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Trivia / RebelTaxi

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  • Approval of God: Ben Ramsey appreciated Pan's video on his filmography, claiming it "brought back memories both good and bad."
  • Bonus Episode: Every other Tuesday, there's an episode of the Pizza Party Podcast, a sponsored video or an interview.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer:
    • In his Rick and Morty side-mission review, he calls Morty Rick's nephew. Morty's actually Rick's grandson (Pan corrected this in an annotation).
    • In his Top 10 Cartoon Bands video when he is talking about The Archies he brings up how Archie Comics killed off the Archie character even though that comic book was set in a universe separate from the main Archie Comics.
    • In his Jem and the Holograms (2015) review he calls Asuka American when she's actually half-German. This was something he also corrected in an annotation. He also pronounced her name "Ah-SOO-ka" instead of "Ah-ska".
    • When talking about the Scary Godmother movies on his "Top 5 HALLOWEEN HIDDEN GEMS Vol 2", he calls Jimmy Hannah's brother when he's actually her cousin.
    • In his "5 Cartoonists That Hated Their Work" video, he says that ReBoot and Beast Wars were made by Rainmaker Studios. In reality, both shows were made by Mainframe Entertainment before they got bought out by Rainmaker.
    • In "10 Weird Foreign Anime / Cartoon Remakes" he states that Edge of Tomorrow was based off of a manga. It's actually based off of a light novel, though said novel did get adapted into a manga two years after the film's release.
  • Creator Backlash: To put it briefly, Pan is very critical of his work and looks back at a lot of videos and even single jokes with regret. To put it even more briefly, any of his videos before the My Little Pony review.
  • Creator Breakdown
    • In the summer of 2017, Pan started suffering from heart palpitations from the stress of going four straight years without a break from making videos. He was forced to rework his process from just working for hours on end until videos are done to working from designated daylight hours so as to avoid further burnout.
    • Unfortunately happened again with the "BEST & or underRATED Cartoons of 2010-2019" video:
      I hate this Best Of vid. This video was a horrible mismanaged mess to edit. I should have just did a Top 10. Not recap literally every cartoon I really liked. So much footage to find and more I left out. I feel like I wasted my time with this stupid video. I never wanna do anything to this level again. It was horrendous. Don't be surprised if I decide not to upload for a while. This was horrible. I tried to catch up on a whole bunch of shows I've never watched. It's like that King of the Hill ep with Bobby on that quiz team. The one where he had to watch literally everything he could.
  • Fan Community Nickname: Pan officially nicknamed his fans "Honkies".
  • Reclusive Artist: For a while, Pan said that he'd only release a picture of himself if he reaches the $5000 mark on his Patreon. He finally revealed his face in the 100th podcast.
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor: After Nolan was discovered to have commissioned minors to draw NSFW fetish art, he left the podcast and withdrew from social media.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: His original video about the 4 adult takes of the Flinstones from late 2018 was taken down because the music track "Temptation Sensation" was flagged by Extreme Music in a certain section where he compares the lost Sesame Street episode about Snuffy's parents having a divorce to "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Pan says that they can let have the video up for $500,but refused and decided to change the track from the Flintstones to fit more in topic. This ended up being a good thing as he decided to give more updates on the lost Seth Macfarlane reboot that was absent in the original.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Rebel Taxi was picked up by Channel Awesome during the Summer 2014 talent search. However, due to missing a Skype call with their management, Pan was dropped from the site before being able to upload any videos. Considering the chaos which ensued in the proceeding years due to Channel Awesome's mismanagement, firing contributors of note and several others quitting (all of this was before the "Change The Channel Controversy," when every contributor except Doug Walker and Brad Jones left the site), Pan said that he pretty much dodged a bullet.
    • Episode 69 of the Pizza Party Podcast was planned to be an interview with a porn star. However, technical problems ensued, and we got a room tour instead.
    • In his review for the Top 4 Best or Worst Christmas Specials, he was going to add some audio from a scene of the Boondocks when Big Kid was threatening D-Roc, but the audio on the actual special was already messed up.
    • As mentioned in the 100th Pizza Party Podcast, the episode on Disney XD DXP was originally part of a bigger video about video game based TV shows. However, as he was working on the DXP segment, it became so long Pan decided to just made it its own video.
    • In "Top 5 Best/Worst Modern Cartoons Volume 9", Pan was originally going to review The Dragon Prince, Disenchantment, and Hilda, but he wanted to cover more then just Netflix cartoons.
