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What An Idiot / Peanuts

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Moments so dumb you’ll want to scream "AAUGH!"

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  • The cat next door is a very short-tempered creature that damages or destroys Snoopy's doghouse every time he antagonizes it.
    You'd Expect: Snoopy would eventually recognize the pattern and stop provoking the cat next door.
    Instead: He continues to antagonize the cat, getting his house damaged or destroyed each time.
  • Linus hands his security blanket to Eudora to hold but she mistakes it as a gift. After a while, he gets Snoopy to retrieve the blanket but Eudora tells him she gave it to the cat next door.
    You'd Expect: Linus to ask Eudora why she would do such a thing and ask her to get the blanket back from the cat.
    Instead: He, Snoopy and Woodstock steal the blanket from the cat themselves. They first attempt to do so with a long pole which results in the cat smacking them from Snoopy's doghouse. Then, they hover with Snoopy's helicopter ears which is successful but they still get mangled by the cat.
  • Peppermint Patty gets a few that are dumb, even for her. At one point she tries to go to an alternative school to get out of going to her regular elementary, on Snoopy's advice.
    You'd Expect: She would realize the students aren't human.
    Instead: She doesn't.
    The Result: Peppermint Patty is put out to find out she graduated from obedience school and the principal laughs at her when she attempts to present it as proof that she doesn't need to go to school anymore.

  • It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
    • At the end of the special, Linus and Charlie Brown talk about how awful their Halloween night was. For Linus, the Great Pumpkin didn't come and Charlie Brown got a bagful of rocks while trick-or-treating and not a single piece of candy. Charlie Brown thinks that it's stupid of Linus to have this much blind faith, while showing sympathy that he spent his whole night freezing in a pumpkin patch, and annoyed that he roped Sally into it because she's mad that she missed her first Halloween. She can't even get candy from her big brother since Charlie Brown only has rocks.note 
      You'd Expect: Charlie Brown not to voice his opinion. Since Linus has been waiting for the Great Pumpkin several years in a row, he's not giving up on this belief.
      Instead: Charlie Brown attempts to comfort Linus by saying, "I've done some pretty stupid stuff as well."
      The Result: Cue the rage from Linus as he takes offense at Charlie Brown telling the truth, and that he will find the best pumpkin patch.
  • "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown":
    • Marcie has come over to Peppermint Patty's house to make Easter eggs by painting real eggs bright colors. Patty gets to work mixing the colors.
      You'd Expect: Peppermint Patty to demonstrate the boiling of eggs.
      Instead: She just tells Marcie to "get the eggs ready".
      You'd Then Expect: It turns out for all of Marcie's smarts, she's never made Easter eggs before. She thus should ask about the process before wasting eggs.
      Instead: Marcie half-asses it and makes guesses.
      The Result: Marcie fries the first dozen eggs, waffles some of the second dozen, tries to toast them, and puts the remaining ones into the oven. She is confused on how the eggs are colored after they are fried.
      You'd Then Expect: Patty would order Marcie to take the eggs out of the oven since she just put them in and set the timer. (That, by the way, would not heat up the eggs immediately). Also, it's a fire hazard to put a plastic carton in the oven.
      Instead: Patty gives The Scream "AUGHHHHHHH!" and writes off the eggs in the oven.
    • Marcie and Peppermint Patty have to go buy another dozen of eggs. Once they do, Peppermint Patty explains to Marcie what not to do to boil the eggs and that they need to go into a boiling hot pot with water.
      You'd then expect: Peppermint Patty to explain to Marcie that you're not supposed to crack the eggs before putting them into the bubbling hot water.
      Alternatively: At this point, it may make more sense to put Marcie on color duty since if Marcie ruins the dyes, they can always make more dye, and have Patty demonstrate to her that you put in the eggs whole. But Peppermint Patty says that she used the last bit of her allowance on this dozen.
      Instead: She provides no further explanation than not repeating what Marcie did before.
      The Result: Marcie cracks one egg at a time before putting them into the pot, effectively making egg soup. As Peppermint Patty puts it, "AUGHHHHH!"
    • At the end of the special, when the Easter Beagle gives Lucy's Easter eggs to everyone, Peppermint Patty and Marcie each receive one. Peppermint Patty explains to Marcie that you eat Easter eggs.
      You'd Expect: Peppermint Patty to specify that you have to peel the shell off the egg before eating it.
      Instead: She does not specify how to eat eggs until it's too late.
      The Result: Marcie just eats her egg, with the shell still on! "Tastes terrible, sir!"
  • "It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown":
    • Charlie Brown's football team is down by 1 point, and it's Down to the Last Play with Charlie Brown lining up to kick a game-winning field goal. Earlier in the game, Lucy had pulled the football away from Charlie Brown, causing him to miss an extra point.
      You'd Expect: Knowing they're one point behind and that Lucy would never allow Charlie Brown to kick the ball, they'd get someone else to hold the football.
      Instead: They have Lucy hold the football.
      The Result: She pulls it away again, just before Charlie Brown can make the winning kick. As such, Charlie Brown is forced to flub his kick, and his team loses the game.
      Even Worse: Everyone, even Lucy, blames Charlie Brown for missing the kicks, although it was clearly (and visibly) Lucy's fault.

  • "Charlie Brown's All-Stars":
    • In the final innings of a baseball game, Charlie Brown's team is one point behind the visiting team with two batters out. Charlie Brown gets a hit for the first time in his life and makes it to third base. His team's best hitter is out to bat next.
      You'd Expect: Charlie Brown to stay on third base, since he knows they're one point behind.
      Instead: Thinking that staying on third is too cowardly, Charlie Brown tries to steal his way to home base.
      The Result: Charlie Brown doesn't make it even halfway home and his team loses the game.
      However...: It is possible that Charlie Brown hit a rut on his way, and that rut fouled up Charlie Brown's slide.
      You'd then expect: Charlie Brown's friends to try to make him feel better.
      Instead: They yell at him and then betray him in anger upon realizing that they would not get uniforms, leading to Charlie Brown getting quite the Heroic BSoD.
      Fortunately...: Charlie Brown's friends later realize their mistake, especially Linus, who gives the rest of them a "The Reason You Suck" Speech for being thoughtless. They then decide to make him feel better for real by making a uniform of his own.
