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WMG / Remnant's Bizarre Adventure

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Koichi/Neo is destined to end in tragedy
  • While the two seem to like each other, the chances of Neo actually pulling a Heel–Face Turn are limited. The only way it's possible is if Roman dies in such a way that none of Koichi's friends can be blamed for it, and even if it happens, with Neo's massive criminal record it's unlikely that she'll ever be able to live a normal life.
Giorno will be in this fic, but he won't unlock Gold Experience Requiem
  • Or at least not to use against Diavolo. The reason being that it would simply be too powerful for anyone else to challenge. If he unlocks it at all, it will be for use against Salem or Pucci.
Echoes's Stand growth isn't done yet
  • There just might be a fourth Act, or at least a new power for Act 3. It just seems that this is just a bit early to have Koichi fully leveled up.
Nora has a Stand
  • It was stated that only about 1% of people can have both Aura and a Stand at the same time. However, when Red Hot Chili Pepper tried to take over Nora's own body to get to his last resort during the Dance Battle arc, something dark deep inside of Nora scared the Stand so badly that it noped out of her as quickly as it could.
