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YMMV / The Little Lock That Could

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Due to being a Fanfic there is a lot of this compared to the main 'lore' of WOW from the MC helping shape major characters into taken different path's than in canon from Varian Wrynn/Tirion having minor flashbacks when looking at Aldwyn towards his own son Anduin during the 'Slave Arc' to Sally Whitemane signing up with the Argent Dawn expy rather than continuing to lead the Scarlet crusade down their Canon path of murder and experimentation on the dead.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Megumin Edits Explanation 
    • Raccoon Memes Explanation 
    • Screencaps Explanation 
    • Cats Explanation 
  • Ship Tease: Are Aldwyn and Valeera just friends and something more? Who knows. Warg certainly won't stop confusing the poor au- chatgoers with trouble in determining sarcasm.
