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YMMV / Curse Crackers: For Whom The Belle Toils

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  • Difficulty Spike: While the game is already difficult enough, most players could easily make their way through with enough patience (barring any of the rooms with death walls). World 4 is where things get much harder, with many different types of enemies, some of which are harder to damage than others, more obstacles that can harm you, and more pits to avoid falling into, along with the checkpoints being less frequent.
  • Evil Is Cool: Though she's more of an Anti-Villain, Bonnie is well-liked by the fanbase for her cool design, her fun and snarky personality, her impressive abilities which includes being able to create an entire army of skeletons, the hints at her having a sad backstory, and the fact that she's mainly only antangonistic towards Belle and the authorities (and in the former's case it's caused by mixed feelings and you can help them reconcile). The fact that you can even play as her just makes it better.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Unlike most of the other bosses, the giant frog in World 3-3 has no cutscene before it, therefore giving no context as to whether it was sent to attack Belle by Bonnie or Tedra and Leer, or if Belle just stumbled into its lair. What makes it even stranger is that it has almost exactly the same tactic to defeat it as the giant frog in Prodigal, where you have to deflect the barrels it sends at you back to it in order to stun it.
  • Nintendo Hard: The game can be difficult even for those more experienced in platform games, with different types of enemies, many different obstacles and projectiles to avoid, a few things that instantly kill you (including falling off the screen), and sometimes a wall you have to outrun that means patience isn't always an option. Oh, and you only have 3 lives, and you can only carry one item at a time. Things get even harder starting from World 4, as not only are there more things that can damage you but the checkpoints are less frequent.
  • Surprise Difficulty: This game may be Lighter and Softer than Prodigal, but that does not mean it's easier. There are bright and colorful places and characters, but there's many different things that can damage you, and pitfalls will result in instant death (and there's quite a lot of them as well). Even some of the sidequests that can grant you items that give certain buffs involve having to make your way through a very difficult stage.
  • That One Sidequest: The postgame quest where you go to find Bonnie's locket is probably the hardest sidequest stage in the game, with many enemies and obstacles in a few long rooms that you'll have to make your way through from the beginning of if you die. But the really difficult and frustrating part is at the end; not only do you have to be precise with your movements as you bounce Chime on the flaming skulls and spiked blocks over one last bottomless pit to get across, you also have to do it with a Crystal Key, which will break if you take damage and force you to go back to where it respawns to try again. While you can use Elinore's key instead, it means you'll have to do the entire stage without an artifact to rely on.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: It's easy to mistake Jess for a girl because his name is more commonly associated with women, and he is shown in cutscenes to wear a midriff-baring outfit. It doesn't help that he was jokingly featured in the "Beauty Brawlers" poll on the official Colorgrave Twitter account, and looks very feminine there.
