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It's juice and jam time, baby!

  • Being partially responsible for the discovery of Rude Removal, [adult swim] even referencing the #ruderemoval hashtag Pan started.
  • The 90's Kid rant, ALL OF IT.
  • Pan's reasoning why the "believe in yourself" Stock Aesop works in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann when it proves meaningless elsewhere:
    Pan: People demand consistency. The accept and spread what they've been taught, and scoff at those who oppose what's thought to be impossible. This is were Gurren Lagann got me thinking: is anything really impossible, or do people quit before they make it a reality? You may tell yourself you're not good at drawing or singing or sports, but why? I theorize it's because you've been spoon-fed the wrong encouragement. You've all watched those movies where The Chosen One can do anything if they "believe" in themselves. I love The Matrix, but that message is asinine! When you pop out of the womb, you ain't good at nothing! Not once did that have any meaning to me as a child, until I saw Gurren Lagann as an adult. Simon started at the bottom as a wimp, now he's a jerk and everyone loves him. You think he's a failure, because he goes home to Starla at night? He didn't succeed just because he "believed" in himself, that only gave him the aspiration to try, fail, see what he messed up on, and try again. This is the message Gurren Lagann perfected. If you're the absolute worst at something, the only limit is Rock Bottom! If you practice, there is nowhere else to go but up!
  • Pan's ANGRY review of Breadwinnersnote  He gives the show absolutely no mercy and practically tears Breadwinners a new asshole.
  • ZONE-tan's cameo in Top 10 Worst Redesigns.
  • Pan's animation of character Emily Vasquez from his web comic Loki IRL that pops up right before the reveal of #1 of his top 10 goth girls countdown. Especially impressive in the fact that the last time he exhibited his animating skills, he was using self-depreciation. It really shows how well he's improved.
  • Pan's hilarious dressing-down of John Kricfalusi in his "5 Cartoonists Who HATED Their Work" video:
    Pan: Oh man, who's gonna be number one? There he is! Johnny John-K John Yells-At-You-If-You-Don't-Get-It-Right, John 'creepy-around-women,' John loving-little-girls, John KRICFALUSI!
    Pan: This anal attitude has quite literally fucked John K, (metaphorically speaking.) For repeatedly missing deadlines, John and his whole team were fired from Ren & Stimpy, but the show continued as Games Animation Inc took over.
    Pan: John Kricfalusi really hasn't done much notable work other than some freelance art on the side such as making Simpsons couch gags, and animation for several music artists every so often. His failure to meet deadlines and being notoriously hard to work with prevents him from getting another show.
    Pan: Lots of great cartoons came from artists who could produce great work and make a deadline. John K could only do half that. People like John K's work. People don't like working with John K. In the professional field, everyone has to do their part on time. One person late screws up the entire production.
  • When reviewing Samurai Jack, Pan manages to to piece together an epic Music Video within the review set to Ennio Morricone's "Ecstasy of Gold", referencing the bang-up remix the series did of that soundtrack in the second episode of Season 5.
    • Pan also has a list of favorite episodes of the show, but of special note is the one that is obviously his true favorite: "Jack and the Traveling Creatures" (the one where Jack is thoroughly bested by the Guardian and seems to be the classic run's closest attempt at an implied resolution). He has it listed under "WATCH LAST", thinking it serves as the best episode to go out on before jumping into the final season or choosing to only dabble in the classic run.
  • Amidst all the negativity and troubling news coming from the animation industry, we get this video , showcasing Pan's passion and respect for all the hard work put into the art.
  • 6 - Top 3 BEST/WORST failed animation PILOTS & SHORTS has Pan go on a "The Reason You Suck" Speech after seeing a video of Butch Hartman hypocritically bashing Teen Titans Go:
    Hartman: Years ago, if Cartoon Networks has come to me and said "Hey, Butch, we want you to make Teen Titans into a cartoon" I would've said "YES! COOL! AWESOME!". Then if they'd said "We want you to make it a comedy" I would've said "Nooo".
    Pan: BUTCH! That's the exact same thing that happened with DynaMice except you did change it into a comedy. You both bent over to network demands, except your show didn't become a success! So this just comes off as bitter! He's trying to make himself seem cool, like "See? I make cartoons and even I wouldn't allow Teen Titans Go! to happen". He's not exactly one I think of when trying to challenge network demands, just look at him explaining why Chloe and Sparky were added to Fairly Odd Parents. [plays clips of Hartman admitting it was due to network demands] I'm not mad, it's alright to play it safe to keep a job, but don't act like you wouldn't allow a studio to affect your show. That'd be like me claiming I could dominate a girl. I know your name is Butch, but you clearly are not one in a relationship."
  • In Top 5 BEST/WORST Modern Cartoons Vol.9 Pan takes a moment to utterly tear down how hypocritical and silly the backlash towards She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is.
    Pan: I know most of the outrage is just trolling, but there are people who are unironically pissed. Getting mad at a bad reboot of an eighties cartoon is like getting mad that a telemarketer you got today wasn't as good as the one from thirty years ago. At least with The '90s cartoons they were, you know, pitched by actual cartoonists who later got their stuff turned into marketing bullshit. Eighties cartoons were marketing bullshit from the start, being pitched by toymakers, especially She-Ra. A spinoff about He-Man's supposed long-lost sister on her own adventures for the girl demographic. That's one-third on the way of being a Sonic OC's origin story. People are mad at this new Netflix reboot for...I don't know, "it's different, therefore bad", the anime look, missing characters, outfits not being as revealing, changing the race of characters, giving people pastel hair, changing body types, more juvenile humor, going for current trends... Oh, silly me, these are images from the OG Teen Titans (2003), don't worry, comic book fans loved that show when it first came out.
  • In Strange Colorful Wii Games #7, Pan talks about how No More Heroes inspired him to pursue his next big project:
    Pan: To be honest, I never played this game 'til now, but it's really hitting me hard. I ain't got the need for making YouTube videos like I used to. It felt like my life was in a rut. That's why, one night, I just said, 'screw it. I'm making an indie animated pilot.' Becky Prim style. I'm still working on it. Could be good, could burn me out, could totally suck. Point is, I gotta do something new with my life to challenge myself. I like to work alone and have full control, but not this time. I'm gonna have to learn how to work with other artists and voice actors. This will be my biggest creative project so far.
