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Species whose families first debut in Pikmin 2.

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    Piklopedia: Burrow-Nit Family 

As a Family

  • Attack Its Weak Point: The Burrow-nit's back and the Joustmites' fronts are protected by thick armor and invulnerable to attack, but their faces and backsides, respectively, are soft and unprotected, and can be swarmed by Pikmin for massive damage.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: The majority of their bodies are protected by heavy armor too strong for even Rock Pikmin to penetrate.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Their main method of attack is extending their pointed, needle-like proboscis like a lance to skewer any unfortunate Pikmin standing in front of them.
  • Removable Shell: The shells of the Joustite specimens appear to not be attached to their bodies. In their death throes, the shell will fly up and land back on their bodies.

Cloaking Burrow-nit
Trilobitins reclusiva

Appears In: Pikmin 2

This bug prefers to stay buried unless a swarm of Pikmin comes its way. It then uses its needle-like mouth to skewer a single Pikmin in order to devour it. Unfortunately for it, this act leaves its face extremely vulnerable to the rest of your swarm, the impalement doesn't instantly kill your Pikmin, and it takes a while for it to eat one, giving you plenty of time to save it by killing the creature. They may also, like Female Sheargrubs, gnaw on wooden bridges you've built.

Trilobitins reversa

Appears In: Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

The Joustmite is very similar to the Cloaking Burrow-Nit, if a tiny bit faster. Unlike the Burrow-Nit, its face is covered while its backside is exposed.

  • Attack the Tail: Its front is armored, requiring you to navigate around it to get at its exposed backside.
  • Meaningful Name: It's an insect that has a lance-like tongue it can use to skewer your Pikmin, making the name "Joustmite" quite fitting.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For the Cloaking Burrow-Nit, both being armored arthropods with a single exposed area that lie half-buried underground and emerge to attack when you come close. Pikmin 3 Deluxe would confirm that they belong to the same family, with the scientific name Trilobitins reversa indicating that they're burrow-nits with the shell on the front instead of the back.

Flighty Joustmite
Trilobitins reversa volanti

Appears In: Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

The Flighty Joustmite is a slight variation of the Joustmite, the biggest and most obvious difference being that the Flighty Joustmite can fly.

  • Airborne Mook: It's just like a normal Joustmite in most respects, with the exception of having a pair of insect wings and thus able to fly and charge at your Pikmin from above.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Joustmites spend most of their time half-buried in the ground, covering the Flighty variant's wings until it emerges. They can still be distinguished, however, by the Flighty Joustmite's bright red coloration.
  • Deadly Dodging: Once it's in the air, it won't come down again as long as you're in sight and will keep circling to take a shot at your Pikmin. The best way to deal with it is to feint it into shooting its proboscis, dodging out of the way and leaving it stuck with its spear jammed into the ground.
  • Elite Mooks: Joustmites that can fly and have a larger amount of health.
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: Flighty Joustmites are red, can fly, and have more health than regular Joustmite.

    Piklopedia: Crawmad Family 

As a family

  • Ambush Enemy: Become this in Pikmin 3 onward, due to their burrows becoming much harder to see and make out, often blending in with the ground beneath them.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Seem to be a cross between a hermit crab and a crawfish. The bigger Bug-Eyed variants throw in lobsters into the mix as well.
  • Red Live Lobster: All of them are living crustaceans with red shells with soft pink skin underneath.

Hermit Crawmad
Camabarus rustica

Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

Hermit Crawmads are hermit crabs that have moved from the seaside and into forested areas with lots of water. They stay in their burrows and watch your Pikmin from afar. When one gets close enough, it'll strike. If it's unsuccessful, it will try to scurry back to its burrow. However, it leaves its unprotected backside wide open for a Pikmin swarm.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: The fronts of their bodies are unhittable, but the soft abdomen they expose when leaving their dens is a valid target.
  • Whack-a-Monster: They normally lurk in their holes, visible as a circle of raised darker dirt. When Pikmin or captains pass close, the Crawmad will pop out and try to grab some Pikmin, and will then scurry back to its hole. This is when you should attack, as they expose their unarmored backsides while fleeing, but will go out of reach of your attacks once they dive back into their burrow. In Pikmin 4, they inherit their Bugeyed relatives ability to pop out of multiple holes, expanding their territories.

Bugeyed Crawmad
Camabarus subterranid

Appears In: Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

A new mini-boss in Pikmin 3, this guy looks like a giant Hermit Crawmad and fights much like one, only it's much bigger and is capable of eating a mass of ten Pikmin in one attack if one is not careful.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: Two, in succession. Normally, their only vulnerable spots are their eyeballs. Deal enough damage to those, and the Bugeyed Crawmad will flip on its back, exposing its soft and unprotected underside to attack.
  • Eye Scream: In order to Attack Its Weak Point, you first need to throw Pikmin onto its eyes until it retracts both of them, at which point it will flop over on its back, stunned. It is also possible to save Pikmin it is eating by destroying one of its eyeballs, which will force it to drop its prey.
  • Flipping Helpless: In order to actually harm it, the player must flip it over and attack its soft, vulnerable belly.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: They're some of the largest non-boss enemies in the games by a fairly substantial margin, dwarfing both the player characters and the smaller Hermit Crawmads they sometimes appear alongside. Naturally, you can Attack Its Weak Point for massive damage — two of them in fact, their eyes and then their soft belly.
  • Go for the Eye: Its most notable physical feature and difference from regular Hermit Crawmads are its large, dangling, obvious and unprotected eyeballs. No surprise that this is what you need to target when fighting it.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: Unlike the basic Hermit Crawmads, whose soft and unprotected backsides are their main weakness and downfall, a Bugeyed Crawmad's body is completely encased in thick plates of natural armor that render every exposed inch of its body invulnerable to attack... except for its eyes.
  • King Mook: To Hermit Crawmads. It's a bigger, tougher version of them, and appears as a rare miniboss rather than as a regular enemy.
  • Long-Lived: The Piklopedia mentions that they can live upwards of 50 years and continue to grow throughout their lives.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Despite their weakness, Winged Pikmin can easily take down a Bug-Eyed Crawmad in seconds. They can be charged directly into their eyes, and they will automatically move on to the next target when it's downed, including their bellies when they flip over.

    Piklopedia: Creep-crab Family 

A family of crustacean-like enemies with very hard shells. Since the shells cannot be damaged, one has to expose weak points in order to attack them.

Segmented Crawbster

Parastacoidea reptantia

Appears In: Pikmin 2

A huge lobster-like creature found at the end of the brutal Cavern of Chaos. It wields a massive club-like limb, which is a leg that has been modified into an arm of sorts. It also has a hard shell that makes it impervious to most attacks. The Crawbster was thought to be a Gentle Giant of sorts, but it actually displays very aggressive tendencies. Its main mode of attacking is to roll into a ball and slam into anything it deems as a threat. If it hits a wall, though, it'll flip over and reveal a glowing weak spot.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: It can only be harmed by attacking it on a large red bulge on its belly, which bursts when it's killed. It is normally kept hidden against the ground or within its tightly curled armored body, and must be exposed by goading the beast into rolling into a wall and stunning itself.
  • Bullfight Boss: The way to fight the Segmented Crawbster is to lure it into a wall while it's rolling, knocking it on its back. However, this also dislodges some boulders that can crush Pikmin.
  • Collapsing Ceiling Boss: Not intentional on the Crawbster's part, but, when it gets stunned upon collision with a wall, rocks will fall from the ceiling around it.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: It's a monstrous, gigantic and highly aggressive crustacean. And yes, you flip it over to Attack Its Weak Point for massive damage.
  • The Right Hand of Doom: Its gigantic right claw. It can't kill your Pikmin with it, but it will smack them everywhere with it while removing their flowers, making it harder for them to outrun its roll.
  • Rolling Attack: It attacks by curling up into a ball and rolling after your active captain in an attempt to crush him and any Pikmin in his squad under its hard shell.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Once it runs out of health, it lays on its back, writhing and wailing in pain while its soft underbelly steams, inflates, and ruptures violently before the poor thing dies in a Troubled Fetal Position. Wow, what a glorious way to die.

Tegoparastacoeidea reptantia
Appears In: Hey! Pikmin

A gigantic pillbug-like creature that acts as the boss of the Sparkling Labyinth.

  • Attack the Tail: Its indestructible shell doesn't cover its tail. It therefore acts as its weak spot.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: It is and acts like a massive pillbug, which are crustaceans. The Armurk doesn't belong to the Creep-crab family for nothing, after all.
  • Rolling Attack: Being based on the pill bug, it can roll into a ball that tries to steamroll the Pikmin. It also jumps while doing so.
  • Wall Crawl: It can use its sticky legs to crawl on walls and on the ceiling.

    Piklopedia: Chrysanthemum Family 

As A Family

  • Ambushing Enemy: Normally, they stay buried in the ground with only their eyestalks and disguised mouth visible. As these look a lot like the harmless flora they mimic, (the only differences are that Chrysanthemum flowers lack leaves and the smaller two flowers have an eye each in their center), it can be difficult to realize one of these things is around until a seemingly harmless plant bursts out of the ground and starts gobbling Pikmin.
  • Amphibian Assault: In 4 they take on a froglike appearance, and they're hostile to you and your Pikmin.
  • Planimal:
    • They're similar to Pikmin in that they're something of a plant-animal hybrid, but they're far less humanoid than the Pikmin are. They become more "animal" like in 4, now resembling frogs.
    • The Startle Spore, despite disguising itself as mushrooms, which would technically make it an Ambulofungus, is still actually one, as it is actually a parasitic variant that has taken over a mushroom.
  • Scare Chord: Both species' play one of these when they pop out of the ground. Given that their excellent mimicry makes them blend in quite well with regular plants and fungi, it makes for a very effective jumpscare.

Creeping Chrysanthemum
Click here to see its old appearance
Taraxacum rovinia
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

Be wary around Margaret flowers, as they may be one of these in disguise. Huge and ravenous, it can be difficult to face, though if it whiffs its attack it will manage to stun itself for a while, giving you an opening to attack.

  • Man-Eating Plant: Or Pikmin-eating, at least, but regardless of their specific diet Creeping Chrysanthemums are still aggressive and mobile predators.
  • Mix-and-Match Critter: It's a carnivorous plant shaped like a frog in Pikmin 4, complete with long tongue.
  • Self-Damaging Attack Backfire: If a Creeping Crysanthemum tries to eat Pikmin but misses, it'll smack itself in the face and fall over for a short time.
  • You Don't Look Like You: The Creeping Chrysanthemum in Pikmin 4 receives a complete overhaul to its design and behaviour. It disguises as a different flower, its mouth is now on its body, and it attacks by sticking out its tongue like a frog. The only thing it has in common with its original incarnation is its name.

Startle Spore
Taraxacum fungensus
Appears In: Pikmin 4
A variant of the Creeping Chrysanthemum that disguises itself as mushrooms. They leave a puddle of poisonous goop wherever their tongues land. It's theorized that this is not an evolutionary variation, but rather the body is a parasite that has nestled inside a group of mushrooms.
  • Make Them Rot: Because it can't photosynthesize, it hunts using highly poisonous fluids that decomposes its prey. It then absorbs the nectar that's left behind.
  • Mix-and-Match Critter: In this case, a combination of mushrooms and a frog.
  • No-Sell: It's one of the few enemies that's completely unaffected by the White Pikmin's poison, meaning it can eat them with impunity.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Calling back to Pikmin 2's Bulbmin, Olimar theorizes that they are a parasitic variant of the Chrysanthemum that has possessed a fungus.
  • Underground Monkey: It's a red Creeping Chrysanthemum that has mushrooms instead of flowers.

    Piklopedia: Dweevil Family 

As a Family

  • Bandit Mook: Dweevils will attempt to pick up and carry enemy corpses and treasures around a cave sublevel, even if they were already being carried by Pikmin at the time. Pikmin cannot wrestle the object back to the ship like they can with Breadbugs, so it need to be attacked a few times to make the Dweevil drop the item (which will also act as a shield for their health bar). They can even steal a sleeping captain.
  • Color-Coded Elements: Much like the Pikmin, the Dweevils come in varying colors that match the element they use.
  • Composite Character: While Volatile Dweevils do not return in Pikmin 4, other members of the family can appear with a Bomb Rock on its back that activates when approaching a Pikmin squad, fulfilling the same role as their absent orange counterparts.
  • Elemental Powers: Their family's gimmick. Each dweevil type is associated with an element it can manipulate to attack your Pikmin: Fiery Dweevils breath fire, Anode Dweevils generate lightning, Caustic Dweevils shoots jets of water (acid, technically), Munge and Venom Dweevils breathe clouds of poison gas, and Iceblown Dweevils release freezing mist. Fittingly, their King Mook, the Titan Dweevil, can manipulate all four Pikmin 2 elements thanks to four treasures it has gathered.
  • Evil Counterpart Race: If their elemental attacks and tendency to carry treasure, carrion, and Pellets in the fourth game are any indication, they're this to the Pikmin.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Aside from the Volatile Dweevil, None of the Dweevils (even the Titan Dweevil) go out of their way to attack you. They're only carrying treasures/corpses to mimic them. The only time they attack is when they're threatened. Even the Piklopedia entries note this.

Fiery Dweevil
Mandarachnia napalmens
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

The red variant of the Dweevil family of four-legged spiders, they're harmless unless provoked, at which point they'll discharge flames. They like to find objects to carry on their backs for protection and camouflage, which can include treasures, enemy corpses, and even captains that decided to lay down for a nap.

Anode Dweevil
Mandarachnia volticula
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

The yellow Dweevil, these ones behave similarly to the other Dweevils but are particularly dangerous in the second game, as their electricity is an instant kill, unlike other hazards. Exercise caution around them, and either play it safe with Yellow Pikmin or crush them flat with Purple Pikmin before they can retaliate. It has the least health, so attacking it with the captain is also good.

  • Glass Cannon: They have less health than their cousins, but have an instant-kill element in the second game.
  • One-Hit Kill: Any non-Yellows subjected to their attack in the second game are killed instantly, which makes them one of the most dangerous Dweevils. This is no longer the case in Pikmin 4, as electricity is no longer an instantly lethal hazard.
  • Shock and Awe: This power actually makes them more dangerous than other Dweevil types in the second game — unlike fire, water, and poison, electric shocks will kill Pikmin instantly.

Caustic Dweevil/Hydro Dweevil
Mandarachnia sulfurnid (Pikmin 2), Mandarachnia aquadis (Pikmin 4)
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

Though its blue coloration indicates it is the water Dweevil, it actually sprays acid from its body. This still works like water on your Pikmin, though note that it will cause some minor damage to your captains, unlike most water attacks.

  • Acid Attack: They spit jets of acid to attack. In practice, this is animated and treated as a jet of water, with the exception that, unlike normal water, it also harms captains.
  • Making a Splash: Technically it is an acid, as evident by the name, but it is treated as if it were water with the exception that it harms captains.
  • Retcon: They have been renamed Hydro Dweevils in the Switch port of Pikmin 2, which became their official name in Pikmin 4.
  • Side Effects Include...: Louie pronounces caustic dweevils as being inedible, as side effects of eating them "include uncontrollable arm flailing and enthusiastic dishwashing".

Munge Dweevil

Mandaracnia pungetis
Appears In: Pikmin 2

Purple and poisonous, these Dweevils are a nuisance like their bretheren in that they'll pick up nearby treasures and make off with them. White Pikmin can take them down with no issue, but other Pikmin should be wary of its toxins. As its attack has no effect on Captains, to make up for it, it has the most health of the Dweevils.

  • Poisonous Person: When agitated, they will release clouds of poison gas.
  • Stone Wall: They're completely harmless even to unupgraded Captains, but can take more of a beating than other Dweevils.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: One of the few creatures Louie advises against trying to eat, if only because removing all the poison from its body is impossible.

Volatile Dweevil

Mandarachnia explodus

Appears In: Pikmin 2

An orange Dweevil unlike any other, it carries a Bomb Rock on its back and will follow you to try and explode on you. Some can be found sitting on the map, but most drop from the ceiling as a nasty surprise.

  • Action Bomb: While they carry the bombs and aren't the bombs themselves, they're still treated like the usual "exploding enemy" in every other way.
  • Ambushing Enemy: Are you roaming a lategame dungeon in Pikmin 2? Surprise! An explosive spider just got dropped on your head again! While plenty of enemies can spawn in this manner, Volatile Dweevils are the most common and often the most dangerous.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: The Volatile Dweevil doesn't return in 4. Instead, all of the regular Dweevils have the ability to use bomb rocks, adopting their behaviour.
  • Death from Above: When dropping ordinary Bomb Rocks on you from above isn't enough, later dungeons will drop these, just so the bombs can chase you instead of sitting still.

Iceblown Dweevil
Mandarachnia glacies
Appears In: Pikmin 4
Lives in cold habitats and spews frigid gas. The workings of its symbiotic bacteria are dulled and it retains its natural color, which is white. In more temperate areas where they live with Fiery Dweevils, Iceblown Dweevils are peachier in color.

Venom Dweevil
Mandarachnia venenum
Appears In: Pikmin 4
A teal Dweevil that produces poisonous gases, created from mixing two chemicals inside its body.
  • Poisonous Person: Its toxic gases are only used in self-defense.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To the Munge Dweevil, the poisonous Dweevil type introduced in Pikmin 2. The Venom Dweevil is functionally the same but has a different scientific name, common name, and coloration, implying it as a different entity. Nonetheless, Louie's note for the Venom Dweevil is the same as the one for the Munge Dweevil.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Louie advises against trying to eat it for the same reason as the Munge Dweevil.

Titan Dweevil
Mandarachnia gargantium

Appears In: Pikmin 2

The final boss of Pikmin 2 and the largest creature in the game. The Titan Dweevil is a gargantuan member of the Dweevil family, and just like them, it loves carrying treasure on its body. It is carrying at least five: a water faucet, a gas burner, a stink bomb, an electrical device, and Louie himself. It is also able to use four of the treasures as weapons when attacked. Why this is is up for speculation: Maybe it was a freak occurrence? Maybe its genes have been altered due to contact with these treasures? Is it possible that Louie is controlling the insect?

To take on this mighty foe, careful use of your Pikmin is vital. Once a treasure has been broken off, it won't be picked up. Once all of them are off, it will be completely vulnerable to any assault. Defeat it and you'll save Louie!

  • Ambiguous Situation: Olimar's log on Louie's treasure entry (wherein Louie claims to be the "King of Bugs") imply that Louie may have controlled the Titan Dweevil for the final boss fight, though it could also simply have been a kidnapping.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Downplayed Trope; Its four weapons are strong enough to hit you, but they still won't bypass the normal elemental immunities of the captains; They will be stunned by them like a regular attack, but they won't lose health: the Comedy Bomb knocks them down them despite the suits normally blocking toxins, and the Flare Cannon and Shock Therapist hit through the Scorch Guard and Anti-Electrifier upgrades respectively. This is still dangerous because if both a captain and a vulnerable Pikmin get hit, it's very likely you will be stun locked until it's too late to save them.
  • Chrome Champion: Until you remove its weapons, at which point the chrome exoskeleton breaks off to reveal its softer body.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: After the weapons are gone, it becomes completely harmless. And it remains in this state in rematches!
  • Elemental Baggage: While the Flare Cannon has an identifiable fuel resevoir and the Comedy Bomb can hold gas inside (albeit much more than it should hold), the Monster Pump is not connected to any water source yet can launch large balls of water everywhere.
  • Elemental Powers: It can control all four of the main damaging elements thanks to machines it has hoarded.
  • Final-Exam Boss: Each of its weapons is resisted by a single type of Pikmin. However, since only the electrical Shock Therapist can instantly kill Pikmin, it's better to used Yellow Pikmin only at first and bring in others once it gets dislodged from the Titan Dweevil.
  • Giant Spider: The largest in the Dweevil Family, and its size is close to members of the Arachnorb family.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: That cycle between the colors of the rainbow, no less.
  • Final Boss: Story-wise, it's the final boss of Pikmin 2. But unlike the Emperor Bulblax and the Plasm Wraith, it's possible to face other bosses and go through other areas and caves after beating it.
  • Improvised Weapon: It uses a camping stove, a water tap, some sort of gas container and a Crookes tube as weapons against your Pikmin. Normally these things wouldn't be too dangerous, but when you're the size of an ant...
  • King Mook: It's the largest and strongest of the Dweevils.
  • Making a Splash: It shoots balls of water with the Monster Pump, which can hit anywhere in its sublevel.
  • Playing with Fire: It sprays fire in a waving flamethrower motion with the Flare Cannon.
  • Poisonous Person: It releases toxic gas in a split stream with the Comedy Bomb.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: If you lose enough Pikmin to be unable to lift a weight of 30, it's best to restart the fight; even if you win, you won't be able to carry its weapons away.
  • Shock and Awe: It releases electrified spheres with the Shock Therapist, and invokes Chain Lightning after a few seconds.
  • Turns Red: Each of its weapons will billow smoke when damaged a lot, at which point the attack becomes powered up (faster shots for the Monster Pump, wider arc and longer range for the Flare Cannon, faster activation for the Shock Therapist, and addition of a fourth gas stream for the Comedy Bomb).
  • Variable Mix: While the whole soundtrack is this, the standard boss theme has around three or four "songs" to switch around between. The Titan Dweevil's theme, on the other hand, is twelve separate songsnote .

    Piklopedia: Jellyfloat Family 

As a Family

  • Achilles' Heel: Freezing them with Ice Pikmin will cause them to instantly shatter when they fall to the ground, making them an excellent choice in dealing with the otherwise tanky creatures.
  • Airborne Mook: They spend most of their time floating up in the air, and you will need to knock them to the ground to get rid of them effectively.
  • Art Evolution: They get a visual overhaul in Pikmin 4, gaining a more textured bell and a different arrangement of their spots.
  • Flying Seafood Special: They're essentially flying jellyfish that hunt by inhaling prey rather than stinging it.
  • No-Sell: They can eat White Pikmin without suffering from poison damage.
  • Vacuum Mouth: They inhale Pikmin using vacuum suction, imprisoning them until they're digested or freed by killing the Jellyfloat.

Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat
Click here to see its old appearance
Cephalus dottalium
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

This strange lifeform floats on the winds and eats by sucking up whatever tiny bugs it happens across. They are a bit shy, but you'll need to deal with them quickly or your Pikmin will be digested. It is currently endangered due to its introduced cousin.

  • Endangered Species: They're noted to be endangered due to their larger cousins, the Greater Spotted Jellyfloat, intruding in their territories and muscling them out.
  • Harmless Enemy: Downplayed. They'll go for your Pikmin whenever they have the chance, but they completely ignore captains, meaning they can sneak past them while exploring.

Greater Spotted Jellyfloat
Click here to see its old appearance
Cephalus vortexia
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

The Greater Spotted Jellyfloat is the larger cousin of the Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat. It is not only capable of sucking up Pikmin, but it is able to also suck up captains as well, and is far sturdier than its cousin. It appears to be newly introduced to the area, most likely floating in on the winds. It is now muscling its smaller cousin species out.

  • Elite Mook: A larger version of Lesser Spotted Jellyfloats with more health, a wider vacuum range, and the ability to pull in captains.
  • Fake Ultimate Mook: One of the biggest and bulkiest enemies in Pikmin 2 with an intimidating vacuum range, but they still digest Pikmin as slowly as their cousins and a small group clinging to their bodies can weight them to the ground for swarming.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: If a captain is sucked up by a Greater Spotted Jellyfloat and the other captain sprays it with Ultra-Bitter Spray, the inhaled captain can mash their way out of the Jellyfloat to shatter it instantly.
  • Incredibly Durable Enemies: They have the most health out of any non-boss enemy in the game, and even more health than some of the weaker bosses.
  • Introduced Species Calamity: Olimar notes that they are not native to the region the game takes place in but were carried in by the wind, and have become an invasive species that's pushing out the native Lesser Spotted Jellyfloats.
  • Smashing Survival: Wiggling the control stick frees a captured captain from the Jellyfloat.

Flying Spotted Jellyfloat
Cephalus aerialis
Appears In: Hey! Pikmin

A Jellyfloat with a blue orb underneath its bell, which allows it to crush anything it lands on.

  • Belly Flop Crushing: Insofar as the orb can be considered its "belly", being on its underside, since jellyfish don't really have bellies.
  • Mini Mook: It is the smallest of the Jellyfloats.
  • Unique Enemy: They only appear in Downpour Thicket and never again.
  • Vacuum Mouth: The one Jellyfloat to avert this, as the orb plugs up its mouth.

    Piklopedia: Mollusking Family 

As a Family

  • Combat Tentacles: All of them attack by using multiple tentacle-like tongues that grab Pikmin and pull them into their mouths. They're rather short ranged and can't extend any further than a small radius in front of them though.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Their aforementioned tentacle tongues that they use to grab Pikmin with, being roughly the same length as their bodies. With the exception of the Bloomcap Bloyster, whose tongues are very short and are only used for sucking up stray food they wander across.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: Despite very clearly being based off of Sea Slugs (specifically the nudibranch series of slugs), with their branching body parts and technicolored bodies, it's weird how they're often found near (presumably) freshwater-looking areas like garden ponds or forest rivers.

Toady Bloyster
Click here to see its old appearance
Molluschid minionicus
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

An odd mollusk living in the watery bay near the Perplexing Pool's landing site, it moves with an economy of energy that makes one doubt its lethality. Though fairly weak, standing in front of it is not recommended.

  • Art Evolution: Its appearance in Pikmin 4 is brighter in color and less slimy looking.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: The only vulnerable part of their body is the large, bulb-like gill growing from its back. Attacking any other part of a Bloyster's body will achieve absolutely nothing (or, in Pikmin 2, very little damage).
  • Poisonous Person: Gets the ability to produce poison clouds in Pikmin 3, giving it a defense against Blue Pikmin that can now easily swarm onto its gill.
  • Unique Enemy: In Pikmin 2, there is exactly one (respawning, admittedly) toady bloyster in the whole game. You face the boss variant of this enemy more often than the regular one.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Starting in Pikmin 3, it replaces its ability to shake off Pikmin with expelling ink out of its body to ward them off... which doesn't actually reach its gills. It is incapable of getting rid of them once they've latched on as a result, meaning even just one Pikmin can whittle the creature down until its death, with it being unable to do anything about it.

Ranging Bloyster
Molluschid predatoria
Appears In: Pikmin 2

This giant slug-like creature may appear silly with its flower-like gills sticking out of its back, but once it spots you, it will go straight for your active captain. It is far faster than it appears and it will slurp up any unaccounted Pikmin. Teamwork is vital for beating it.

  • Acrofatic: In stark contrast to its lesser relative, the Toady Bloyster. It is very large but can turn towards a captain quickly, which is why another captain needs to distract it first so its backside can be reached.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: It will focus its attention on the active captain and his Pikmin to the exclusion of all else. Taking advantage of this quirk is necessary to beat it.
  • King Mook: To the Toady Bloysters, being essentially a bigger specimen of their kind with more attack range.

Bloomcap Bloyster
Molluschid florera
Appears in: Pikmin 4
The origin species from which the Ranging and Toady Bloyster evolved, it still carries a large shell on its back. Amphibious with a gentle demeanor, it simply swallows anything that enters its field of view.
  • Attack Its Weakpoint: Once again, its flowerlike gills are its weak point. However, attacking the gills is not done to kill it, but rather to force it to open its shell and expose its soft body in an attempt to breathe.
  • Big Eater: It makes a beeline for whatever it deems to be food in order to eat it. Wether it is your Pikmin army, or some random treasure that happens to be in the way, it will eat it.
  • Gentle Giant: Described as more of a passive feeder, akin to a vacuum cleaner. It will go after any food it sees but isn't actively hostile.

    Piklopedia: Scarab Beetle family 

As a Family

A family of black, electric beetles. They seem to be based on ladybugs.
  • Flipping Helpless: They can only be harmed after being flipped on their backs.
  • Thunder Beetle: Beetles that can generate powerful, potentially deadly electrical shocks.

Anode Beetle
Scarabum electrodea
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

A small beetle that constantly discharges electricity to other beetles. It is impervious to Pikmin assaults directly, but flip it onto its back and it goes down easily. It is best tackled with Yellow Pikmin, since electricity is instantly fatal to other types.

  • Chain Lightning: When two or more Anode Beetles are close to each other, they will create electrical streams between them. This is the only way it creates harmful electricity, so an Anode Beetle by itself can't hurt even non-Yellows at all.

Widemouthed Anode Beetle
Scarabum electrodea grandiostium
Appears In: Hey! Pikmin

A giant version of the above Anode Beetle. As its name suggests, it has a very big maw with which it can gobble hapless Pikmin.

  • Light 'em Up: When producing electricity, they illuminate the area near themselves. This is quite useful in some levels, since some flowers only bloom when exposed to light.

Kampia fulgurtainia
Appears In: Hey! Pikmin

A centipede-like creature made up of three body segments, each with two pairs of legs. When struck, it stops in place and starts emitting electric sparks that light up the area nearby.

  • Informed Species: They're supposedly a part of the same family as the Anode Beetles, despite not looking anything like them. They don't even look like the same type of animal, with these creatures being centipedes instead of beetles.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: A combination of a centipede and a caterpillar, although it resembles a caterpillar more.
  • Punny Name: Its name is "Electripede", which is a portmanteau of "electric" and "centipede".
  • Shock and Awe: When hit or touched, it stops in place and becomes electric briefly, damaging anything that gets too close. Its electricity also produces light, which is required in some levels to make flowers bloom to progress.

    Piklopedia: Skitterling Family 

As a family:

  • Ambushing Enemy: Their mimetism is excellent — when they're sitting still with their legs hidden (which is most of the time), they're almost completely impossible to tell apart from the regular leaves that lie around the game world as decor. This is less of a problem with the regular Skitterleaves, who will run for it the moment you or your Pikmin walk close to them, than with the Desiccated Skitterleaves, who will devour any Pikmin who stumble by their hiding places.
  • Interface Spoiler: In Pikmin 3, the game's auto-targeting system will lock onto Skitterleaves even when they're camouflaged. This weakness was removed in 4.
  • One-Hit Kill: Both variants will be killed instantly if a Pikmin is thrown square on their backs.

Skitter Leaf
Rus pseudoarbicans

Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

Nonthreatening and small, these bugs disguise themselves as leaves and run away when you get close. They're fairly pointless, though you can harvest them for small amounts of Pikmin or money if you wish.

  • Cowardly Mooks: While other such mooks in the games at least wait to be attacked or to see their buddies die before they run for it, Skitterleaves will book it the moment you walk close to them.
  • Glamour Failure: They look exactly like ordinary leaves. When you get close, even if you don't threaten them, they'll drop the masquerade to run away.
  • Harmless Enemy: Completely so — they have no way to harm you whatsoever, and largely serve as extra sources of Pikmin seeds you need to grab quickly before they run away.

Desiccated Skitter Leaf
Rus mortifeuillea

Appears In: Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4

The Skitter Leaves' older brothers. In contrast with the harmless variety, these guys are more than willing to eat Pikmin should they get close enough. Unlike the normal variety, these guys look like dried up leaves.

  • Artificial Brilliance: They won't attack Pikmin unless they're carrying out a task, or you walk right by them. And if one gets attacked, all the other Desiccated Skitter Leaves in its radius are alerted to the position of the Pikmin that attacked it and start attacking the Pikmin en masse.
  • Evil Counterpart Race: While no more evil than the other creatures that hunt for survival, it's apparent that they're supposed to be predatory off-shoots of the otherwise harmless vanilla Skitter Leaf.
  • Fragile Speedster: It takes a few hits to kill unless you get a Pikmin to land right on it. It also runs extremely fast for a while after giving up its camouflage.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: It hides on the ground until a Pikmin passes by, runs over and eats it quickly, and then scurries off to hide again.
  • Undead Counterpart: Subverted. While they certainly do look like they can fit this trope, being based off of rotten leaves compared to the more healthy looking vanilla Skitter Leaf (and their scientific name appearing to imply some association with death), they're never explicitly stated as undead in nature.
  • Weak, but Skilled: They can blend perfectly into the ground, and if your Pikmin don't catch it before it catches one of them, it's a guaranteed death if you don't notice it.
  • Zerg Rush: Some Decicated Skitter Leaves appear in large groups, making it dificult to take them out without alerting the rest.

    Piklopedia: Wraith Family (Unmarked Spoilers) 

As a family:

  • Advancing Boss of Doom: None of the Wraiths can be damaged during their chase scenes and only become attackable after obtaining the means to stop them.
  • The Blank: They all lack a face.
  • Eldritch Abomination: None of the Wraiths resemble any other species in the games they are in and the Plasm Wraith has elemental powers naturally, unlike its fellow Final-Exam Boss, the Titan Dweevil.
  • Implacable Man: Both wraiths are completely invincible until their respective means of becoming vulnerable (Purple Pikmin for the Water Wraith and absorbing Olimar for the Plasm Wraith) are available.
  • It Can Think: They may be sapient, as reflected in the Waterwraith's scientific name. Their behavior doesn't seem to be rooted in the same animalistic survival instincts as the rest of the series' fauna, though as they don't talk, it's hard to gauge what exactly is going through their minds.
  • Mythical Motifs: Both are themed after Yōkai. Their Japanese names- "Amebouzu" and "Amenyudo"- contain the suffixes -bouzu and -nyudo found in many Yōkai, and more specifically are likely a reference to Umibouzu and Uminyudo. The "Ame" part appears to be derived from the Japanese word for "candy", referenced in some of their descriptions; their bodies are made of a syrupy candy-like substance.
  • Or Was It a Dream?: Both of them are speculated In-Universe to possibly be a shared group hallucination of some sort as opposed to a real creature, though this is deemed improbable from their lasting impact on the characters.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Both members of the wraith family are especially dangerous and unstoppable Eldritch Abominations who raise the stakes considerably when they show up.
  • Walking Spoiler: Both Wraiths play a key role in the lore of the Pikmin series. What exactly that role IS is unknown, but Olimar speculates that they are an important step towards unraveling the mysteries of PNF-404.

Amphibio sapiens
Appears In: Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4

An inhabitant and possibly ruler of the dank tunnel known as the Submerged Castle. The Waterwraith is an enigmatic being or thing that is very dangerous. It appears to be a hominid-like creature composed entirely out of water. However, it moves around on stone rollers, which it uses to steamroll any hapless creature that happens to be in its path. Many mysteries surround it. Is its form anchored in another dimension? Is it actually a natural phenomenon that resembles a living creature? Is it actually lonely and wants to play? These questions probably won't be answered anytime soon. Only purple Pikmin can get rid of this nightmare.

  • Advancing Boss of Doom: Once it spawns, it chases the captains through the thin hallways of the Submerged Castle, crushing anything that touches its rollers.
  • Beast in the Maze: It stalks you through the twisty-turny and danger-filled Submerged Castle.
  • Boring, but Practical: In Pikmin 4, the Wraith will only spawn in the Engulfed Castle so long as it hasn't been beaten by the player yet. As such, a completely viable way to do the cave if you don't want to have to put up with it is to rush to the final floor, kill it, and then do the cave normally.
  • Brown Note Being: According to Olimar's analysis of the creature, eyewitnesses reported being overcome with fear and nearly going mad at the sight of this thing. It comes off more as a monster reminiscent of H. P. Lovecraft's works than it does a regular creature.
  • The Bus Came Back: It reappears in Pikmin 4, complete with a Nostalgia Level based on the Submerged Castle.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: It goes from an unstoppable monster to a complete joke when its weakness is revealed. The first phase gets caught in a Cycle of Hurting as Purple Pikmin damage it, while it loses its rollers (and thus the ability to attack) and runs around in fear during its second phase.
  • The Dreaded: It's only a matter of time before this thing shows up, evoking a sense of dread as you explore the Submerged Castle.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Not only is its shape surreal, so is its composition.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: Once its rollers break, it amusingly gets up on its stubby legs and breaks into a slow Girly Run. It can turn back to its clear form, but by that point it's a simple matter of hitting it with another Purple Pikmin, attacking while it's cowering, and recalling before it manages to shake them off.
  • Helpful Mook: Those rollers will one shot anything they run over sans the captains, meaning that a player can trick the Waterwraith into running over the other enemies on the floor if needed.
  • Humanoid Abomination: It's one of the most humanoid creatures from PNF-404 in the entire franchise, and one of the most bizarre and unexplained.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Most of the enemies encountered in the series are clearly physical, based on animal life, and show no supernatural signs whatsoever. Then there's the Waterwraith, a clear, invincible humanoid that turns physical when hit by Purple Pikmin and actively stalks Olimar and company.
  • Implacable Man: Its only weakness are the Purple Pikmin and, as they can't be used in the cavern until the final floor, you'll spend the rest of the cavern fleeing before its relentless advance.
  • Not So Invincible After All: After you've been terrorized by this unstoppable monster for several long dungeon floors, it becomes a complete joke once you find the Violet Candypop Buds at the bottom.
  • Or Was It a Dream?: The whole Submerged Castle portion is very confusing. Olimar seems to think it was all just a dream, but the presence of treasures gained from the cave suggest otherwise. The fact the monster returns in the fourth game's Engulfed Castle seems to confirm it is very real.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Just what is the Waterwraith? Where did it come from, and what does it want? How is it related to the Plasm Wraith, if they even are related? There are several questions raised by this entity's brief appearances, and none are ever answered.
  • Run or Die: Without Purple Pikmin, there's no way to fight the Waterwraith. Once it drops in, your only option is to drop what you're doing and run like hell.
  • Side Effects Include...: Louie pronounces it as being inedible, with effects of consumption including "mass hysteria followed by leg spasms and internal thunderings".
  • Stalked by the Bell: Each time Olimar and his partner (either Louie or the President) reach a new floor in the Submerged Castle, it only takes two minutes for the Waterwraith to arrive there. The arrival is announced by the change in the background music.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: The Waterwraith returns in Pikmin 4's Engulfed Castle, functioning exactly as it did in the second game. Seems pretty intimidating, until you remember the numerous quality-of-life changes made in the following games, including the one barking next to you, and the new types of Pikmin including one that can ignore its only form of attack. The only danger the Waterwraith can really pose in this game is if it spawns next to you, at which point it's probably time to rewind.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Purple Pikmin cause a gravitational wave that breaks its normal intangibility and makes it possible to damage it. However, the Submerged/Engulfed Castle is only accessible to Blue Pikmin, so it's still very dangerous until Violet Candypop Buds are found on the final floor.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Downplayed, the ship may have no trouble seeing it, but it's unable to detect it with its radar and analyze it and speculates the creature's possible eldritch origins.

Plasm Wraith, AKA the "Mysterious Life Form"
Scientific name unknown
Appears In: Pikmin 3

The final boss of Pikmin 3. A golden Blob Monster with a hard, cubic core, capable of changing its shape and substance. It has latched onto Olimar for some bizarre reason and refuses to relinquish him, forcing the Koppai Expedition Team to steal him from under its nose.

  • Advancing Boss of Doom: Its first form is an invincible blob that unendingly chases Olimar through the Formidable Oak and absorbs any Pikmin that it touches. While this doesn't kill them and you can whistle them back, they will die if the wraith absorbs Olimar.
  • All That Glitters: Olimar was lured in by the Plasm Wraith's bright golden sheen, mistaking it for treasure. Needless to say, it wasn't.
  • And Call Him "George": If it weren't so vicious in defending Olimar, it would almost be adorable.
  • Armless Biped: Its humanoid form has no discernable arms.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: It is a weird shapeless blob that switch between a golden and a transparent state. Its "core" is a cube possessing elemental powers and it can shapeshift into a humanoid creature.
  • Blob Monster: To the point where the way you defeat it is to destroy the goo that makes up its attacks before it can reabsorb them and regain its health, getting gradually smaller as the battle goes on as a result. It still reforms during the ending, though you've at least pried Olimar from its grasp.
  • Cannot Cross Running Water: Normally, it knows exactly where Olimar is at all times and will pursue him relentlessly no matter what, but as long as he's in water, it seems to lose all interest. Leaving whichever Captain is escorting Olimar (starts off as Brittney, then moves to Charlie and then Alph if their health drops to zero) in the water with him has the same effect, causing it to instead lock onto and pursue the next Captain in order. Not only is it not clear if this is because its blob form can't physically hold up in water or because it for some reason can't detect Olimar if he's in water, but it isn't even entirely clear if this is an intentional weakness or just a glitch.
  • Composite Character: The Plasm Wraith appears to be a strange mix of the Goolix, the Waterwraith, and the Titan Dweevil. It takes the form of a strange, sentient gelatinous subtance during its chase phase much like the Goolix, is capable of using all six elemental attacks that can harm each Pikmin like the Titan Dweevil, and is an Eldritch Abomination that none of the characters could hope to understand like the Waterwraith.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: The final bosses of the previous games were bug-like creatures while the Plasm Wraith is an Eldritch Abomination with supernatural powers.
  • Death from Above: In one of its attacks, it floats up high out of reach of even Yellow Pikmin and furiously stabs at the ground. Only Winged Pikmin can bring it back down to the ground, impaling any Pikmin caught below.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: It can create giant crystal cubes only Rock Pikmin can destroy.
  • The Dreaded: In a rare moment of clarity, Louie was terrified of the Plasma Wraith and somehow knew before encountering it that Olimar was leading both of them into trouble.
  • Eldritch Abomination: One that's rooted in ancient Japanese cryptid mythology. The Plasm Wraith is likely based off of the Umibōzu, a creature fabled to steal treasure and even captains from their ship, and then crash it. Not only does the Plasm Wraith do just that to Olimar and Louie, but its appearance is also vaguely close to it.
  • Elemental Powers: Depending on what shape it takes, it can control various elements to fend off attacks by all but one type of Pikmin.
  • Escort Mission: The first phase of the 'boss fight' consists of the Pikmin following Brittany while carrying an unconscious Olimar out of The Very Definitely Final Dungeon where the beast is holding him while being stalked by its water form. This is necessary because of the Pikmin being unable to carry things up geysers (despite the fact that Winged Pikmin could easily fly up the ledge you jumped down while carrying Olimar). Winged Pikmin are highly recommended for carrying Olimar due to being able to fly over ledges and hazards, though you'll encounter a few Arachnodes along the way. Of course, though, even if you do manage to make it out, You Can't Thwart Stage One.
  • Eyeless Face: Plasm's anatomy is just bizarre. Upon first glance you assume its a modern art sculpture of a human gone wrong as it's missing arms and a head, until you realize that disjointed mess is its head. The hole is its eye, which sort of makes it look bird-like.
  • Final Boss: It abducts Captain Olimar at some point and has to be defeated by the Koppai Crew in order to save him. It's an odd golden blob-like creature and appears a few times in the final area before you fight it. Just like the Titan Dweevil in Pikmin 2, it can use several elemental and hazard attacks to kill your Pikmin.
  • Final-Exam Boss: Its use of multiple elements means that several types of Pikmin are required in the battle. Just getting to the actual fight requires you to have a good grasp on each Pikmin and how to manage them properly.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: It doesn't have very much foreshadowing and is like few other creatures in the series.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: It is the strongest thing you fight in the entire game, and its colored in gold.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Its humanoid shape is a bizarre thing with a lopsided asymmetrical head, no discernable arms, tiny pointed feet with exaggerated legs and hips, and a perfectly circular hole in its "head." Then there are its bizarre and deadly powers.
  • I Am Legion: All the monsters in The Very Definitely Final Dungeon (except the Nectarous Dandefly) are made out of the same goop it's made out of, implying that it's all the same creature. On top of that, unlike the rest of the game, which averts Everything Fades, the creatures dissolve into goop when killed.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Two of its attacks have it try to stab and impale Pikmin on its sharpened arms — one has it rapidly stab at the ground multiple times, which only Rock Pikmin are safe from, and the other has it do the same while floating in the air.
  • Implacable Man: It is totally invincible in its more watery form, and it will never stop moving towards Olimar.
  • The Kindnapper: It's only interested in Olimar's welfare, and has no qualms about destroying anyone or anything that tries to take the captain away.
  • Leitmotif: Most of the music centered around it has the same creepy little tune playing at some point.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: It can transform the things on its head into skewering spikes and spit out globs of itself that transform into hazardous objects.
  • Making a Splash: It can create giant spheres of water only Blue Pikmin can destroy.
  • Mama Bear: For whatever reason, it feels this way towards Olimar. It abducts him so it can take care of him, and goes nuts when the Koppai Crew tries to rescue him.
  • Non-Elemental: Its attacks that only Rock and Winged Pikmin can deal with focus on it simply stabbing and impaling its foes.
  • Non-Lethal K.O.: Defeating it doesn't actually slay it, but simply forces it to give up Olimar and slink away. You can see it again raging at the loss of Olimar as the Drake leaves the planet.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: All it really wants to do is nurture and care for Olimar. But it will go to any lengths to keep him, stopping any escape or rescue attempt.
  • Not Quite Dead: After defeating it, the ending cutscene shows it still alive, back at the top of the Formidable Oak and raging over Olimar's escape.
  • One-Winged Angel: It starts out as a small humanoid, turns into a gelatinous mass, then turns into a Goolix-like creature, and finally assumes a proper fighting form as a larger version of the humanoid.
  • Playing with Fire: It can create giant flaming puddles only Red Pikmin can destroy.
  • Puzzle Boss: If you try to simply whittle its health down directly, it'll continuously regenerate by reabsorbing the goop you dislodge. You must balance attacking the main body with attacking the dislodged goop to get rid of it permanently.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Two of its attacks has it furiously stab at the ground where the Pikmin, impaling as many as it can. Only Rock Pikmin are safe from these due to their immunity to piercing attacks.
  • Reviving Enemy: When it recaptures Olimar during the chase sequence, destroying it will cause it to revive in a manner similar to the Groinks and Bulbears from the last game. Also, after beating it, it's revealed in the ending that it fully regenerated.
  • Shock and Awe: It can create giant spheres of electricity only Yellow Pikmin can destroy.
  • Shows Damage: It physically shrinks as you whittle down his health bar.
  • Sore Loser: You don't actually kill the Plasm Wraith, as you can clearly see it still alive after you leave the planet, and very obviously throwing a tantrum over losing.
  • Superpower Lottery: Invulnerability when it's not carrying something, trapping things in its strange cubes, the ability to morph parts of itself into several previous enemies, flight, dissolving consumed Pikmin, turning its plasm into flaming goop, electric plasm, water, or solid crystal, and effective immortality. This is easily the most powerful creature encountered so far, especially considering that these powers are all natural to it (unlike the Titan Dweevil, which has to use other objects for its weapons).
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The first phase of the boss 'fight' will likely give a lot of players flashbacks to the infamous Waterwraith in Pikmin 2. But it's much slower than its predecessor. And the form it chases you in looks a lot like the Goolix from Pikmin. Later averted when you get to the actual fight itself and it reveals its true form.
  • Take Your Time: Though the Plasm Wraith is hellbent on having Olimar as its own, that still doesn't cause any negative effects if you end the day and leave in the middle of the escort phase of the fight. If you do leave, Olimar will just be in the same spot you start off the fight at the next day. It's actually a good tactic, since the shortcuts and advancements through the area you made the previous day don't revert back.
  • Tragic Monster: Explicitly called as such by Olimar in the Japanese version, which is also reflected in the Formidable Oak's Japanese name, "Tower of the Sad Beast". It's unclear why it's attracted to Olimar, but the reason does not appear to be malicious. Olimar speculates that the hole in its torso may have been created out of psychological reasons, or "a hurting heart".
  • Turns Red: After its health gets low enough, it begins flying and starts spitting out three elemental plasms at the same time instead of one.
  • Walking Spoiler: As both the final boss and a bit of a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere at that, its entire presence is a massive spoiler.
  • The Worf Effect: They may just be fascimilies created out of the Wraith's goop, but all of the enemies encountered at Formidable Oak will die instantly if they touch the main body of the Wraith.
  • Yandere: It is obsessed with Olimar and is willing to kill or assimilate any creature that dares to go near him.
