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Characters / JoJo New Universe Spirit Tracks: Ainz Ooal Gown Faction

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Ainz Ooal Gown Faction

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Stand: Undead

A former ally of DIO who now seeks to find his own place in the world.

His Stand, Undead, is named after a song by Hollywood Undead. With it, Momonga is able to cast powerful elemental spells, the extent of which is only limited by his imagination.

  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: He's basically his canon self if he was still human and had all his closest friends with him when arriving in the new world.
  • Dragon Ascendant: After DIO died, Momonga became leader of his own team. Once they reached the alter verse, Momonga decided to create his own base of power within it.
  • Enemy Mine: He and his faction have frequently helped the Joestar team due to seeing Barbro as the real threat.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: He was once a follower of DIO, but struck out on his own when the vampire died. He has his own agenda, though he's neutral at worst and is rarely antagonistic to George and his team.
  • Mythology Gag: Undead is meant look like Ainz's canon appearance, while Momonga looks like Ainz's Momon persona. He also maintains his handle of Momon when acting as an adventurer.

    Touch Me 

Touch Me

Stand: Neon Knights

Momonga's best friend and confidante.

His Stand, Neon Knights, is named after a song by Black Sabbath. It manifests as a powerful suit of armor that makes Touch Me into an effective fighter, and comes with a sword for combat and a shield to protect the few weak-points of this Stand.

  • Bodyguarding a Badass: Publicly Touch Me acts as a personal guard for Herohero. Keep in mind Herohero's Stand prevents him from suffering any damage.
  • Cool Sword: Which is sharp enough to slice through metaphysical beings.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: He makes use of this while defending Carne Village, using his shield like a battering ram.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: He's certainly noble, and his Stand grants him both the appearance and ability of such fantasy figures.
  • The Lancer: He's frequently helping the rest of his team during certain operations, and acts as an adventurer at the same time as Momonga.
  • No-Sell: His armor is durable enough to tank just about any normal weapon in the alter verse.



Stand: Chemical Romance

A member of Momonga's group. His primary work is as a merchant to spread the faction's power base.

His Stand, Chemical Romance, is named after the rock band My Chemical Romance. It allows him the ability to transform into a slime-like creature, which renders him impervious to all forms of damage, as well as morph his own body into a variety of shapes to suit his needs.

  • The Bait: Acts the role of a wealthy merchant to draw out unsavory groups so his allies can remove and replace them.
  • Bullying a Dragon: On the receiving end from Heivish and Succulent when they try to apply pressure in response to Tuare's rescue from their clutches. He's almost disappointed that Succulent is smart enough to know when to back out of a bad situation.
  • Living a Double Life: While acting as a merchant, he goes under the name Hiroshi Balba.
  • No-Sell: His Stand shrinks his body into a central core and replaces it with an amorphous one that doesn't take damage.
  • Ship Tease: Gets quite a bit with Solution.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He can mold his body as needed to perform a variety of attacks.



Stand: Turning Japanese

A ninja who is a part of Momonga's faction.

His Stand, Turning Japanese, is named after a song by The Vapors. With it, Nihiskienrai possesses the abilities and techniques of ninjas commonly featured in various media, such as moving at blinding speeds, creating after-images, as well as using hand-signs to perform moves.

  • Glass Cannon: His Stand shows a high power rating but a low defense rating, fitting for a wannabe ninja.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: His Stand is less about being an actual ninja and more about being a ninja from fictional media.
  • In-Series Nickname: When acting in the role of adventurer, he shortens his name to Nishi.
  • Ninja Tropes: He displays most of these any time he's fighting using his Stand.
  • Super-Speed: In true ninja fashion, he catches Brita's fallen potion before it hits the ground.



Stand: Black Crow

A member of the Ainz Faction, and one of Momonga's adventuring team.

His Stand, Black Crow, is named after the rock band The Black Crowes. With it, Peron is able to conjure up powerful wind storms.

  • Genre Savvy: He's quick to pick up on the fact that Ninya is a woman dressing like a man.
  • In-Series Nickname: He goes by Peron when adventuring, not because he's trying to hide his identity, but because his actual name is long and confusing.
  • Mythology Gag: Like most of the Ainz Faction, his Stand is meant to be identical to his YGGDRASIL avatar from canon.



Stand: Sabaton

The blacksmith of the Ainz Faction, responsible for creating and maintaining their gear.

His Stand, Sabaton, is named after the power metal band Sabaton. It can store various materials within its shell that it can use to make practically anything at any time, so long as it possesses the appropriate amount.

  • Bag of Holding: Sabaton holds the items it turns into tools inside its large shell.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: Not really an enemy, but Sabaton takes on this form.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: So long as Amanomahitotsu has the right materials held in his Stand, he can forge pretty much anything.

    Warrior Takemikazuchi 

Warrior Takemikazuchi

Stand: Battlecry

A noble warrior and part of Momonga's team. He is the main liaison with the lizardman tribes.

His Stand, Battlecry, is named after a song by Nujabes. Much like a real samurai, it possesses incredible power and speed, and can act much like a true bodyguard if needed.

  • Ambadassador: He's not called "Warrior" for nothing, and he acts as the main ambassador between the humans and lizardmen.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Battlecry has As in both power and speed, making it a very potent Stand in a fight.
  • Noble Demon: Like the rest of the Ainz Faction, he was once a servant of DIO. He's very much a noble warrior, however.
  • Synchronization: A notable aversion, as his Stand acts like a samurai bodyguard, never transferring damage to him no matter what happens to it.

    Tabula Smaragdina 

Tabula Smaragdina

Stand: Tears for Fears

A member of the Ainz Faction who specializes in fixing mental trauma.

His Stand, Tears for Fears, is named after British pop band Tears for Fears. It can enter people's minds and make it so that whatever trauma they're experiencing will feel like nothing more than a bad dream.

  • Face of a Thug: Tears for Fears looks like an Eldritch Abomination, yet its power is a benign and beneficial one that instills mental health in a target.
  • More than Mind Control: Those that are affected by his Stand still remember what caused their mental trauma in the first place, but only as a horrible nightmare that had long passed.
  • There Are No Therapists: His Stand is designed to avert this, helping Tuare recover from the trauma of what she went through when forced into prostitution.



Stand: One Minute Man

Part of the Ainz Faction and caretaker of Aura and Mare.

Her Stand, One Minute Man, is named after a song by Missy Elliott and Ludacris. It allows her to morph into a liquid-like state, rendering her completely unkillable.

  • Berserk Button: She hates it when people suggest she's old just because she's half the age of her two charges.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When George asks her what she's doing with two cross-dressing dark elf kids, all Bukubukuchagama does is feel silly for not introducing herself.
  • Cool Big Sis: She's seen as this by Aura and Mare. Despite the fact that they're technically older than her.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She may like dressing Aura and Mare in crossdressing clothes, but she made sure Mare had bloomers under his skirt to avoid an Unsettling Gender-Reveal for anyone who got an eyeful.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Thanks to her Stand, her body can reform even when blasted to giblets.
  • Harmless Freezing: She gets hit by Fraaz's Cold Night, but due to the mechanics of her Stand, all it does is prevent her from moving. She even compares it to being stuffed in a freezer after she's thawed out.

    Punitto Moe 

Punitto Moe

Stand: Welcome to the Masquerade

A part of the Ainz Faction, who plays a key role in their scheme to outwit the Unity Faction.

His Stand, Welcome to the Masquerade is named after a song by Thousand Foot Krutch. It can emit a mist to create illusions based on what Punitto can think up, regardless of scale.

  • Good Counterpart: His Stand's abilities are similar to Enya's, and while he's no saint, he doesn't have any evil intentions for the alter verse.
  • See the Invisible: An odd side-effect of his Stand is that the mists it creates will let anyone see Stands, even those without a supernatural affinity. This provides the perfect lynchpin in tricking the Unity Faction into thinking Nazarick is a separate force from the Ainz and Joestar Factions.
  • Those Two Guys: He's never shown being apart from Bellriver.



Stand: Offspring

One of the Ainz Faction, who makes use of his Stand to confuse the Unity Faction with a horde of monsters.

His Stand, Offspring, is named after the rock band The Offspring. It can generate a black smog that acts as a catalyst capable of summoning various monsters, limited only by Bellriver's imagination on what comes out.

  • Enemy Summoner: Offspring is fully capable of combat while creating an unlimited amount of monsters.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: The creatures his Stand summons are based on whatever he can imagine. George sincerly hopes he hasn't read the SCP website.
  • Those Two Guys: He's most often paired with Punitto, the two using their Stands in tandem.

    Ulbert Alain Odle 

Ulbert Alain Odle

Stand: My Band

A senior member of the Ainz Faction, who heads up the operation in the Holy Kingdom.

His Stand, My Band, is named after a song by D12. Initially it starts off rather weak, capable of being knocked aside with barely any effort. However, this is ultimately a trap that plants a curse onto anyone who defeats the Stand for the first time, which involves the person thinking themselves superior to everyone around them. The only way to break this curse is to beat My Band a second time, although that's easier said than done as My Band will be much stronger than before.

  • Foreshadowing: George stumbles upon him during the attack on E-Rantel and knocks him aside easily. Thereafter, he starts becoming more irritable. It turns out he was put under the effect of Ulbert's Stand.
  • Hate Plague: Anyone who beats his Stand once suddenly becomes very irate, arguing with those around them, especially teammates.
  • Hope Crusher: What his Stand does to those who fail to beat it a second time. They wind up crushed under the weight of despair at finding out they were never as strong as they thought they were.
  • Humble Pie: Ironically applies to anyone who can beat his Stand a second time, as they gain a newfound sense that they still aren't the strongest out there.
  • Love at First Sight: He falls for Calca the second he lays his eyes on her.
  • Meaningful Name: His Stand's ability is based on the premise of the song "My Band", with Eminem arguing with Proof, Bizarre, Kon Artis, Kuniva, and Swifty McVay over him being the face of the Dirty Dozen while they're relegated to the background.
  • Official Couple: He's able to form a genuine relationship with Calca, becoming her consort.
  • Pretty Boy: He's handsome enough that Calca is immediately smitten.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: The first time someone fights Ulbert, he and his Stand prove easy to beat. But then they go for round two, and suddenly he's much stronger.



Stand: Sixx AM

A minor member of the Ainz Faction.

Her Stand, Sixx AM, is named after the rock band Sixx:A.M.. Taking the appearance of twin gauntlets, they each possess revolving chambers hidden within that can fire at the rate of a minigun.
