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Awesome / The Loud House

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Bathroom Break

  • Lincoln getting Lori out of the bathroom by threatening her with Lily's dirty diaper. While that may seem silly and gross, it demonstrates just how resourceful and cunning Lincoln isnote .

  • In "There Will Be More Chaos", Clyde, despite being a bit of a wimp, is no worse for wear after the day out he had with his dads, despite it being intended to tire him out and tiring the dads out.
  • "Live Life Loud!" reveals that Leni of all people learnt to sew when she was one.
  • In "Loud and Proud", Lisa loans Lola a hologram of herself so that she can avoid Lindsay's booby traps.
  • In "The Struggle is Real", Lisa is revealed to have helped "everyone" (it's unclear who was being referred to) avoid the flu, earning her an award for 'Most Diseases Cured by a Kindergartener', while Lynn is revealed to have won a wrestling match against all the boys in her class.
  • "Who's the Loudest?" reveals that despite her low intelligence, Leni knows how to change a tire.
  • Virginia preventing Liam's bull from charging at Geo. Granted, she did it by farting, which isn't the most dignified of attacks, but it's impressive nonetheless.
