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Characters / Hinterland

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Detective Chief Inspector Tom Mathias

Played By: Richard Harrington
  • Berserk Button: Anything to do with children being harmed.
  • Fish out of Water: Although he’s Welsh, he has spent much of his police career in London, transferring to Aberystwyth at the start of series 1. Emphasised in the bilingual version, in which he communicates mostly in English while everyone else seems to prefer Welsh.
  • Fee Fi Faux Pas: He spends his first day at a crime scene rather than attend a town's welcoming event held in his honour.
  • Guilt Complex: So very much. His daughter drowned, his marriage fell apart, and he blames himself.
  • Slumming It: He lives in a somewhat decrepit static caravan by a remote beach. After it burns down, he moves into a guesthouse in the town.
  • Trauma Button: While we don't see any flashbacks, Mathias is clearly bothered every time he has to deal with a case involving young children.

Detective Inspector Mared Rhys

Played By: Mali Harries

Detective Sergeant Siân Owens

Played By: Hannah Daniel

Detective Constable Lloyd Elis

Played By: Alex Harries
  • Mr. Exposition: He’s almost always the first detective at the scene of the crime, and is shown explaining all of the gory details to Mathias and Rhys who invariably arrive later.
