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Contrasting Sequel Antagonist

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"You can't go brawler because Tai Lung was brawler. You can't go smarter because Shen was smarter. Where can you go? You have to go supernatural, bigger, and even more intimidating."
Kung Fu Panda 3 director Jennifer Yuh Nelson describing Kai

Just as a sequel needs a contrast of heroes with a Contrasting Sequel Main Character, as well as a contrast of locations with a Contrasting Sequel Setting, so do its villains. After all, do we want to see the same battle over again? If the previous villain was a Non-Action Big Bad, make this one a fighter. A Punch-Clock Villain to a personal rival. A man with a troupe to a king in his kingdom. Or an extremist to an opportunist. Even changing genders and upping the Foe Romance Subtext are examples of this trope. At times, it is a case of Avenging the Villain, where the one seeking revenge is more emotional and personal than the cold and calculating original villain. A Viler New Villain can fill this role often, but not always.

In cases where the universe becomes more expanded and fleshed out, they may reveal ways in which the previous antagonist's actions affected their lives at times going as far as getting involved into offscreen Evil Versus Evil. This last one is even more likely if there is an ever-present conflict between two different communities/countries/classes and the villains represent rivaling (and perhaps extremistic) factions of the war, unlike the heroes who wish to bring balance and peace to all sides.

This trope is notably more common than its heroic counterpart, as many franchises tend to keep the focus on the already established hero rather than replace them altogether. Should they eventually be replaced, it would be after a long period of Character Development finishing off their arc, and its generally viewed as Breaking Old Trends while new antagonists are viewed as the norm. Whereas with the villains, they don't get as much focus as the heroes and are often replaced for the sake of shaking up their series and keeping the established heroes and the audience on their toes. If a new main character is introduced, chances are a new villain will as well. The inverse where the old villain returns and a new main hero is introduced is rare.

Compare and Contrast Sympathetic Villain, Despicable Villain, where a sympathetic and despicable duo of villains appear in separate instalments from one another.

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    Comic Books 
  • The Big Bad of every event in the Cosmic Marvel saga from the 2000's contrast one another
    • Annihilation has Annihilus, an interdimensional Omnicidal Maniac who leads an endless horde of bug-like monsters against the whole Universe, who slaughters or imprisons for power harvesting various heroes and villains and destroys whole planets on his goal to kill all life except for himself.
    • Annihilation: Conquest has Ultron, who has come from Earth and took over Phalanx, a techno-organic Hive Mind and made them isolate the Kree Empire from the rest of the Universe for the purpose of conquest and assimilation, having many heroes and villains unlucky to be caught in enslaved and rest desperately fighting for survival. His goal is the creation of perfect lifeforms mixing organic and inorganic life, which he can rule over. Annihilus was beaten via a chain of events and the aid of various characters weakening him enough for Richard Rider to take him down. Ultron in the final battle goes One-Winged Angel and is beaten by combined forces of all heroes we followed in the event working together.
    • War of Kings has Vulcan, who, like Ultron, is a villain from Earth who has taken over a cosmic faction, the Shi'Ar Empire. But unlike Ultron, he's The Caligula who starts a war with Kree Empire for petty reasons and revels in slaughter. While Ultron was trying to conquer and Annihilus was actively trying to destroy the Universe, Vulcan is simply too much of a petty madman to care that his war may tear the very fabric of reality. He's defeated in a one-on-one duel with Black Bolt that claims both of their lives.
    • While all three villains were a Rogues' Gallery Transplant from Earth-based big-name superhero team (Fantastic Four, The Avengers, X-Men respectively), Lord Mar-Vell from The Thanos Imperative is an alternate universe evil version of Captain Marvel, a cosmic hero who never got very famous. Lord Mar-Vell has sold his Universe to Many-Angled Ones in favor of ruling it, killing Death herself and creating a nightmarish world where nothing ever dies and has manipulated the events to get make the main Universe share its fate, the opposite of Annihilus' goal. His Fallen Hero origins mirror Vulcan's but he is a calm and composed manipulator, while Vulcan was a Psychopathic Manchild. His plans of conquest are rooted in Cosmic Horror as opposed to Ultron's technological means. His defeat comes from being Out-Gambitted by Thanos, which lets Death enter Cancerverse and kill Mar-Vell and severely damage his masters.
  • Horizon Zero Dawn (Comic Series): Korl, the Big Bad of the comic series' Liberation arc, is this to Dervahl. Contrasting to Dervahl's Evil Genius, who uses weaponry he invented like his trademark Sonic Device made of Tearblasters, as well as Machine Lures, Korl serves more as The Brute, prioritising physical, brute strength over intelligence, being able to overpower the Vanguard member Erend in a fistfight, at one instance, with just his bare hands.
  • Shadows of the Empire: Evolution: In the original series, Prince Xizor prefers to direct things from his headquarters, punishes ambition and disloyalty among his lieutenants, uses his name and reputation to further his ends, is secretive about his plans, and attracts people with his pheromones. Here, his niece Savan ventures out in various disguises to conduct operations and leads her goons in the climax. She provokes dissent and disloyalty to weaken her rivals. She avoids using her name, reputation, and established position to persuade or intimidate people and relies on money and demonstrations of her skills to make allies and deter enemies. She also confides in some of her men and doesn’t use her pheromones while flirting with people.
  • Cheetah is one of Wonder Woman's three most famous adversaries, but Priscilla Rich would make a poor antagonist for the Post Crisis Wonder Woman without severely altering her character. So her role goes to two characters. Barbara Minerva takes up Rich's role of "Cheetah", but with explicit superpowers and a connection to the divine that make her more thematically inline with the new Wonder Woman. Minverva is also a greedy archeologist, where Rich was a socialite with more money than she knew what to do with. The role of the wealthy woman with an unfounded grudge against Wonder Woman goes to Veronica Cale, but where Rich was a mentally ill heiress who resented literally being overshadowed at a charity event, Cale was a Rags to Riches entrepreneur hating that Wonder Woman is better known than she is. Where Rich demonstrates how society can pit women against each other, Cale did that on her own too.

    Fan Works 
  • Child of the Storm
    • The first book has Lucius Malfoy as The Heavy (albeit unwittingly) and de facto Big Bad of the first book, a Manipulative Bastard who controls a coalition of villains including HYDRA, Gravemoss, and the Death Eaters to conquer the world through intimidation and terror tactics, seeking institutional power rather than personal power-ups to avoid making himself a bigger target, and largely ignores Harry in favour of threats like the Avengers. The sequel has Voldemort in the same role. Unlike Lucius, he largely operates alone, and while he's a competent manipulator, every alliance he forms is transparently temporary with no pretensions otherwise, usually with a more powerful villain while he takes a submissive position as The Dragon, and he's entirely focused on Harry and personal empowerment.
    • It also applies to the actual Big Bads. The first book has Chthon, the Elder God of Chaos and Black Magic, a Card-Carrying Villain whose sole intention is to destroy everything and reduce it to primal chaos. The second book has Surtur, the original Dark Phoenix, who also intends to destroy everything, but only because he's a Visionary Villain he genuinely believes the universe is irredeemably flawed and that he must destroy it so he can build a better one. It's also hinted that while Chthon was lying to Harry when he offered him the chance to use Powers via Possession to 'make everything right', Surtur's similar open offer of tutelage and persuasion was actually genuine.
  • Cross Ange Fukatsu Sekai No Border has Sylvia Ikaruga Misurugi, if one considers her a Villain Protagonist, in contrast to Embryo. While Embryo was a total stranger to Ange, Sylvia is someone who knows her well. Embryo was subject to Bond Villain Stupidity out of lust for Ange, Sylvia is a No-Nonsense Nemesis who trashes her effortlessly. While Embryo fell to Motive Decay and wanted to remake the world, Sylvia wishes to save and restore hers with very sympathetic reasons.
  • The Desert Storm: The sequel Rise and Fall has Darth Plagueis become one to Palpatine. Like his apprentice, Plagueis is an elderly Sith Lord who disguises his true nature in public. Whereas Palpatine was a popular senator who used his good reputation to his advantage, Plagueis prefers to slink in the background while keeping a much lower profile. Outside his public persona, Palpatine was a cackling, incredibly hammy psychopath who took a perverse pleasure in inflicting pain and reveled in being Drunk on the Dark Side. In contrast, Plagueis is unemotional to the point where it's uncanny and almost always speaks with a veneer of politeness. While Palpatine (or at least his future self) orchestrated nearly every tragic event in Ben's backstory and is viewed by Ben as his arch-enemy, Plagueis is someone whom Ben shares no prior personal connection with and knows very little about. Furthermore, Palpatine barely acknowledged Ben's existence whereas Plagueis almost immediately became intrigued by Ben and attempted to coerce him into becoming his new apprentice.
  • Inkopolis Chaos: Lieutenant Obsidian is this to Cyalux from the second story. While both are racists to the other humanoid species, they have different methods to dealing with them. Cyalux simply wants to get rid of Octolings the nice way by forcing them out of their new habitat but not necessarily killing them. Obsidian on the other hand wants to get rid of Inklings the nastier way by destroying all life on the surface, (which not only includes Inklings, but also Octolings). Also, they both have different excuses for what they did. Cyalux wanted revenge on Ruby for killing his brother whom he deeply loved, Obsidian was bullied and not accepted by both Inklings and Octolings from Octo Valley and Inkopolis, which made her hate the Inklings and killed various people from both species just because she can. While you could still feel some sympathy for Cyalux, Obsidian positively sheds any redeeming qualities that could've made her excuse understandable.
  • The Night Unfurls: The opening narration of Chapter 10 of the original points out how the main antagonists of this fanfic differ from that of Bloodborne (this fic is a continuation of the video game). The antagonists of Bloodborne tend to be sympathetic, ranging from innocents transformed into horrific beasts against their will, to people who relentlessly pursue a great cause with vile methods (e.g. the Healing Church of Yharnam). In contrast, the antagonists of this fic consist of unsympathetic folk, like rapists, pillagers, slavers and their cronies.
  • In Old West, a continuation fic of Rango, Dufayel is this to Tortoise John. Tortoise John was the mayor of Dirt's desert town who was good at hiding his villainous nature with charisma. Dufayel is a wealthy city slicker who, despite his politeness, never really hides his motivations or condescending nature in-story. They both intend to wipe out the town of Dirt (renamed as Mud), but for different reasons; Tortoise John was a Visionary Villain who wanted to create a modern city, while Dufayel's entire motivation is to claim from underneath the town the gold he was promised and needs to avoid becoming broke. Tortoise John turned Rango into his pawn by making him Dirt's sheriff and hired the services of Rattlesnake Jake, pitting them against each other until he tried to kill Jake. Dufayel in turn quickly makes himself an enemy to both Rango and Jake who work together against him right from the start.
  • Reibey from Resonance Days quickly establishes himself as a near mirror opposite of Kyubey. Both are Incubators, but Reibey was exiled by his people because he has emotions, something incubators consider a mental illness. While Kyubey is emotionless and treats everything with detached logic, Reibey is very emotional, irritable, and prone to angry outbursts when things don't go his way. Kyubey generally presents himself as benevolent and cute to get prospective magical girls to trust him, while Reibey makes no such attempts, perfectly aware that he is Hated by All and reveling in it. Kyubey almost never emotes save for mild surprise, while Reibey is sarcastic and sadistic. Finally, while Kyubey has white fur with pink highlights, Reibey is black with white highlights.
  • Due to the Serial Escalation of how destructive the antagonists of Ruby and Nora get, this trope is to be expected.
    • The Big Bads of Ruby's Birthday and Weiss and Pyrrha are an explicit example of this. Abigail Lemon is a very different antagonist from Admah Keter. He kills for no reason other than his enjoyment, and she does it for the higher purpose of thinking that it makes her a goddess. Keter openly admits that he is a monster, while Abby doesn't even think she is crazy at all. While Keter doesn't put any effort into hiding his true nature, Abby's continued sprees hinged on her hiding who she truly is to avoid suspicion.
    • In following with the Serial Escalation, Father Tiresias Scorch from Field Trip contrasts the first three Arc Villains since he is the first major antagonist to not be working independently. He has the White Fang backing him rather than just being one person carrying out their deeds on their own. Keter was the only one who could be said was a collaborator and he forced Hector into working for him under the threat of killing his family. The other thing is that he's the first Faunus villain. The other three Big Bads were humans. In addition, Scorch is the first successful Hero Killer by killing both Ilia and Ren.
  • Due to Canon Welding, the villains in Halo and Mass Effect become this to each other in The Last Spartan. The Prophet of Truth and Saren both lead armies of religious fanatics against The Master Chief, but Truth was a Non-Action Big Bad who never interacted with the Chief personally, whereas Saren is capable of fighting the Chief as an equal, and both have a grudge against each other. Likewise, both universes have their own Eldritch Abomination with an Assimilation Plot on hand, but The Flood were organic, with a leader, the Gravemind, who was loud, bombastic and spoke floridly, whereas Sovereign and the other Reapers are cybernetic beings who are fairly blunt and plainspoken.
  • The traitor of Where Talent Goes on Vacation is this to the mastermind of Where Talent Goes to Die. Both of them made deals of varying sorts with Talent High School, but for different reasons; the mastermind was blackmailed into attending Talent High School so they could study his talent, while the traitor arranged to have her daughter attend Talent High School in exchange for keeping quiet about Chiyuri being the illegitimate child of the school's chairman's son. While the mastermind cooperated with Junko to get revenge on Talent High School, despite not sharing her beliefs, the traitor was brainwashed into becoming a member of Ultimate Despair. The mastermind kept his identity a secret for the entire killing game, while the traitor was genuinely unaware of her status as such. In the end, the mastermind submitted to execution rather than face justice, while the traitor was arrested, but those responsible held out hope for her being spared and rehabilitated.
  • Iron117Prime likes to shake up a lot of his villains by contrasting them with previous villains from his prior fanfics, as to make the conflict new and engaging.
  • Infinity Train: Blossomverse:
    • The original Blossoming Trail had the Cage of Flauros as it's main antagonistic force, run by twisted versions of Henry and Walter. The group stayed in their base of the Fog Car and baited their targets into coming to them. Their ultimate goal was the elimination of the Apex by way of a complicated magic ritual.
    • Prequel series Knight of the Orange Lily featured the Apex and Solitaire as adversaries. The Apex were violent young passengers who only target the heroes after they make a show of wanting to bring them down, while Solitaire was an overzealous guerrilla unit of Denizens made to destroy the Apex.
    • Sequel series Voyage of Wisteria had The Unsub and his crew, who were held together with Teeth-Clenched Teamwork as opposed to earlier factions loyalty and love. A much more mobile antagonist who targeted the heroes as opposed to reacting to them, The Unsub was a deluded Serial Killer Denizen with ambitions of creating his version of Paradise on the train.

    Multiple Media 
  • The MonsterVerse:
    • The Kaiju antagonists all contrast each other in different ways:
      • Godzilla (2014): The MUTOs are ancient Earth animals who are natural enemies to Godzilla, and were simply instinct-driven animals motivated by a desire to breed and repopulate their species, only being a threat to humanity due to their massive size.
      • Kong: Skull Island: Like the MUTOs, the Skullcrawlers are ancient Earth monsters who are simply instinct-driven predators that are the natural enemy of the protagonist monster - unlike the MUTOs, who are somewhat sympathetic, the Skullcrawlers are played for full-on horror, with few to no sympathetic traits. They're also slender and reptilian, as opposed to the bulkier and more insectoid MUTOs.
      • Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019): King Ghidorah, unlike the MUTOs and Skullcrawlers, who were Canon Foreigners, is one of the most recognizable of Godzilla's foes. Both the MUTOs and Skullcrawlers were ancient animals born on Earth, whilst Ghidorah is an alien who arrived long before early civilization and is one of the few creatures that is a potential threat. Ghidorah is also, unlike the MUTOs and Skullcrawlers, who were simply animals acting on instinct, a genuinely malicious creature bent on the extinction of all life on Earth to terraform it to his desire.
      • Godzilla vs. Kong, Mechagodzilla is a human-made cyborg Kaiju, unlike Ghidorah, the MUTOs and Skullcrawlers, who were biological creatures. Unlike Ghidorah, who liked toying with his prey before killing them, Mechagodzilla is a No-Nonsense Nemesis.
      • Skull Island (2023): The Kraken. Like the "Big One" Skullcrawler of Kong: Skull Island, the Kraken rivals Kong in power, vies against him for supremacy over Skull Island, and apparently killed Kong's loved ones in the past. However, whereas the Big One was slender, reptilian, land-dwelling, and driven by Horror Hunger; the Kraken is a semi-aquatic squid-crustacean chimera which pointedly stays in the water as much as possible, and it's incredibly malicious for seemingly no reason beyond being a murderous asshole. The Big One only awoke and showed up near the end of Kong: Skull Island, whereas the Kraken has been an active menace since years before the show's start, as shown in the Whole Episode Flashback.
      • Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire: The Skar King.
    • The human antagonists contrast each other too.
      • Colonel Preston Packard was a hot-headed Blood Knight General Ripper who commanded a small US Army unit and whose motive was revenge against Kong, rather than any grander scheme. Aside from Kong, he regarded the Titans as little more than additional targets to destroy.
      • Skull Island: The Birth of Kong: Riccio is a CSA to Preston Packard. Both men suffer Sanity Slippage after coming to the island which leads to them endangering all the other humans for their own selfish agenda; but whereas Packard was an unstable military man using vengeance and military duty to his country's people as a warped excuse for his obsession with killing Kong, Riccio instead is a mythographer who takes revering Kong as a holy deity to a thoroughly insane degree. Also, Packard was ultimately reliant on the support of his squad to pose as much of a threat to the island's balance and the remaining cast as he did, whereas Riccio causes a lot more damage after he strikes out on his own than before.
      • Alan Jonah is a calm, stoic Misanthrope Supreme Eco-Terrorist leading an international underground paramilitary. Unlike Packard, he has a reverence for the Titans, hoping to see them bring about Gaia's Vengeance and forcibly take control of the planet from humanity.
      • Walter Simmons is the smug and amoral Corrupt Corporate Executive in charge of Apex Cybernetics, a highly tech-savvy company with good publicity whose motives are to create an Ultimate Destroyer mecha and use it to kill Godzilla and any other Titan they deem a threat so humanity is the uncontested dominant species. In stark contrast to the misanthropic Jonah, who admired the titans and wanted them to destroy as much as humanity as they possibly could, Simmons is a Glory Hound who wanted to be recognized for making sure humanity was the dominant species on Earth by constructing a weapon that could bring any of the titans to their knees.

  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has The Augurey the alias of Delphi Riddle. While Voldemort is brought down by a classic Fatal Flaw and hard work by the heroes, The Augurey only succeeds due to mistakes made by the heroes and is easily contained once they start to put the pieces together.
  • The three musicals of Hatchetfield:
    • The Hive from The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is a Hive Mind that spreads like a musical version of Zombie Apocalypse, learning new skills and becoming increasingly more sadistic and aggressive through the course of the story. Although later installments and lore would reveal it to be manifestation of Pokotho, one of Lords in Black It's an alien force that came through a meteor, conquering world after world and pettily targetting Paul due to him being immune to its influence thanks to his dislike of musicals and lack of a goal that could turn him into a relatable character.
    • Black Friday has Tickle-Me Wiggly, Creepy Doll that causes obsessive desire to have it, leading to riots and forming of cults. It's actually Wiggog Y'wrath, the King in Black, leader of Lords in Black. An Eldritch Abomination, who never drops his childish act. Wiggly is The Corruptor preying on adults' desire to fix the problems of their lives by throwing money at them, while the Hive was preying on people having any goal or desire at all. Children and teens are immune to Wiggly's influence and he doesn't care much about them. While The Hive is all of its agents, Wiggly operates largerly through Uncle Willey and cultists. Both of their stories also feature a Hope Spot, but When it appears Paul has destroyed the Hive, it turns out to have survived and turned him into its new primary host, conquering the whole world. Meanwhile Wiggly's primary goal of being physically born into the world has been foiled, but he still tricks America into nuking Moscov in an attempt to destroy him, launching World War III..
    • Nerdy Prudes Must Die has vengeful ghost of Max Jägerman hunting down people he blames for his death. Unlike the Hive and Wiggly, he has no desire to conquer the world, just kill nerdy prudes, even if it's clear his definition of that is so loose the end result would be the same. Having died as a teenager, he geniuelly is immature, not just using it as a facade, while also fishing for some sympathy from the audience. What diffirentiates him from other two is that He's not one of Lords in Black. In fact, Lords in Black, Wiggly and Pokey included, do appear and make a deal with the protagonists, that results in Max's defeat and his soul being dragged into Black & White to become their plaything. Instead of a Hope Spot his story has a Sequel Hook in which we find that dealing with the Lords in Black to defeat him has corrupted Grace, who will now go around eating souls of "pervy dudes" for magical power.

  • The various antagonists from BIONICLE manages to create a significant amount of contrast from the previous storyline.
    • The Chronicles/Mata Nui arc: The original threat came from the Rahi, which were mere animals under the control of Makuta, who were followed by the Bohrok, insect like robots that destroyed anything in their path but were ultimately servants of Mata Nui. Following the Bohrok were the Rakshi, sons of Makuta, the first series of antagonists that were closer to the Toa than animals, wielding weapons and powers specifically in contradiction to the virtues of the Toa, not only physical threats but also spiritual ones.
    • The Adventures/Metru Nui arc: The Starter Villain is the Morbuzakh, a Botanical Abomination that was driven by a desire to destroy Metru Nui. Following it were the Vahki, purely mechanical enforcers who were Just Following Orders, and the Dark Hunters, agents of Murder, Inc. who were hired by Turaga Dume (actually Makuta in disguise). After that were the Visorak horde, whose leaders Sidorak and Roodaka contrast the planner Makuta by being a Miles Gloriosus and Opportunistic Bitch respectively.
    • The Legends arc: The Piraka contrast both the Rahkshi (their chronological predecessors) and the Visorak (the villains of the previous year's line) by actually having distinct personalities instead of being mooks. Rather than seeking blind destruction, they are driven by greed, seeking the Mask of Life simply as a means to become rich. All six also had a severe case of Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, all planning to kill each other to take the mask for themselves. The Barraki contrast greatly to the Piraka. While the latter were a gang of violent thugs and former Dark Hunters that would betray each other the millisecond they were able, seeking out the Mask of Life together simply so the others could be picked off first, the former were former war lords that united millennia ago, and they do not tolerate betrayal, with their plan being to share the mask in order to restore them to their former glory. Finally, the Toa Nuva, who came Back for the Finale, ended up facing members of the Brotherhood of Makuta, who were in Karda Nui to bring about the conclusion of their leader's plan - which, unlike their predecessors, they were all completely aware of (although they failed to note one detail, which cost them their lives in the end). All of the Brotherhood members seen were also far more powerful than any previous antagonist group, although they did have limitations on their abilities (half were blinded at the conclusion of the Mahri Nui arc and needed Shadow Matoran to see, the other half had a case of Shapeshifter Mode Lock and had some of their powers locked off) to keep some chance of the Toa winning.
  • Starting with Series 3, The Grossery Gang started giving antagonistic teams to pit against the main Grosseries in their lines, with each team having a different personality and motive against the Grosseries:
    • Series 3 had Clean Team, led by Vac Attack. Unlike the gross and organic Grosseries, the Clean Team were sterilized robots focused on keeping Cheap Town clean, to the risk of the Grosseries, who depend on filth to survive.
    • Series 4 had the Bug Strike, led by Gen. Arak Attack. This time, the antagonists actually liked the filth that the Grosseries had created, as it gave the bugs an environment they could live in as well. Unfortunately for the Grosseries, the Bug Strike were there to take the town by force, casting out the Grosseries from their own home.
    • Series 5 had the Rotbots, led by Cyber-Slop Pizza. A twisted version of Putrid Pizza, the leader of the Grosseries, Cyber-Slop Pizza came from a future that was sterilized, too sanitary for the cyborg Grosseries to thrive in. The goal of the Rotbots is to take the filth from the present to help save the future, at the detriment of the current Grosseries.

    Visual Novels 
  • Ace Attorney likes to mix it up with the prosecutors the defense faces. To start with, in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix goes against prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, who is calm, dignified, and often condescending towards Phoenix.
    • Justice for All has Franziska von Karma, who is younger, female, and more emotional than her adopted brother Miles.
    • Trials and Tribulations has Godot, who is older than Edgeworth, as well as significantly more bitter. Unlike prosecuting prodigies Franziska and Miles, Godot is explicitly a rookie prosecutor, albeit one who turns out to be a veteran defense attorney.
    • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney's Klavier Gavin is this to all three of the above, all of whom were tetchy, condescending, and obstructive towards Phoenix, with Franziska and Godot having personal grudges against him. Klavier, on the other hand, is an outgoing, flirtatious rock star who happily partakes in the insanity around him as well as sometimes adds his own to the mix for the fun of it and who, save for a teasing nickname of "Herr Forehead", doesn't treat Apollo badly at all and is fine with getting a not guilty verdict so long as the truth is exposed. His tetchy perfectionist side only comes out in his stage performances. Because the real Big Bad is his brother Kristoph, who turns all precedent from the trilogy around by being the games' first evil defense attorney.
    • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies: Simon is this to Klavier, being set up as an irredeemable convict to Klavier's friendly rock star. Design-wise, Klavier is a Bishōnen with a warm color palette while Simon is tall, has a Face of a Thug, and is dressed in black and white to make him look harsher.
    • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice: Nahyuta is this to Simon, as the holier-than-thou monk to Simon's evil criminal. Design-wise, he's dressed in white and pastels with an ethereal look to contrast Simon.
    • In terms of the Big Bad, the first game's is a terrifying and Obviously Evil prosecutor who gets revenge by proxy by drawing the son of the man he hates into a corrupt version of the legal world. Main villains of later games tend towards being bitches in sheep's clothing.
    • The villains of the sequel games contrast with their counterparts with the first trilogy; 1 vs 4, 2 vs 5, and 3 vs 6. Manfred von Karma was everything wrong with prosecution, and Kristoph Gavin is everything wrong with the defense. Matt Engarde tricked Phoenix, his defense attorney, while the Phantom tricked Simon, his assigned prosecutor. Dahlia and Ga'ran are both women whose motivations are based around their own lack of spiritual power, but while Dahlia has a butterfly motif and was a failed plotter motivated primarily to spite people she hates, while Ga'ran has a spider motif, is motivated by seizing power for herself, and actually got away with her crimes for 23 years.
    • The villains of the Ace Attorney Investigations games. Querus Alba from the first game is a respected ambassador who uses his position to create a massive smuggling ring and has endless resources to achieve his goals. Simon Keyes is a literal circus clown who has none of the resources Alba did but is extremely skilled at manipulating people, and uses this skill to achieve his revenge against the four people who had wronged him, two of whom had powerful positions in law enforcement and another of whom was the president of a foreign country (technically an impostor who killed and replaced the real one, but he still had all of the power), therefore making them as legally untouchable as Alba was. He even managed to turn Miles Edgeworth into his Unwitting Pawn by manipulating three out of the four targets of his revenge into committing murder, and watching as Edgeworth not only solves the murders, but exposes their other crimes too, and has them arrested. He didn't even plan to do that originally! He came up with that idea on the spot after meeting Edgeworth! Edgeworth had no idea until the end of the game when he finally puts all the pieces together.
  • Zero Escape:
    • In every entry of the series, one person in the group is the Big Bad actively trying to kill off the rest of the party. In the first game, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, that person is an old man who puts on a good act as a kindly person who cares about the group and who kills out of his own self-interest, to protect himself. In the second game, Virtue's Last Reward, the killer is a young man who is...not very good at hiding what a bastard he is and who kills not to protect himself, but to help a group he belongs to so they can achieve their goal. In the third game, Zero Time Dilemma, the Wild Card is not the Big Bad but The Dragon, the female Mira, and the only one to achieve some measure of redemption by turning herself in.
    • In Zero Time Dilemma, series Big Bad Delta is an old man who reads information about the future from other peoples' minds and owns a dangerous religion; Akane before him is a young woman who witnesses the future from other people's minds and is superstitious. Delta tries to justify his actions as having "complex motives" despite them involving lots of unnecessary murder, something the characters do not buy, while Akane, while also somewhat unnecessary in her plans, still had understandable motivations that the characters accepted more than they did Delta's.
  • Danganronpa:
    • The Rival of the first game is Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. He plays the role of the lesser of two evils between him and Monokuma. Incredibly snob and arrogant, he has no problem with killing someone to escape for himself, but ultimately decides to spite Monokuma by refusing to play his game. From him however, the next rivals would heavily differ in motivation and demeanor.
    • The second game's rival is Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student. He's the Evil Counterpart of the previous protagonist Makoto Naegi. He genuinely believes that he is doing good, but he does so by forcing the game to keep going for his own plans, since he wants the others to develop into greater amounts of hope. Unlike Togami's jerkass behaviour, Komaeda is somewhat affable, but infinitely more deranged.
    • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:
      • Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. A short and adorable-looking teenage boy, he is a Wild Card that takes pleasure in playing the game and goes along with it because it amuses him, having no clear endgame plan, neither his survival nor anyone else's. Unlike Komaeda and Togami, he can be read as a complicated and heavily downplayed case of Good All Along and, although like Nagito he plans his own death, Oma's plan was made with the intent of throwing a monkey wrench in the game by creating a case that not even Monokuma can solve and force the game to end, even though it's not for anyone else's sake but purely to win over Monokuma.
      • The fourth chapter has Gonta Gokuhara. He shares traits with Sakura and Gundham, the chapter four killers of the previous games; a Gentle Giant like Sakura and a talent involving animals like Gundham; but the difference between them is that while Sakura and Gundham's deaths could be considered Heroic Sacrifice so the others could live, Gonta instead intended to Mercy Kill the rest of the group by winning the game.
  • Kakuya of Spirit Hunter: NG contrasts a lot with Mary Kujou, the Big Bad and fellow talking doll from Spirit Hunter: Death Mark. Kakuya wears traditional Japanese garb and talks like a child, while Mary wears Elegant Gothic Lolita and speaks formally. Kakuya is openly presented as the Big Bad, while Mary provides guidance to the player throughout the game on the behalf of her deceased master, the Big Good, and is only revealed as evil in the last half-hour. Kakuya forces the protagonist to act by taking Ami hostage and personally naming spirits for him to take down, while Mary wipes the protagonist's memory and manipulates him with lies and half-truths. Both Kakuya and Mary Kujou have some form of love for their game's protagonist, but Kakuya's "love" is a childish, clingy jealousy and Mary's love is a monstrous, sadistic lust. Finally, Kakuya is fully capable of movement, while Mary can only move her head and arms and spends most of the game sitting on the same couch.
  • The first Tsukihime antagonist that Shiki Tohno encounters is Nrvnqsr Chaos, a vampire who only wears a simple black getup and has an extremely unusual power of his Mental World of animals and mythological beasts inside him that have physically fused with his body. He ultimately turns out to be a Red Herring Plot-Irrelevant Villain who has no impact on the ongoing plot in the routes he appears in (that is, Arcueid and Ciel's hunt for the Dead Apostle Roa) nor relevance to anyone's backstory. He was Adapted Out for the remake, A piece of blue glass moon and replaced by Vlov Arkhangel, a vampire dressed in fancy Gothic clothing and has very simple powers of wielding fire and later ice. Vlov is noted to be connected to various characters as he was at the botched ritual Roa held in France over a decade ago and holds a great grudge against his fellow Dead Apostle to the point where he came over to Japan purely to find him like the other main characters. This was intentional as the writer Nasu had felt that subverting vampire tropes was no longer fresh in the two decades since the original story was released and zigged for Vlov's writing where Nrvnqsr had zagged.

    Web Original 

  • Anne Airy is this to Carla Wong in Dina Marino.
    • They have reverse relationships with the core characters:
      • Carla was well acquainted (or even romantically involved) with either Dina, Siria or Trixie when the story began while Anne is a initially a stranger to them.
      • Gideon knows Carla only superficially while Anne is his ex girlfriend
      • Mysteria has been close friends with Anne while she never met Carla.
    • Carla was in a relationship with Trixie while not loving her, and slept with men behind her back while Anne wants a relationship with Gideon, and so tries to seduce Dina so she can prove to him that Dina is not a faithful girlfriend
    • Carla is a detective that wants to arrest a criminal and do her job so she never resorts to violence and tries to do the right thing while Anne does increasingly violent attempts to make two people that love each other break up
    • Their jobs also contrast each other: Carla is a detective that uses deception and wits to gather evidence and arrest criminals while Anne is a model that focuses on her beauty for her carreer, while lacking emotional depth.
  • Retropokon introduces a new villain in every anniversary special, radically different to the previous ones:
  • Each of the Big Bads of Red vs. Blue contrast with each other.
    • O'Malley/Omega , the villain of The Blood Gulch Chronicles, is an AI literally made out of rage obsessed with destruction. He’s extremely goofy, hammy, and prone to causing random and pointless acts of destruction just for the sake of it. He also tends to manipulate or force others to work with him, tending to use pawns to accomplish his goals (or try to, anyway).
    • The Meta, the main villain of The Recollection, is a silent and menacing Knight of Cerebus who has an actual plan; collecting all of the fragments of the Alpha so that Sigma can attain metastability. The Meta was himself a pawn to Sigma, who had completely broken his mind and turned him into an obedient slave, and the Meta worked alone, often employing subtler tactics to accomplish his goals.
    • The Director, the main villain of Season 9 and 10, is a Well-Intentioned Extremist who employed insanely ruthless and cruel means to both safeguard humanity and try to revive his wife. Unlike the more physical O'Malley and Meta, the Director was a Non-Action Big Bad who worked on the sidelines, but he was far more manipulative and cruel than either of them could ever hope to be, psychologically abusing his men and torturing the Alpha into insanity to accomplish his goals. Unlike O'Malley and the Meta, he lives to see his goals fail rather than be killed while trying to attain them, and he ends up a broken and suicidal wreck of his former self.
    • The Chorus Trilogy had three main antagonists; Felix and Locus and Malcolm Hargrove.
      • Felix is highly intelligent and manipulative, highly skilled in combat, and Laughably Evil and unhinged. However, he is also highly arrogant and underestimates his opponents, leading to several defeats that drive him further into madness and causing him to increasingly worse.
      • Locus is a Shell-Shocked Veteran so broken by his military service he now thinks of himself as nothing more than a weapon and no longer appears to have any free will. He never thinks for himself and always follows orders, but also refuses to engage in pointless sadism or petty vendettas, preferring to simply just get his missions over with. He also pulls a Heel–Face Turn after realizing he has become a monster.
      • Malcolm Hargrove is a powerful politician and Corrupt Corporate Executive who only cares about gaining more power. He had previously been set up as a Reasonable Authority Figure and utilizes smoke and mirror tactics, trying to keep his identity and actions a secret. He stays out of the action and, unlike most of the cast, never uses armor, and is always polite and civil towards his enemies, unlike previous villains, who were either assholes or didn't care about formalities, and keeps a stoic persona, but is willing to sacrifice countless lives to advance his power base and attempts to annihilate the entire population of Chorus in an act of spite. Unlike previous villains, his defeat is also never seen onscreen.
    • Temple, the main villain of Season 15, is an unhinged terrorist dedicated to getting revenge on the UNSC for using him as Cannon Fodder. Unlike previous villains, he was never well-regarded by the military, and was in fact considered bottom of the barrel, which led to his turn to villainy. Like several previous villains, he is motivated by a personal loss, but he has become a total madman who just wants to watch the world burn and make people suffer, wanting to plunge the galaxy into anarchy without any goal beyond that. He also does not automatically believe himself to be superior to his opponents, and relies on putting up an affable goofball facade, numbers, and sneaky tactics to get the advantage on his opponents.
    • The Shisno Paradox and Singularity have Genkins and Chrovos.
    • Chrovos is an ancient AI with the ability to alter time. Chrovos initially puts up a front as a serious, Faux Affably Evil villain, only to reveal themself as a condescending Deadpan Snarker. They initially seem to have a concise plan like other villains, to remake reality in their image, only to later be revealed to have gone completely insane and their motivations quickly become unclear and shift from moment to moment.
    • Genkins is a sarcastic Troll who fashions himself as a trickster prone to goofy actions, belying his true, power-hungry nature. He is prone to delusions of grandeur and desires to become a genuine god rather than an AI using a God Guise, and is willing to betray anyone to accomplish this, holding no allegiance to anyone and betraying all of his allies, unlike previous villains. Unlike all previous villains, he actually manages to accomplish his goal (sort of), only for it to backfire and result in him experiencing a Death of Personality and becoming Chrovos thanks to time travel.
