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Funny / Remnant's Bizarre Adventure

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  • When team RWBY suddenly realizes that Stands are real and Stroheim's book was not the delusional ramblings of a madman, the team members each react differently. Ruby is absolutely excited by the whole premise, Yang takes it all in stride, Blake has a Heroic BSoD when she realizes that Joseph saved the world from complete annihilation through sheer dumb luck, but Weiss goes into complete denial with one simple phrase:

  • After Nora's fight with Okuyasu, Nora mentions to team RWBY that she knew all along that stands were real. Team RWBY and the other members of team JNPR are completely blind-sided by this.
    Nora: "If you guys had explained to Ren and I what exactly these Stands were, we could've told you ourselves that they were real."
    Ruby: " We'll remember that next time Nora...(Beat) Wait what?"
  • When Jotaro introduces himself to the class, Nora immediately recognizes him and reacts in the most Nora way. Then Jotaro, responds in the most Jotaro way.
    Nora: "Jotaro! Hey! Look, it's me Nora! And look who else!" [Lifts a surprised Ren] "It's Ren! Hey Jotaro, do you recognize us Jotaro?! Jotaro! HEY JOTARO! IS THAT ACTUALLY YOU? SAY SOMETHING THAT YOU'D SAY IF IT'S YOU JOTARO! OR MAKE A SLOTH SOUND! HEY, HOW'S EVERYONE ELSE?! JOTARO? HEY, JOTARO!"
    Nora: "Okay!"
    • In true Jojo fashion, Jotaro's sudden outburst stuns the entire class into silence and causes all the female students to start blushing.
  • Cardin ends up pushing Josuke's Berserk Button by insulting Josuke's hair. What makes it funnier is that Teams RWBY and JNPR are just confused by Cardin's insult and initially brush it off, until they see Okuyasu and Koichi freaking out because they know what's about to happen.
  • Torchwick's reaction when he finds out that Neo intends to go with Koichi to the dance.
  • After the Breach is resolved, Jotaro and Glynda suddenly realize that they left Blake stranded at Mount Glenn. Cut to a very pissed off Blake:
