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Warp That Aesop / Miraculous Ladybug

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  • Stalking Is Funny if It Is Female After Male.
  • Rich people are above the law.
  • Jerkasses and Sociopaths will get away with anything because Good Is Dumb. ("Volpina", "Chameleon", "Ladybug", "Félix" and every episode with Chloé in it save "Revolution".)
  • Don't upset people or they'll come back as a super-villain and try to kill you, even for minor offenses.
  • Alternatively, never, ever, allow yourself to feel any negative emotions. If you're sad or angry, suppress those feelings, no matter how natural they may be! Force yourself to be happy if you have to!
  • Toxic and abusive relationships should always be fixed and not broken up ASAP, whether it's a friendship built on All Take and No Give or a parent who outright tells their kid they have to earn their love. This will not backfire in any way imaginable!
  • Never ever lie ever! It will always backfire no matter how necessary or harmless it is... unless it's about your secret identity (in which case no one must know, not even your partner who also has a secret identity), or unless you're a potentially sociopathic Consummate Liar (in which case you'll be a Karma Houdini because your lies need to go unquestioned in order for the plot to have some conflict in it, or you simply assumed another identity to escape reprisals).
  • People are Gullible Lemmings who will believe anything, no matter how outlandish a complete stranger's many, many paper-thin claims are. Even if Person A paints Person B, who everyone knows to be an All-Loving Hero cinnamon roll to be a psychopathic monster (when really the reverse is true), most of them won't question it. ("Volpina", "Chameleon", "Ladybug")
  • Being Good Sucks.
  • The French are incapable of growing as people and are 99.8% blind and tone-deaf.
  • Chinese people are magic and know kung fu.
  • Don't actually call out someone if they're being a piece of shit; always give them as many chances as possible to redeem themselves instead, even if they've repeatedly proven themselves to be untrustworthy and unwilling to change.
    • Additionally, always strive to be a good example to those around you, which involves never standing up for yourself and doing the above. Are they abusing your trust or outright mistreating you because of this? Just suck it up and keep smiling.
  • Stalking, manipulation, sabotaging rivals, and just straight-out entitled behavior are all perfectly acceptable ways to hook up with your crush. The only difference gender-wise will be what the Intended Audience Reaction is; namely, it'll be hilarious to watch if you're female and sympathy-inducing if you're male.
  • If something bad happens to someone, it doesn't matter how directly involved you were in it; even if you only had the barest involvement, it's all your fault. Did someone else cause the bad thing to happen? It's your fault. Did the person bring this bad thing upon themselves? It's your fault. Now go apologize for it, You Monster! (Unless, of course, you're a white blonde upper-class person; then you're immediately absolved of any blame.)
  • Paris, France is a perfect place with no real problems except for mundane inconveniences, and even then only a few people suffer from this at a time.
  • Paris and New York are really conveniently empty cities, and there's only five people-per-block in real life. Especially in Paris, where everybody knows each other!
  • Personal boundaries are for cowards.
  • Evil men will always have some Freudian Excuse behind their actions and thus are never fully evil. Evil women only do it For the Evulz and anything close to a Freudian Excuse that explains their actions can be safely ignored.


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    Chloé Bourgeois 
  • If a young teenager acts like an awful person, it's never because of the circumstances around them (whether that includes abusive and/or absent parents, adults who enable their bad behavior, or adults manipulating them for their own purposes); they're just spiteful psychopaths who aren't worth the effort to redeem.
  • An adult who outright commits mass terrorism and child abuse for increasingly flimsy reasons is more capable of redemption than a teenage girl manipulated into doing the adult's dirty work. Plus, any attempt of redeeming her will have the universe bend over backwards to make her an utter sociopath out of sheer spite to you (and the fans rooting for her to get actual Character Development).

    Lila Rossi 


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    Season 1 
  • Trying to calmly and systematically rule out equally-likely suspects of a potential theft is just as bad as pinning the crime on one specific person without proof.
  • You can get fired for doing your job without violating an innocent person's rights on trumped-up charges without evidence.
  • Even if you point out that the authority in question is breaking the law, they can just say "No." and have you fired. Somehow.

"Dark Cupid"


  • Someone easily scared by a poorly-made monster-mask in a world when anyone can turn into a real monster capable of threatening an entire city to be the Action Girl protagonist of your low-budget Sci-Fi Horror movie makes total sense.



  • Is there someone spreading lies about you that could potentially put themselves or others in danger? Let them. If you call them out on it and/or publicly reveal them, then you're the real villain here.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir (Origins – Part 1)"

  • Who are more perfect to possess the powers of creation and destruction and the responsibility to take on a supervillain threat? Teenagers who are nice enough to help a weak, elderly man in the streets (which any well-meaning person should do), of course!

    Season 2 
"Prime Queen"
  • TMZ is right. People only care about celebrity gossip even if those celebrities are actual superheroes.


  • Robots don't have rights, even if they are capable of emotions genuine enough for empathy magic to work on them.


  • Knowing a crush's entire planned out schedule is definitely not a red flag at all! The person who deems this creepy is wrong, the fantasy-smitten person who calls this "romantic" is right. Definitely a trait of a healthy relationship!

"The Dark Owl"

  • A grown man who runs a school is revealed to be a vigilante. Consequences? No. He's a loser, so why bother?


  • Ice-cream going uneaten is as bad as being falsely accused of committing a crime and being punished for it, being made to look like a fool on social media and seeing your crush get together with someone else.
  • If you prepare a romantic date for someone even after they've told you that they're going to be busy with something that day, you're allowed to whine about them not showing up. After all, everyone will blame your date for "standing you up" instead of pointing out that you should have taken their schedule into account. Also, the fact that you stood up your friends for this will be conveniently ignored.


  • Love is terrifying and evil.
  • If someone vandalizes a gift you worked hard on, then you'll get punished for calling them out and they'll get off with a slap on the wrist.

"Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle -- Part 2)"

  • If someone you know has Abusive Parents, you shouldn't try to get them away from the abuse ASAP — instead, have them find some common ground with said parents. This will automatically make the abuse go away!
  • You can laugh off borderline domestic abuse.


  • If a girl has repeatedly told you that she's not interested in pursuing a relationship with you because she loves someone else, you're allowed to cop an attitude towards her and ignore the fact that at least two other, more obtainable people want to get in your pants. You'll be seen as a sweet romantic for doing so!
  • Never go on a double date with your former crush; you'll just spend the entire time ignoring your date while mooning over him.

    Season 3 
  • Let someone keep manipulating your friends, even if they outright threaten you. Your love interest said so!


  • Better the devil that bullied you for three years straight than the one who told you something you didn't like that one time.
  • If your crush doesn't like you back it's okay to bully their potential so as long as you don't get caught.
  • If no one knows what you did, then you can pretend it never happened and don't need to apologize!



  • Waiting an entire lifetime for someone who hasn't bothered to contact you in decades instead of moving on is completely healthy!
  • Using your friend and partner as a sacrificial pawn is perfectly okay as long as it works!


  • Your male partner can't get the hang of his new powers even if they are your true powers? Mock and ridicule him and effectively call him useless! That'll make him get better at it in the long run and you don't look like a jerk for doing so!
  • Meta example: if a male character cracks jokes towards his female partner, it's harmless fun. If the female character does the same thing towards her male partner, then she's a heartless witch and should be punished for it. The fandom said so!


  • A science-teacher can involve the school she works at in an outlandish claim without consequence.
  • The Pyramids of Giza being alien spaceships and snow being boogers from a giant that lives in the clouds are more scientifically plausible than small cheese-eating critters.
  • Outrageous claims with (admittedly faulty) video evidence is less plausible than equally outrageous claims with no evidence.


  • Taking a child from their family arbitrarily so that they could dedicate their lives to a holy mission they have no emotional investment in is perfectly understandable. It's an important holy mission that they have no emotional investment in. What could go wrong?
  • Running away from your problems is the more noble thing to do instead of confronting them head-on.

"Party Crasher"

  • It's ethical to raise live animals to use them as devices to spread The Corruption.
  • Theft from the elderly is justified if it's for saving the world.
  • Celebrities (teen celebrities, in particular, who live by organized schedules under a helicopter parent and have little time for themselves) are monsters for ignoring their biggest fans.
  • Making yourself look like your teen idol's doppelganger, even going far to bleach your own hair, is not creepy whatsoever.

"Cat Blanc"

"Heart Hunter" and "Miracle Queen"

  • Humor the Spoiled Brat with an inflated sense of entitlement or she'll become completely evil and willingly join the sociopathic supervillain out of spite.
  • The guy who repeatedly turns your loved ones into monsters and frequently uses you as a target is more trustworthy than the superhero that fights him because she was too busy to indulge in your fantasy for five minutes.
  • Your dysfunctional parents will only love each other when you don't want them to.
  • Character Development is for quitters.
  • Shallow jerks with sympathetic backstories and slight kind moments don't deserve any lick of redemption or heroic honor, even though the superhero protagonists aren't as pristine either.
  • It's only logical to pass on the sacred duty of guarding godlike powers to an indecisive teenager you still owe lots of explaining to.
    • Also, you too were a reluctant teenager who had no choice to take up said duty. Should you break a possibly harmful cycle and entrust the duty to a more experienced adult? No, continue it! What can possibly go wrong?
    • It also makes perfect sense for Laser-Guided Amnesia to be invoked as titles are passed down from generation to generation. Ex-masters teaching current masters (teenage ones in particular) is so boring!
  • Someone will get the one you want (your main goal until then) instead of you? Don't do anything about it, don't fight for what you want, and just let go because you must accept change, period. Despite acting for greater good was encouraged in the Origins episode, just passively accept "the loss in your life" and to not get who you really want. Just listen to your poor self-esteem and let the mutual masquerade ruin your life. Despite the situation will sooner or later wound others persons than you and could be quickly resolved with a bit of communication.

    Season 4 


  • Both this and the above episode: never, ever, ever try to get over your first crush. Nothing you try will work, you'll become obsessed with seeing them again no matter what, you'll never be able to find a Second Love because you'll always be thinking of that first one, and overall it'll just add to whatever amount of stress you're suffering from.
  • If you try to ignore this, you'll go straight to having the shortest dating in television history, no matter how much the previous episode hammered in narration the need to "accept change" and "move on". And left everyone to wonder what alternate pairings were for?

"Gang of Secrets"

  • Privacy is a sin with karmic ramifications. Keeping anything to yourself will only destroy your social life and turn your friends into homicidal monsters.
  • If you share your problems with your friends, it will put them in danger. If you don't share your problems, your friends will be the danger. Either stop having problems or stop having friends.

"Furious Fu"

  • Those who can't do, teach. Those who teach can't do even a little, their opinion should still matter for some reason.
  • People that abuse children and old people have a really good reason for doing it.
  • Only prepare when the heroes go bad. Anyone else is the heroes' problem to deal with.
  • People only care about your failures. It doesn't matter if your win-loss ratio dips farther to the "win", losing once is just proof that you are incompetent and deserve to be replaced on the spot.


  • Forcibly sending your child to a trip around the world that he obviously does not want to be part of is okay and not at all abuse.

    Season 5 


  • After having one traumatic experience over telling a boy you love him, it's best to obsess about another boy from afar to unhealthy levels.
  • Female bullies are statistically less likely to grow up and redeem themselves than male bullies. Therefor, if both a male and a female bully are involved in a prank that traumatizes you, you should instantly forgive the male since he'll say he's sorry eventually, but never forgive the female because she'll never apologize and will in fact gloat about it.
  • Attempting to kill a mind-controlled civilian is more morally acceptable than attempting to kill the magical terrorist that mind-controlled them in the first place. After all, even though the magical terrorist has repeatedly tried to kill you and all your loved ones over the months, it's nowhere near as bad as what the civilian did (dressing up as your partner, putting you into an illusory world at the behest of the terrorist that's mind-controlling them, or getting manipulated into pulling a prank on your girlfriend and not realizing what they did wrong).


  • It's not a red flag whatsoever if one of your friends tries to convince you — multiple times — that another one of your friends is a manipulative sociopath despite evidence to the contrary. There's no need to look into what this seeming enmity might be about, just stay neutral and hope they work it out themselves.


  • Kidnapping a girl, admitting to stalking her, claiming you're similar while dismissing her hardships by claiming yours are worse, and then showing basic human compassion towards a non-human creature are all the best way to get her to date you and not a one-way ticket to a restraining order and/or jail.


  • The girl who lied about being best friends with a superhero is much more believable than the girl who you know is said superhero secretly.
  • The fact that someone whom everyone knows is immoral, lazy, and prone to pawning tasks off to her abused underling isn't doing their homework is a world-shattering revelation and clearly the fault of one of her same-aged peers and not the teacher that's enabled her thus far.
  • Anyone can become a Light Yagami-tier Magnificent Bastard if they're spiteful enough.


  • The best way for a Consummate Liar to escape reprisals is by abandoning one established false identity for another.
  • If your school friend tells you they are being bullied by someone into doing something horrible, don’t report it to the headmaster right away. Instead get permission from him to construct a fake bathroom, rig it with a hidden microphone and trick the bullies into going into that bathroom with the victim so you can catch them in the acts and record their confessions and threats.


  • If you spoil your child rotten for years and they turn out to be a nigh-sociopathic Spoiled Brat, don't worry! It didn't happen because you never said "no" to them or taught them proper behavior; it's because they were born this way! Feel free to abandon them and start over with a new kid.
  • The human work ethic can never be replaced by robots or A.I.s, so you shouldn't replace humans with them in common careers, especially if they were developed by large corporations. If you do, the robots/A.I.s will inevitably do a worse job than their human counterparts, and an evil teenager will use them to overthrow the government.


  • The best way to punish a misbehaving child is to make them live with an Abusive Parent.


  • Evil rich white blonde teenage boys can change their ways, whereas evil rich white blonde teenage girls can't.

Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
  • It's not what you do that makes you a hero. It's destiny that decides for you, whether you consent to it or not.
