Luz to know that this is completely false, and was already wavering in loyalty, takes this proclamation as the definitive sign that Belos is Not So Omniscient After All, and starts to more directly (and discreetly) aid her sister and Luz by sending them a new costume for the latter made of dragon scales.
  • Puny Earthlings: Because the existence of Differently Powered Individuals aren't common knowledge on the Boiling Isles, humans are typically seen as harmless and fragile by witches and demons because of their lack of magic (to the point of there seemingly being a Propaganda Machine promoting a viewpoint similar to a fantastic White Man's Burden). It's when Lilith sees Luz's superhuman feats and learns about the existence of superheroes does this lead to her realizing that Belos is either Not So Omniscient After All or outright lying, even doubting that he could or would be able to heal Eda like he promised.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Ingrimaxus has purple scales and is a dragon that has the entire Isles rightfully scared. Luz later gets a costume made from his scales after helping defeat him.
  • Reality Warping Is Not a Toy: The reason that Strange gives for why the use of magic isn't more widespread and well-known on Earth, even small spells can mess with reality in big ways.
  • Red Right Hand: Instead of the stripe of necrotic flesh he had in canon, here Belos' facial disfigurement is glyphs which have been carved into his face, and which he claims are a sign of his connection to the Titan. Bill of the Titan Trappers has the same ritual scarification, and can also commune with the Titan (or at least, the entity claiming to be the Titan).
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: A number of Eda's old schoolmates — Barbatos, Flauros, Gusion and Bael — happen to share names with demons from demonology (specifically listed in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum).
  • The Reveal: Chapter 21 indicates that Azura used to be a student of the Ancient One and Kamar-Taj many centuries ago, which explains how she knows so much about magic from the Human Realm. She's also Eda's ancestor, and asked the Ancient One to keep both her heritage and identity a secret from her modern day descendants as well as Luz, Amity and the other residents of the Owl House.
  • Ring of Power: The Eye of Argon, a magical artifact that greatly amplifies Oracle magic, takes the shape of a ring.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: During the fight with Ingrimaxus, Severine eventually gets so scared by how powerful he is that she flees the battlefield. After the dragon's defeat, Eda notes that the high number of "missing" witches probably has a lot who made the same decision.
  • Seen It All: As is custom for a Marvel Universe.
    • When Vee shows up at Avengers Academy in Luz's place, the superheroes treat the situation seriously, but at the same time regard it as something they've dealt with before. After determining that Vee is simply a scared refugee, they even have legal paperwork available to allow her to officially become a citizen of Earth in spite of her extradimensional nature. Furthermore, while the existence of the Boiling Isles and the specific aspects of its magic and dangers are currently unfamiliar to them, the superheroes of Earth don't treat it as anything particularly new or out of the ordinary, given the things they regularly deal with.
    • Luz is a downplayed case of this. Due to initially being Locked Out of the Loop about the existence of human magic on Earth, the Boiling Isles and its inhabitants are still a wonder to her. That said, some aspects of the Isles noticeably don't impress or intimidate her as much as they do in canon, due to Luz's experiences on Earth. For instance, the varied appearances of demons are something she notes to be similar to mutants, and she finds it hard to be impressed by illusion magic when her spider-sense constantly allows her to No-Sell any illusions used on her. Furthermore, the existence of magic itself isn't a surprise to her, but prior to learning the Light Glyph spell and meeting Doctor Strange, she previously thought magic was primarily in the domain of the Gods like the Olympians or Asgardians, and not something humans could do normally.
  • Shipper on Deck: Is heavily on display with Luz and Amity during the events leading up to Grom.
    • On Luz's end, Camila, Eda, and King outright encourage her to ask Amity out as her Grom date, citing that they can see the attraction the two have for each other.
    • On Amity's end, Emira and Edric both encourage Amity to give Luz the note she made asking Luz to be her Grom date. And in a reversal from canon, when Odalia learns about Amity's crush on Luz, even she encourages her daughter to get together with Luz.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Simple, yet Awesome: When Gus decides to invite Luz to his Human Appreciation Club to rub it in Mattholomule's face, instead of lying to everyone and sneaking Luz in like he did in canon, he instead just asks Bump permission to temporarily wave the ban and frames it as a learning experience. Not only does Bump say yes, but he praises Gus for doing the mature thing and just asking for it because students at Hexside tend to solve all their problems with violence. The fact that they tend to wrack up a lot of property damage and Bump is struggling to keep Hexside funded probably had something to do with it.
  • Spotting the Thread: Luz, Amity and Camila all realize that the Good Witch Azura books might be more than they seem when they realize that the books don't have any mention of any author or barcodes, nor do they have any memory of how they procure them outside of some vague memories of buying them at a bookstore. Doctor Strange confirms their suspicions when he looks at the context of the books and notices mention of Kamar-Taj, Vishanti and the Sorcerer Supreme in them, among other things.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That:
    • When Belos comes to the conclusion that Luz is actually the biological half-human and half-witch daughter of Eda to explain where her powers come from, Lilith, despite knowing this isn't even remotely accurate, decides to play along with his assumption, to keep the Emperor in the dark about just how capable the Human Realm really is.
    • After Amity destroys Grom for good, she's prepared to explain that she learned the magic to do so from Doctor Strange in the Human Realm. However, Principal Bump pre-empts her by saying she must have learned it from Eda, and after some additional hinting from both Bump and Willow to avoid having to get the Emperor's Coven involved, Amity just rolls with the claim.
  • Sword Cane: A variant, in this universe Palisman can take on both the form of a Magic Staff and that of a sword.
  • The Tape Knew You Would Say That: While Luz and Amity are wandering around the caverns of the Knee, they come across Azura's tomb, with a package left for them on it seemingly centuries ago. When they open the package, and Luz catches the Ring of Argon, they soon find that the note has numerous details about them, including Azura complimenting Luz on the catch she just made. This is noted more than once as being a sign of incredible power as an Oracle.
  • This Cannot Be!: Grometheus' response when Amity is actually able to hurt it with the magic she learned from Doctor Strange, something no other witch in the Boiling Isles has ever accomplished.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Boscha becomes much less abrasive and tones down her bullying behavior of others after Luz saves her life from the fire trap on the Grudgeby field. Even Willow notes how much her attitude has improved since that event.
  • Trapped in Another World: In Chapter 5, it's discovered that there's now a barrier around the shack where the portal door opens up on Earth, preventing anyone from Earth from travelling to the Isles and vice versa, meaning Luz's initial plan of returning home after the summer ends is no longer possible, to her and Camila's horror. Vee is similarly stuck on Earth, but she's absolutely fine with that.
  • Trauma Button: When Ingrimaxus returns to attack the Boiling Isles again, Eda is especially horrified due to her beloved mentor having died fighting him the first time. This causes her to at first be especially fervent about stopping Luz from going out to help, as she doesn't want to lose someone else she cares about.
  • Villain of Another Story: It's mentioned that the blood transfusion that gave Luz her powers was originally in the possession of Miles Warren, AKA The Jackal, only for the DNA sample to wind up lost in the system after he's beaten and locked away for his crimes. Whether or not it was placed there deliberately as part of his experiments or if it was entirely an accident is yet to be clarified.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When Amity first meets Grom, it's mocking and sadistic, eager to break her as it has done to many witches before. Once Amity displays magic it's never seen before and proves herself capable of hurting and killing it, the creature's confidence quickly shatters and soon it starts desperately trying to flee as Amity binds its power to herself before burning what's left of it to ash.
  • White Man's Burden: A fantasy variant, apparently every fictional work in the Isles with them depicts humans as Puny Earthlings that need to be saved or helped by a witch, and even a book called "Beauty Across Worlds" has the human character needing to be saved by her witch girlfriend several times, (with Luz even noting that the lack of variation is rather odd, the implication being that a Propaganda Machine is at work). Lilith is rather shaken for a loop to learn of superbeings like Luz existing on Earth, as it proves that humans are more capable than the Demon Realm believes, and that Belos is either Not So Omniscient After All or outright lying.
  • The World Is Not Ready: While the world is adapting to the increased presence of superhumans, the existence of magic that isn't just from advanced technology is hidden or disguised as said advanced tech or other kinds of powers, due to the existential crises that would result if it was public knowledge.
  • Worthless Yellow Rocks: Due to the limited amounts of naturally available metals in the Isles, and the usefulness of pure metals in enchantments, a box of washers that only cost Camila about $5, or a random assortment of old keys and screws, can actually cause a bidding war. Suletta is amazed at actually seeing an intact paperclip, and when Eda gives her a discount so she only has to pay twenty snails per pristine nail, the young Emperor's Coven member is in awe of the price, since she'd have to pay over twice that just for bent and rusty ones.
  • Wrong Context Magic:
    • While the existence of humans and the Human Realm are common knowledge on the Boiling Isles, the existence of the weirder aspects of the Marvel UniverseDifferently Powered Individuals, space aliens, even magic native to the Human Realm — isn't. People are repeatedly blindsided and impressed by Luz's abilities, and her heroic escapades do not go unnoticed.
    • In the Human Realm, magic does indeed exist, but its existence is kept a secret among the world's populace, either dismissed with Clarke's Third Law, as some other kind of superhuman ability, or kept private entirely. Doctor Strange explains that while the public has accepted the existence of aliens and Fantastic Science, the existence of sorcery and the more Cosmic Horror elements that rubs shoulders with it would be too much for most people.
  • Your Magic's No Good Here: Averted. When Doctor Strange asks to see Luz's Glyph spells while they're both on Earth, Luz is able to cast them with zero issues, unlike in canon. It's possible the background magic field around Marvel Earth that Vee uses to fuel her shapeshifting in the story is similar enough to the Titan's in canon that the Glyphs can be used on Earth.
