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YMMV / Pandemonium! (1996)

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  • Awesome Music:
  • Best Level Ever: Hate Tank from the sequel. Starts by being chased by giant weird robot, then manning a tank and retaliating not only against said robot, but against the rest of the level too!
  • Hard Levels, Easy Bosses: Bosses in these games are (mostly) easy, which further contrasts with Nintendo Hard regular levels.
  • Funny Moments: Everything Goon Honcho says during his boss fight.
    Goon Honcho: "Come down here, stupid bird! Owww, my little nosey!!!"
    • And let's not forget the intro scene.
      Fargus: (Yungo eats Lancelot's castle) "...That was fun! Horrible, but fun."
  • Nightmare Fuel: The boss fight against the Shroom Lord. One of the most unsettling enemies you have to face, he lives in a collapsing cave flooded with acid and you are trapped in a tight ring as he fires poisonous mushrooms at you. And that's before you hear his death scream...
  • Porting Disaster: While the Nokia N-Gage version isn't the most unplayable game ever, it suffers from the N-Gage's small screen limiting your view, meaning you have less time to react to things than in the original. Considering that the game was already Nintendo Hard even in its original form, this is simply unacceptable.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Only Nikki can Double Jump. In a platforming game. The idea of two playable characters is thus utterly meaningless.
  • That One Boss: Mr. Schneobelen from the sequel. You fight him in a kind of Unexpected Shmup Level, except you can't shoot and you must deflect his projectiles at him using movable turret, which might take a bit of training considering the different control scheme from the rest of the game. However, in the second part he starts shooting projectiles very fast, and you can only miss 4 of them and live, which demands quick reflexes.
  • That One Level:
    • The Lost Caves really feel like someone accidentally put one of the very last stages right at the start of the game. Very long compared to the stages before it, full of Invincible Minor Mooks, and no health pickups whatsoever.
    • Storm Temple, with its indestructible storm balls, the Night Demons that are a nuisance without a powerup, and most of all, a final section infested by a strong wind that forces precisely timed jumps.
    • Sequel's Temple of Nori is long for the part of game it is found in, has annoying Grasshopper-like enemies, is choke-full of traps that are difficult to evade and frequently are chained together and features numerous puzzles, some of which are also timed. To top it off, there is a rather difficult race for a health upgrade, which you want get.
    • The sequel has the level The Bitter End, which is exceedingly difficult even for final non-boss level. For one, it is one hell of a Marathon Level where finishing it takes up to half an hour, much more than any other level. It also features a lot of backtracking through areas that get progressively harder, a sequence with rocket powered jumps, a chasing sequences and a miniboss. Hope you came here with maximum life count and all health upgrades.
