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YMMV / Blue Sphere

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  • Goddamned Bats:
    • Block 30 is a giant time sinker if you're going for a Perfect. It is nothing more than a giant square of blue spheres you must convert into Rings and waste time gobbling each and every single one up.
    • Block 81, if only by how absolutely precise you must time your jump to jump over both the row of bumper spheres and the row of yellow spheres.
  • Nintendo Hard: Some of the combinations are devilish, especially when running for perfects.
  • That One Level: While blocks filled with lots of red spheres and dead ends that must be overcome with clever usage of traveling backwards and reversing your direction at the right time are semi-common, Block 120 is a special case. You're intended to bounce yourself against a bumper to enter a one-tile wide channel of spheres with a dead end while traveling in reverse all the way down, using the spheres you turn red along the way to guide you. Without knowing the pattern the bumper spheres inside the channel are meant to guide you note , expect to spend lots of times trying to memorize the pattern as well as reversing your movement direction back forwards the instant you collect the two rings at the end.
