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Awesome / Dave the Barbarian

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  • Whenever Dave uses his full strength, it usually turns into an epic moment.
    • In "The Way of the Dave"note , when a sand giant threatened Fang, he ran all the way back from across the world (he had run away to Antartica in fear when he saw it), and punched the giant, knocking it back hard enough it dropped Fang. He then grabbed the monster's fist when it tried to crush him, and proceeded to toss it far, far away in the desert.
    Dave: I may be scared, I may be a lousy barbarian, but NOBODY MESSES WITH MY SISTER!
    • In "Ned Frischman, Man of Tomorrow"note , he grabbed the titular villain, twisted him into a pretzel before nonchalantly tossing him aside, and then picked up an enormous pyramid with one hand, spun it on his finger, and ground it to dust until all that was left was the top, which he threw at the rope holding Faffy, Lula and Twinkle, cutting it and setting them free. Complete with Theme Music Power-Up.
  • In "A Pig's Story," after the Interactive Narrator comes down with laryngitis, Dave eventually gets the idea to hold auditions for a new storyteller to come up with a way to defeat Chuckles—when Dave initially says he plans to "host auditions," Fang initially assumes that it's for the kingdom's annual Pageant of Udrogoth (of which Dave had taken on the job as director), but when Dave explains his plan to her and the others, even Candy notes that Dave's plan is a smart idea.
