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Characters / Fight Knight

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The eponymous hero of the game. Cursed with the inability to wield weapons, FIGHT KNIGHT merely opts to use fists instead.

  • Ambiguously Human: FIGHT KNIGHT's Species is never explicitly revealed or stated, however the final image of the end credits reveals his mouth to be a large pair of jaws with sharp teeth, similar to the Blacksmith, though the Blacksmith says FIGHT KNIGHT isn't a Draconid like him.
  • Big Eater: Implied to be one, with a lot of his thoughts about the items he examines involve how said items could potentially be used for good or as part of preparing food, though he does draw the line with a few particular items, Garbag Skin and the Frost Fanatic Sake.
  • Blood Knight: FIGHT KNIGHT is this. When the Archive claims that FIGHT KNIGHT lacks purpose, they then ask him about it. He responds with a few gestures ending with a double thumbs down which somehow translates to them as a "True Challenge". They then calibrate to grant his wish and sends him sky high, following him as the Archive tears the tower itself apart and turns it into a dragon and fights him.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: He breaks his left arm when he punches out the Archive in its golem dragon form, though the Credits Montage shows it is healing afterwards.
  • Caps Lock: FIGHT KNIGHT is always parsed in all caps.
  • Cursed with Awesome: FIGHT KNIGHT apparently is cursed and unable to pick up a weapon without destroying it. Not that this is a major handicap for him, and possibly why he can defeat enemies with fisticuffs in the first place. When he defeats the Tower, the curse is lifted, as confirmed when Rivali throws him his old sword.
  • First-Person Smartass: All the item descriptions in first person, and are clearly FIGHT KNIGHT's thoughts. As such, he's a pretty snarky individual in spite of his lack of speech.
  • Glass Cannon: He can demolish armies with just his fists and bob and weave through oncoming attacks, but the ones that DO land will definitely hurt.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: FIGHT KNIGHT uses only his bare hands to fight. Played for Laughs when he also uses them to interact - yes, you can punch a friendly NPC to initiate a conversation with them. Also justified, because of the curse that destroys any weapons he tries to wield.
  • Ground Punch: Kongo Wollop, where FIGHT KNIGHT leaps high into the air and comes crashing down with both fists hitting the ground so hard it literally sends the enemies midair and stuns them.
  • Heroic Mime: FIGHT KNIGHT doesn't talk. He only punches.
  • Hidden Depths: FIGHT KNIGHT desires little else but combat, but he doesn't seek fights pointlessly or without reason, and he's capable of respecting grander reasons to fight, as well as honoring his opponents. When he meets The Prince - who FIGHT KNIGHT had accidentally disarmed of his prosthetic hand in their fight - at the end of the game, The Prince assumes it's to deal a killing blow and settle their fight. While FIGHT KNIGHT of course wants to fight, he explicitly gives The Prince's prosthetic back after he threw it at FIGHT KNIGHT in their first rematch as an apology for inadvertently unveiling his Dark Secret to the crowd, and to make any fight between them a fair one, and hopefully a friendly one. There's also his inner thoughts from examining various items, which show that he's quite the First-Person Smartass and surprisingly knowledgeable, especially about cooking.
  • Ironic Hell: FIGHT KNIGHT's curse was intended to be one by The Prince. Since FIGHT KNIGHT disarmed him - literally - by pulling off his prosthetic hand, he asked The Archive to curse FIGHT KNIGHT, who made his name in gladiatorial combat as a powerful swordsman, to never be able to hold a weapon again. FIGHT KNIGHT proceeded to take time out of the scene to adapt and become a fisticuffs based brawler as he tracked down The Prince and The Tower. Though, he doesn't seem angry about his condition, either.
  • Punny Name: FIGHT KNIGHT is a KNIGHT that FIGHTS. "Fight Night" is also a common term in advertising for a boxing event, and FIGHT KNIGHT uses his fists to get the job done (One of his costumes, the Gamblin' Gunslinger, has his fists wrapped in a similar manner to a boxer).
  • Rage Helm: His helmet is designed to look like he's always incredibly angry about something.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Goes without saying. While FIGHT KNIGHT can unleash incredibly fast rapid attacks normally, one special move (and a pair of gauntlets) takes this above and beyond.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: FIGHT KNIGHT does everything with punching. Fighting enemies? Punches. Opening doors? Punch them open. Talking to friendly characters? Yes, punch them up to start the conversation, and punch them again to continue talking!

Captain Cooke

The Mentor of FIGHT KNIGHT, and the captain of the ship.

  • The Exile: Is implied to be a descendant of one of the town's guilds, the Stargazers, who voluntarily exiled themselves in disgrace after their main supplier of food ingredients, the Butcher, was discovered to be engaging in cannibalistic practices. The Stargazers were notably incredible cooks able to create good meals from basically anything, and were experts at star-reading and navigation, which fits the dear Captain to a tee.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: It's unknown whether or not Captain Cooke is a pirate, considering that the only other person who's on his ship is a knight who should be very important in a kingdom, but the two maintain a friendly enough relationship that Captain Cooke isn't kidnapping FIGHT KNIGHT or holding him for ransom. Perhaps the accent comes with sailing for one's whole life.

Prince Rivali Rosencranz

The Undefeated Prince, who harbors a personal grudge against FIGHT KNIGHT.

  • Ambiguously Human: Similarly to FIGHT KNIGHT, Rivali's race is never explicitly stated or revealed. While him being a human would be the default assumption, near the end of the game he exclaims one of the other characters, a cyclops, is his 'little brother'. This would explain his helmet having a design that would be somewhat hard to see-through with a normal set of eyes.
  • Expy: A blue swordsman with a graceful weapon and fighting style, eloquence with words, from a prestigious bloodline, seeks power for his own reasons and has summoned a tower of supernatural origins (or at least so it seems) while having a bone to pick with the red-armored protagonist... Are we talking about Rivali or Vergil?
  • Handicapped Badass: He apparently exchanged his left hand for one capable of performing a Rocket Punch. He was actually missing his left hand (or possibly was born without it) long before he summoned the Tower, and in fact FIGHT KNIGHT accidentally exposing his condition to the world is what caused him to summon the Tower.
  • Hidden Depths: At a glance, it would seem like his desired for a true "undefeated" status is born purely of vanity and pride. In truth, it's because he feels that as a prince, he has to be undefeatable to protect his people, and any show of weakness would cause his subjects to lose faith in him, especially since he's actually missing a hand, a condition he hides with a prosthetic. As such, he believes that nothing less than perfection from start to finish will earn the respect and trust of his people.
  • Meaningful Name: Prince Rivali... is the RIVAL.
  • One-Winged Angel: Courtesy of the Tower. Unlike most examples though, it's done against his will.
  • The Rival: It's literally his first name!
  • Rocket Punch: His left arm is capable of doing this, which catches FIGHT KNIGHT by surprise, allowing him a victory on the second floor. The second time he tries it, FIGHT KNIGHT catches the punch, and keeps the hand for the rest of the game until he gives it back, which also a symbolic apology for exposing Rivali's disability.
  • Royal Rapier: His preferred weapon.
  • This Cannot Be!: His reaction to being defeated. He even outright accuses FIGHT KNIGHT of cheating. How can the undefeated be defeated? It's impossible!

The Tower (MASSIVE unmarked spoilers)

The source of FIGHT KNIGHT's curse, and the primary antagonist of the game.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Although the tower is not explicitly cruel or malevolent, it operates on cold, unfeeling logic, without any consideration for the "humanity" of its decisions, or the suffering of those to whom it grants wishes. As long as it fulfills its orders to the letter, it is satisfied.
  • Catchphrase: "It is my directive to fulfill all directives. There is no hidden directive."
  • Final Boss: Ultimately, FIGHT KNIGHT is forced to fight the tower itself. Literally, as it morphs into a colossal golem.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As FIGHT KNIGHT's adventure continues, the Tower grows increasingly confused, frustrated, then enraged as its directive is consistently thwarted. Eventually it deems FIGHT KNIGHT responsible for all its "errors" and brings all its power to bear against him in the final battle.
