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Trivia / Enemy Zero

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  • Celebrity Voice Actor: Jill Cunniff, lead singer of the band Luscious Jackson, provides the voice of Laura.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: A bit more understandable with the original Saturn version, but the later Windows port was never put up for sale on any digital storefronts, even though the game is noted to run surprisingly well on modern hardware without needing any fan patches.
  • What Could Have Been: The game's art book reveals MANY pieces of concept work that don't particularly line up with the tone of the final product. These include blatantly sexually-charged alien/monster boss designs with a more anime-like tone, a stripper-esque "mutated" Laura along with her more punk-like Playstation Expo design and many setting and equipment designs that border on the more fantastical of science fiction as opposed to the more rustic Ridley Scott-like tone it ultimately had.
