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YMMV / Enemy Zero

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  • Demonic Spiders: Due to the nature of the game mechanics, every enemy is one of these.
    • The aliens themselves can charge you surprisingly fast; kill you in one quick hit, while they require a fully charged shot to get killed (and you can't run while charging a shot); and, most important of all, they're completely invisible. You can pick up a VPS detector that, through various beepings, can approximately tell you which side and how far away they are; the problems starts when it beeps without control because there's an entire swarm of the things around you...
    • Larvae, on the other hand, are visible and can get killed with just an uncharged shot - and, by the time you find them, you have a gun with unlimited ammo. Now, the problem: the VPS doesn't work on them. This means that you're forced to use your regular sight (and larvae are quite small and hard to notice) and hearing (and larvae's noises only tell you if they're nearby, but not which side they're coming from). Oh, and if you don't notice them in time, they still kill you in one hit.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The horrific shriek of a dying alien would be horrifying if it wasn't such a damn relief.
  • Narm: The otherwise chilling and well-made opening cutscene gets marred a bit by Parker letting out a very silly Stock Scream when he gets killed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: While the invisible enemies, One-Hit Kill nature of the protagonist, and extremely limited range of any weapons can be annoying, one can't deny that they also make any alien encounters scary as hell.
  • Retroactive Recognition: One of the animators for the game was someone know as Fumito Ueda. You know, he of the Team ICO Series
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off: The plot heavily borrows from Alien.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Invisible enemies and single shot long charging weaponry in "Enemy Zero". Doesn't help that the whole game is made before 3D surround sound or it was made for a console that didn't support such feature. This time there is a save featureā€¦ an audio recorder with 64 charges; saving burns three chargesā€¦ and loading a save burns one.
  • Spiritual Successor: Got one in form of No Son Of Mine, as the newer game has a charge-based weaponry and beep-based threat indicator along with a nigh-invisible threat.
  • Tear Jerker: David's and Kimberly's deaths.
