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WMG / Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe

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The reason why Super Super Big Doctor's species and the Cowards (probably the native life on Feebla-oot as well) Photosynthesize

When Candace accidently Super Super Big Doctor that every creature on earth breath in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, she says they breath in oxygen and breathe out oxygen. Her species also have green skin. What is also green? Plants. And why are plants green? Photosynthesis. Which is the reason why plants take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen. But, unlike plants, they use the carbon dioxide produced by their mitochondria during respiration (Or whatever their equivalent is) instead of getting it from the air.

The Cowards probably photosynthesize as well, since she just did not use them to produce Carbon dioxide for Mama and they are also green. So it is that or either she was carrying the Villain Ball or they do something else. The fact that Mama was dying at all is evidence there is not all of naturally recurring Carbon Dioxide on the Feebla-oot(It does not look like there are a lot plants on Feebla-oot), so it is possible all life on Feebla-oot does this (leaves of some plant are natural different colors than green, so it is possible that the orange dragon-like creatures and the other wildlife probably do photosynthesis in this matter as well) or something else completely.

Everybody will get their memory erased

At the end of the last song, everybody could hear Major Monogran talking in Perry's watch, so they will probably get their memory erased like in the first movie.

  • This would also explain Candace's retroactive Aesop Amnesia; she doesn't remember learning the Aesop in the first place!
  • Then again, Stacy was there and is aware of Perry's secret identity so she would have saved his cover. As for Candace's Aesop Amnesia, she does it quite frequently.

Earth will become a haven for a new species

There are now two space-dragon creatures on Earth. Vanessa says hers (Vlorkel) is female; is the other male? We don't know what happens to Vlorkel after the movie, but Vanessa doesn't seem to have her during the original-series episodes set later in the summer. Possibilities include the two dragon-creatures flying away together to find some remote location somewhere, or maybe the farmer and farmer's wife start a dragon-creature breeding program...
