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Awesome / Tower of God

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Season One
"Self Defense" at its finest

  • Bam, (To Yu Hansung): "You told me that being like I am is strange, but to me, you're a person who can't even find a single thing that's precious in that huge pile of garbage. I don't care what others say. I will climb the tower and if all of you aren't a bunch of liars, you better prepare what I want up there."
  • Rak Wraithraiser you turtle.
  • Anything Rak does, it will be awesome, even if he loses, or looks silly.
  • Shibisu, after hearing a Ranker declare that anyone who can't pass his barrier has been chosen to simply fail, says Screw Destiny and pushes his way through the Shinsu barrier through pure willpower.
  • Most of Khun's schemes when they come together.
  • Everything Quant does during the Hide and Seek test, when it isn't hilarious or terrifying, falls firmly into here; such as his Big Damn Heroes moment with him replying to Hoh's Motive Rant.
    Hoh: [holding a knife to Rachel's throat] I'll do... what God should have done.
    ???: You'll say you'll do what God should have done? A mere Regular like you? You should know better.
    Hoh: ...?!
    Quant: [enters the scene] The God on this stage... is me.
  • At the end of the Hide and Seek test, Endorsi with Narmada aided by Bam have to steal the badge from a handicapped Quant that can't use any shinsu, while Quant has to steal Endorsi's. The fight serves as a moment of awesome for all three participants given that;
    • Bam is successful at freezing a Ranker on multiple occasions with a technique he just learned.
    • Without any shinsu, the body of a Jahad Princess is said to be thousands of times tougher than that of a normal person. Without any shinsu, Quant is faster.
    • And finally; despite getting Quant's badge after he gets hersnote , Endorsi still wins because Quant didn't actually get her badge.
  • Endorsi taking on the Bull, which is probably stronger than all the other regulars there, and completely annihilating it. Judging by the fact that she was unable to beat it later on, though, it's entirely possible it was letting her win on purpose, which kind of diminishes the awesomeness.
    • Later on, Bam killing the Bull with a massive blast of Shinsu. Yes, Bam defeated the creature that was able to capture Endorsi with a single attack.
      • In chapter 43 of Season 2, Viole says that the water actually strengthened Shinsu due the weird red exoskeleton which was apparently being held there. So this battle wasn't entirely won on his own power.
  • Yuri mopping the floor with Ren (even though it is quite green and slimy afterwards, she really was made for the great outside).

Season Two

  • Viole fighting Mule Love, a ranker, and giving him some serious trouble (albeit under heavily nerfing test conditions, much like with Endorsi versus Quant).
  • Viole and Horyang's Big Damn Heroes moment in the Untrustworthy Room test, and subsequently, Horyang revealing his One-Winged Angel form to the readers for the first time.
    • During Bam's fight with Horyang, you see him using the techniques he learned from Love.
  • Urek Mazino, that's all. Showing just how powerful a ranker in the top five can be, and he wasn't even trying.
    • A minor belated moment of awesome: Viole managed to put a scratch on Mazino, while Rankers stood no chance. Mazino was impressed.
      • Not just that. Viole turned his back to an attack that is easily strong enough to kill him in order to protect a little girl. Not only does that show that he meant what he said earlier (that there are things he feared more than death), the scratch showed that Viole didn't give up. Even after giving himself such a huge disadvantage by protecting Miseng, he still thought of a way to successfully land a hit.
  • In the Devil Of The Right Arm arc, we have Viole and Horyang's fight, though SIU cut it short. Then, we have Horyang versus Ran and Nobic.
  • As of the latest chapter, we have Viole completely annihilating Ran and Nobic.
  • The MapleStory crossover.
  • Although chapter 51 was mostly a Tear Jerker, we do have the legendary moment of Dan telling Rachel to fuck off. It might have had unfortunate consequences for him later but it was still very satisfying in the moment and incredibly badass.
    • What makes it even more awesome is how unexpected it is. Throughout his time on Khun's team, Dan and Rachel have had little moments together that have hinted that Dan might feel sympathy for her and might not be so willing to betray her. After FUG's plans to kill Khun come to light and Dan is at the mercy of Apple and Micheal (traitors who were paid to infiltrate Khun's team for FUG), Rachel asks them to spare Dan since he hasn't done anything wrong. After all, he was originally kidnapped by Khun and forced onto the team. Dan's response to her next question shows just how awesome he is though. Especially considering he doesn't necessarily do it out of loyalty towards Khun. He refuses Rachel because her behavior, along with Apple and Micheal's, disgusts him.
    Rachel: Mr. Dan, let's climb the tower together. From now on, please become my legs.
    Dan: If you want to walk, walk with those fine legs of yours. You kicked away two friends with those legs, am I right?
  • Team Shibisu vs Team F.U.G. Sure, they ultimately lost, but they managed to do a pretty good job and put up a decent fight before Viole used his Thorn power.
  • Viole in the workshop battle, against the fake F.U.G. followers.
    Am I still your god?
  • In one fight Ran completely dissected Anaak's personalty and flaws so next time he could draw her into a fight she couldn't, and indeed didn't, win.
  • Nobic has been ambushed by Reflejo, Ron Mei and the two swordsman members of Team Mad Dog and is saved by Horyang who vaporizes the latter two and attacks Mei and Reflejo with enough power to level a portion of the forest. Points to Ron Mei, for having the ability to block the attack and showing she is no air-head.
  • The long-awaited return of Full-sized Rak.
    Rak: "Your foot. Remove it."
  • Chapter 170 was one for Hwaryun and Viole. Hwaryun, who was disguised as Yuto, revealed herself and pretty much just told Reflejo (Now revealed as Poken) that their own plans would lead to their downfall as the Fake Thorn was a container for - and would absorb - the Real Thorn into it for Viole's use. Then Viole breaks out of his Shinsu-sucking binds and effortlessly destroys a level 85 Patrol, Blue Titan.
    • And an off-screen moment for Nobic and Horyang for stomping two of Team Mad Dog's lesser teammates, and Horyang especially for holding off Blue Titan when in an exhausted state.
  • Ehwa went from being an A-Team Firer to being able to blast Beta's parasite out of his hand.
  • Bam finally takes out Reflejo and unlocks the full power of the Thorn... while definitively breaking away from FUG.
    Bam: You call me your false god. That way, you can say whatever you want, do whatever you want in my name... I WILL NEVER BE AN ABOMINATION LIKE YOUR GOD!
  • Khun's latest plan to bring his team to the Hell Train hits a snag when Ha Jinsung shows up and tells them they can only do so by beating him. The awesomeness is twofold: Ha Jinsung, a high ranker, effortlessly trounces Rak, Khun, Quant and Chang to kick Bam out of a plane that can take the team to the Hell Train... except that Khun has planned to trap Ha Jinsung inside that plane, and teleports the team out of it because he actually plans to use a different plane to go to the Hell Train. Own'd.
  • Bam refusing godhood again, but to an even higher degree than ever before. He essentially tells his "inner self" to fuck off and show him his true power: not the power to subjugate and rule, but to protect others, as he sees a power that is only validated through the subjugation of others as meaningless. This is even considering that said "inner self" promised him power that will easily allow him to bulldoze his way through the Tower, and that the Guardian actually compared his potential power to freaking Jahad. And it may be he did get something from this, seeing as the Guardian feels momentarily unsettled by the new atmosphere that surrounds Bam.
  • Yuri mopping the floor with a ranker yet again, with FUG's Pedro being on the receiving end.
  • And then Yuri fights Karaka himself at the end of the very next arc, and while it's much more evenly matched, she's still way too much for Karaka to handle. If Karaka didn't possess Resurrective Immortality, she would've killed the Big Bad of the previous saga after their first encounter.
  • Enryu's Big Entrance in Garam's exposition mega-flashback during the Floor of Death definitely qualifies, and that's despite how little it actually shows Enryu! There's a single obscured picture of his face, a shot of his right eye, and he only says one line, yet it beats even Urek's introduction in terms of raw coolness.
  • Chapter 324. After so long and so many chapters, Bam turns his back on Rachel and tells her off. He even pulls off a successful Shut Up, Hannibal! on her. Of course, Bam being Bam; that action did sadden him knowing he can't go back to those moments when it was just him and Rachel.
  • Urek Mazino returns for the Floor of Death and his feats while getting to use just a hint of his actual power are amazing.
    • Blowing half of Karaka's body off with his index finger, while using only 1% of his power is just how he makes an entrance!
    • The "fight" between him and Hell Joe has Urek throw a punch with 10% of his power, the force of which splits the sea apart, pulverizes a mountain range, and then keeps going.
    • And then there's his dialogue with Poe Bidau Gustang, where- before the already great rebuttal of the Family Head's points, there's this casual exchange that overlaps with Funny Moments.
    Gustang: I don't want to see you blow your top and annihilate our family.
    Urek: [Hand Behind Head] Haha! You made the right choice! (You had better do as I say unless you want to die.)
  • Bam's battle with Data-Jahad in the Hidden Floor. That is all.

Season Three

  • The fact that Bam's growing his hair out again qualifies as this just from the possibility- if not certainty, of the return of the Viole-hairstyle. (And this time there's no wig required!)
  • Any time Bam shows just how strong he has become after three years of intensive training is this. His ability to suppress Rankers during his scuffle in the Cage while showcasing many new shinsu techniques proves just how far he has come. He doesn't even need to use the Thorn.
    • Seeing his handy defeat of Baylord Paul's Ranker, not only does Karaka state that he has grown much stronger than expected, but the previously arrogant Doom even admits to being impressed to where he wanted to turn him into his soldier.
    • When he is finally faced with Gado, an actual High Ranker, Bam unlocks a new-found power to transform his body parts into Red Thryssa only moments after Doom gave him his power and uses it to tear through Gado's attack and injure him.
      • As Gado overwhelms him by getting serious, while he is clearly pressured, Bam still holds his own and blocks Gado's attacks without using the Thorn as he wasn't allowed to use it yet, demonstrating his usual determination, only much more impressive considering what kind of enemy he was fighting, and when he can use the Thorn, he straight up cuts Gado's leg with an arrow with help from Canzon.
  • Bam breaking the spell on Doom with ease, which he didn't even know he could do with certainty and just assumed possible with his resistance to spells. That spell had previously left Doom in pain and helpless to resist and Bam just undid it within moments.
    • Then Doom not having any of Gado's bull and killing him with a single attack, showing how Doom may be weak compared to Yama and not in his prime, but he is still a powerful High Ranker. His "The Reason You Suck" Speech on Gado only makes it more cathartic.
    • Afterwards, Doom decided to help Baam by his own free will. Bam had impressed him so much that combined with Bam also being an enemy of Zahard and the 10 Families, Doom was willing to help him and even gave him some sound advice.
  • Baylord Yama and Evankhell vs Khel Hellam, a FUG Elder. Initially arrogant and believing he can defeat them both himself, he ends up biting his words when they prove to be more than he can handle.
    • First, Evankhell responds by activating her own Ancient power to counter Hellam's and then Yama activates his Full Transformation and pushes him back.... With only one arm transformed. Yama even makes a Badass Boast about how he can still transform plenty of his body. Then Hellam admits Yama was far stronger than he ever expected and believes even if he did win, he would be too badly injured to move the Cage and then before sending him away, he acknowledges Yama's power rivaled that of even the first generation of Slayers.
    • Then just as Hellam seems to be winning, Paul, who was pissed to learn he was tricked, comes in along with Doom and Bam, forcing him to surrender after being outnumbered. The look of shock in his face was just satisfying after seeing him being so arrogant.
    • To give Hellam his credit, he still proves that FUG Elders are really veterans who had fought many High Rankers since ancient times by giving the heroes a good fight, along with also demonstrating a decent amount of pragmatism by managing to remove Yama from the picture and even convince the heroes to work with him in the end.
  • Bam once again defeating a remarkably strong Ranker, Daleet, who was the second strongest guard of the Wall of Peaceful Coexistence, with only minimum help from Khun and Rak. Daleet even admits Bam was stronger than him, while Bam stated Daleet ignored his friends because they weren't of any threat to him but Bam is.
    • To be fair for Khun and Rak, they still managed to show good teamwork with Bam despite how much stronger Bam is than them. While it's quite conceivable Bam would win against Daleet by himself, together they defeated him rather quickly.
  • Kallavan's return. With one arm tied and demoted after his failure, Kallavan makes it clear he is just as powerful as ever and a formidably lethal villain.
    • Downing guards with just brute punches aside, he takes down Tonki, who Wordof God confirmed was a High Ranker level fighter, with a single punch after easily handling his assault, SIU even stating Kallavan is just on another level. Afterwards, Kane actually gets nervous on what would happen if Kallavan and Dowon fight.
    • Then he delivers a Curb Stomp Cushion fight to White. It's actually pretty good to see the arrogant White being given his comeuppance by Kallavan, as the sword he is so proud of fails to cut Kallavan and instead gets damaged just by clashing with him and when he unveils a sword that can actually cut him, Kallavan reveals he wasn't even taking him seriously and then trounces him entirely, catching his sword moments before it can hit him... When he was using a Lethal Move.
    • When Dowon awakens and ultimately decides to join Kallavan, she states that Kallavan would be able to defeat Bam and his allies by himself.
  • Bam officially defeating a Ranker. Low-level Test Ranker as Pan may be, Bam beat him without using the Thorn or even his other stronger techniques. He just used his normal skills and managed to take him down, even if it left him a bit damaged.
    • The way the manager of the Ranking Office took it. He at first arrogantly believed Bam defeating a Ranker was just tall tales made by FUG and Pan not seeing Bam as a worthy opponent... Only for Bam to make him and Pan eat their words by showing way more experience than the Ranker and making use of his advantages the best he could while covering his weak spots efficiently to defeat Pan.
    • The victory spread through the Tower like wild-fire and was so hard-hitting that many people who opposed Zahard took interest in him and FUG started to support him the best they could. Even the FUG Elders are no longer able to turn a blind eye.
  • Bam and Karaka vs Kallavan during the Nest battle. Though Kallavan still has the upper hand, the teamwork and struggle of the two students of Jinsung were quite admirable.
    • First, Karaka charges in despite being a defensive fighter and manages to score a blow on Kallavan. Although Kallavan No-Sell it, seeing him able to land a straight hit in close-range demonstrates Karaka is still a student of Jinsung Ha, no matter how he may fight with long-range.
    • After failing to budge Kallavan with Karaka, Bam activates his True Self mode and goes to conjure 3 orbs way larger than any he has shown before. Karaka's look of astonishment and Kallavan's acknowledgment of how impressive it was for Bam to use 3 Orbs sells it.
      • He then attacks Kallavan repeatedly and while it doesn't do much, breaks through Kallavan's early defenses. Not by using sheer force but using shinsu stamina to generate enough shinsu to penetrate Kallavan's explosion.
      • He and Karaka working together manage to break through Kallavan's defenses enough to land a single hit on. Unlike before when Bam only dealt him damage because Kallavan let him, this time Bam broke through Kallavan's efforts to damage him outright.
      • The fact that Bam survived a powerful blow from Kallavan to the head, even if it did hurt a lot, shows just how much tougher he's become. And he's still able to fight and even dodge Kallavan's attack.
      • Finally, after Kallavan has given a speech about how inferior he is to Jahad by not being able to let go of his emotions and control them, Bam gives a Shut Up, Hannibal! as he screams how it's because he HAS the heart and emotions to care for others even if he has to sacrifice them that he will be able to help in overthrowing the corrupt king, then uses a close-range Transcendental Skill that releases two magnificent wings of black and white energy and almost severs Kallavan's arm. Cue Kallavan then admitting Bam has the potential to be a threat to Zahard.
      • Although it ultimately failed, Bam creating a shield from the Blue Thryssa and resisting two explosions from Kallavan is quite impressive, especially as Bam needed to protect himself and just by thinking about it, he came up with such a decent defense.
  • A full-power White vs Kallavan. A fight between two of the highest Rankers, and it shows exactly how mighty those level of Rankers are.
    • Their first-round, even with Kallavan's arm still sealed and White holding back to not make the fight unfair, is already extremely impressive as White reveals his newly improved swordsmanship and regained strength by matching him blow-to-blow and forcing Kallavan to use a serious amount of effort to contend with him, even cutting him a bit and then pushing him back, all while Bam can only watch in awe over how strong White is.
    • Things escalate when Lyborick gives Kallavan the permission to remove his seal and then tells him he plans to destroy his old subordinates to reform the 4th Army Corp from scratch. Kallavan gives in, but then gives Lyborick a death threat if it fails. Cue Lyborick just smirking and telling Kallavan to do it if it does fail.
    • The second-round of the fight is even more impressive as Kallavan can use full power and White reveals his strongest sword. Repeated clashes of shinsu slashes and blue explosions without any of them breaking a sweat, and while White manages to briefly overwhelm Kallavan when his hand was still damaged, when Kallavan has blown off the arm that Bam damaged, their fight remains even.
    • At the final stages of their fight, Kallavan's determination lets him even slightly gain on White, who is forced on the defensive and has to use two Lethal Moves just to fend off his brutal assault.
  • Moments after seeing White use the Power of Souls, Bam masters it quickly to form a bow that he uses to launch the Second Thorn at the Cage before it can blow up and teleports the needle launcher and everyone out of harm's way. The look of awe and admiration on the heroes side was a sight to see, so was the disbelief of the enemies, making Yasratcha take back his underestimation of Bam as he basically shat himself with the fact that Bam can use teleportation, which is something only few High Rankers can, and Maschenny even states Bam's power reminds him of Jahad's.
  • Bam having grown even stronger after his second fight with Kallavan demonstrates he's grown strong enough in his base form that not even monsters on Ranker level are of any threat to him, taking down scores of them at once and forming a bow to release an arrow that easily hits a monster who was moving and jumping rapidly around.
    • Then he fights with Aria, a Division Commander of the Fourth Squadron of the Jahad Army. Without using the Thorn, Bam handles the High Ranker level enemy fairly well and even pushes her back at first, giving us yet another sight of seeing a High Ranker being astonished by Bam's power. Even as Aria moves at blitzing speeds, yellow trails all packed up into her movements, Bam blocks all her attacks and then retaliates by releasing a blast of Shinwonryu so strong that it forced her back a decent distance away.
  • Yama vs Yasratcha, the second round. Although Yama ultimately lost again, he still manages to put up a decent good show and refuses to give up to the end. Yasratcha even admits to being impressed and comments Yama's stubborness and power compares to that of his father's.
    • Multiple times Yasratcha and Yama clash using their transformation, releasing massive claw-like projections and beams, it goes to show why they are both the apex of their kind, demonstrating skills and forms beyond that of any other seen thus far.
  • We have another Bam vs top 100 High Ranker again.... This time it's Bam vs the arrogant legendary slayer White. And SIU has pulled off one of his top cards for the apparent final battle between them. White, who repeatedly antagonized and mocked Bam after curb-stomping him and Aria and then cruelly flaunted the fact that he killed Prince and Arkraptor, finally meets his match, and while the process was gradual, it was more than worth it.
    • First around, Bam steely waits for White despite knowing he has little chances of victory and when he comes, all he has to say is he has nothing to say to White and he'll end their ill-fated relationship now. Although he is full of hatred, this demonstrates a rather strong development for Bam. While he's still very pissed, the fact that he can keep his calm and focus while fighting someone who killed his friend demonstrates it's not just his power and combat skill that has grown, he's also grown more mature and pragmatic.
    • Then he attacks White directly, unlike when he fought Kallavan where all he does is attack him from a distance and then hit him close-range with him restrained, showing an unseen level of improvement in his Kungfu Wizard skills as he first freezes White's sword before he then nearly hits him with kicks and manages to strike once with a shinsu-enhanced blow. And when White starts pushing him back and slashes at him, Bam blocks it and White's boast of his ability to attack from unseen angles is countered by Bam saying he can also attack from any blind-spots. Cue a large Orb detonating in White's back.
    • Even when White starts driving him back, Bam still persists fighting in close-range and astonishingly the injuries that he suffered were all minor cuts. He even uses his Red Thryssa's blade as if to try to match White in his own game. Though it naturally fails miserably, the fact that he even fights an Arie with a blade and does not get cut down in an instant is already a miracle.
    • Then Bam tells White to shut up and focus on fighting. And though he gets cut, once more it's only in his cheek and he then attacks White with a Piercing Technique so strong it not only releases a huge explosion of white-light wings, but blocking it distorts and damages White's sword. Cue White admitting ever since their fight seriously began, he's been having trouble blocking Bam's attacks.
    • Bam then pulls off a strategic move.... By stopping White's sword with his Blue Thryssa shield and then hitting him with a Fast Skip so strong as to completely freeze him! Not only that, he comes up with a move on the fly by using the basis of the Shinsu Loop to create the Meteor Shower technique! Essentially, Bam releases multiple meteor-like bangs of Shinwonryu with a single move!
      • That single hit alone disarms White of his sword and he even admits the attack "hurt him to death" and decides to use a more powerful blade to defeat Bam.
    • But it's not the end.... Left with nasty injuries and faced with an opponent clearly too strong, with sheer determination Bam taps deeply into his inner power and finally gives White a taste of fear and the slow but long-coming comeuppance he deserves.
      • He first restores Aria's body, which had been decapitated and then struck multiple times. Although it may not have been a true resurrection, the idea that Bam can even go as far as to restore mangled bodies with sheer will is already impressive enough.
      • Then with flicks of his hand, he casually brushes off White's attacks. He then goes head-to-head with him and it's only moments before White is pushed quite far away. In this form, Bam is so physically strong that White's sword can't even damage him anymore and a single punch from Bam can send him flying back even with him blocking it! Not only that, he executes a Flash Step on White... Twice! He even steps on White's sword as if it was nothing and then launches a beam of Red Thryssa's shinsu that White can't block.
      • He returns to a long-range fighting style and the Meteor Shower skill has upsurged.... A lot. Instead of miniature meteors, it's full-scale black-colored energy meteors rained down on White. It's so much and so strong White can't dodge nor can he cut the shinsu and all he can do is deflect it. That's right. After White has finished blocking the attack, all that Bam has to show is a huge black Orb ready for another barrage of attacks. He even waits until White has finished as if to nonverbally mock him for taking so long.
      • It only gets better with that huge black Orb. Bam's power is such that it completely shrouds the arena in black shinsu and causes massive rains of energy that forces White to put up a barrier to deflect it. Not stopping there, Bam casts an even more astonishing version of Meteor Shower with the Orb and it releases what appears to be thousands of black meteors and White even has to release a white energy just to deflect it completely. The sweat in White's face and his admission that Bam is now stronger than him seals it.
      • The finishing move that Bam uses to end the fight? It's not by crushing White with his sheer power as he easily could have eventually, but rather he cleverly baits White to come near and stab him by pretending to be overwhelmed by White's full-power attack... Before he then reveals that he intends to give White a taste of his own medicine by using White's sword to take White's power from him! And with help from Khun and Rak, he succeeds. As such, Bam not only defeated White but also humiliated him by beating him in his own game. After so long of seeing White's cruelty and his antagonism towards Bam, SIU has finally provided us with the utterly satisfying sight of White being conquered by Bam.
  • As much of a Nightmare Fuel as it is, Lo Po Bia Traumerei quickly proves himself to be this in his actions. We finally see a Family Head in action, and though Traumerei's ranking isn't certain, he doesn't disappoint as one of the "gods" of the Tower.
    • First off, while still sitting on his throne, he casts a spell that shrouds the place in darkness, just because it's too cold and bright to his liking, and then immediately gets to business by asking where Bam is. He doesn't even want to fight, because he knows he can easily annahilate all the enemies but isn't just interested in doing so. Not to mention his power can be felt by people far away. Even an Elder like Sophia Tan is visibly unnerved.
    • Then it's revealed how exactly the disposal of the Canines went exactly. Traumerei didn't just have his subordinates do the job. Instead, he senses something wrong with Yasratcha's words, goes to kill Nen Neya for betraying him. His style, while brutal, is quite awesome. He teleports himself, revealing that when not sitting in his throne, he is much taller than anyone expected, as fitting for a Great Warrior... Cue a Death Glare and a total Curb-Stomp Battle. He has 7 mighty beasts.... But all he needs is just a single creature, a massive beast named Fendore Harpe that far exceeds her Ancient! And then as if it was just disposing of the week's trash, he kills her with a single green spear.
    • Although it ended pretty tragically, Traumerei then showing up to give Yasratcha his comeuppance while he was just gloating about having Wangwang all for himself is quite cathartic. While Yasratcha is having an Oh, Crap! moment after realizing Traumerei didn't entirely believe him, Traumerei just looks like he has been expecting the whole thing.
      • In a way, Wangwang having the balls to defy Traumerei when he saw Nen Neya's corpse is quite impressive. And even after his master coldly dismisses him for thinking about defying him over his wife, he still takes advantage of what little remained in Traumerei's fondness for him to ask for mercy for his people. The fact that he survived being brutally attacked by all the Canines and Traumerei clearly granting at least mercy for his children showed that at least his sacrifice was in a way worth it.
