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WMG / Outlast

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At the end of Whistleblower, Miles has at least partial control over the Walrider
Not only the Walrider comes just in time to save Waylon from Blaire, but the possessed Miles, seen from afar by Waylon before running away in Miles's jeep, doesn't seem to display aggressive intentions, and he may have just wanted to be sure that still sane (and in one piece) man, whom he noticed having a camcorder like him, managed to escape and spread the truth. Either Miles' mind has positively influenced the Walrider, or Miles is fighting with all his strength to keep him in check.

Related to the above, the Walrider will be an unexpected ally in a sequel
If Miles is managing to keep the Walrider in check, he may have gone into hiding and planning to go after Murkoff's people, using his powers at his advantage. A future protagonist, be it Waylon or someone else, may be finding him or herself saved several times by the Walrider, even if it'd still be a quite violent and unstable ally, and will probably have to deal with equally strong foes created by other experiments.

A sequel or spinoff will be set in a Murkoff facility with mostly women in it
A document in Whistleblower reveals that all the female patients and personnel at Mount Massive were moved elsewhere due to particularly adverse effects the Walrider was having on them. In another document also in the DLC, a doctor asks a colleague about the possibilities of experiments on women. So, a future episode may center on that relocated female ward.
  • That same document says that the reason they were all relocated was that Walrider research resulted in a lot of phantom pregnancies, even among staff, with severe health effects. While it'd be cool to see a Distaff Counterpart version of Outlast they'd need to be doing some very different research if they didn't want the same thing to happen.

When the Walrider enters a host, it gives them a Healing Factor.
I mean, c'mon, aside from the Walrider reanimating the dead, there's no other explanation as to why Miles was loaded full of lead in the end of Outlast, yet he appears none the worse for wear at the end of Whistleblower.

The three patients in Outlast who were watching TV are the center of Murkoff's new project.
Remember the three patients Miles finds watching TV? They don't move, don't attack; they just focus on the TV playing white noise. Two documents in Whistleblower refer to the transfer and potential of three patients labeled the "lucid dreamers." The first document mentions their being prepped for transit and Wernicke's focus on Billy Hope distracted from the true discovery; the second document is the transfer authorization for those three "lucid dreamers." Guess who just happens to be missing when you come through that TV room again as Waylon Park?
  • Their appearance also marks the first time you hear Swarm Ambience, a leitmotif used throughout to hint the Waldrider's presence. Meaning that these three may have been strong in them.

The non-hostile Variant in the attic of the Vocational Building is also Dennis
Their facial scars look similar...guess when we got that scare of him looking at us through the bookshelves, he was just switched to a personality that didn't want to harm us?
  • They don't look anything alike though. The friendly Variant who warns Waylon about Dennis and Gluskin has a completely deformed face. Dennis doesn't.

Miles and Waylon's Physical Appearances
There has been no official artwork released that shows what either men look like, but they look very similar in body structure. But when taking the context of their different personalities and how other characters respond to them, a basic blueprint can be constructed of what they possibly look like.

In Miles's case he would be an athletic, Alpha Male type who despite not being prone to physical altercation is very capable of athletic feats and withstanding a ton of physical abuse. This is someone who's been thrown from several stories multiple times and survived with minor injuries, and also made long jumps with little effort and has successfully outrun scores of Variants trying to kill him. In fact, his only noticeable injuries in the entire game are his missing fingers, and the only sign of his physical deterioration is right at the end of the game when he becomes possessed by the Walrider. This would stipulate that his body has a high tolerance for physical punishment and he is in good physical shape. Also related to his Alpha Male personality is his increasingly aggressive notes. They show his consistent mental deterioration from the horrors he's experienced, but they are laced with anger, apathy, and the promise of violence. Miles also slams doors shut in an aggressive manner, and the player has to be careful to make Miles close them more quietly. Taking his physical prowess and his Alpha Male nature into consideration, it was really no wonder that after being possessed by the Walrider that he turned the tables on the entity and began controlling it.

Waylon on other hand, as shown in-game, does not seem as capable of taking physical abuse as Miles is, and his fall down the elevator shaft injures his leg for the remainder of the game. Also unlike Miles he is not so aggressive with his notes, using them instead as a coping mechanism rather than unleashing his anger. Waylon also doesn't automatically slam doors shut, as Miles was prone to do, giving more indication that Waylon has a less aggressive personality than Miles does. He seems more in control of his emotions, and even when confronted by people trying to kill him Waylon doesn't talk about inflicting violence upon them. Waylon also seems to give off more of a Stupid Sexy Flanders vibe than Miles does. And this isn't just shown with the fact that the Groom called him "special" and wanted to "make a woman out of him". A random Variant at the beginning of the game mockingly calls Waylon a "pretty flower", and Andrew, the scientist in the prologue, licks the side of Waylon's face. This would seem to imply that Waylon may have "pretty boy" good looks that are appealing even to the men around him, particularly since at the time of the Outbreak there were no females on site at Mount Massive Asylum.

So even if we can't see Miles and Waylon's faces, based upon their personalities, their physical capabilities, and how other people react to them there can be a basis for what they look like. Because of his aggressiveness and his athletic prowess, Miles could appear by a stereotypical physically fit Alpha Male type of man. And because of his subdued nature and the "reactions" he gets from other men in the Asylum, Waylon could be a mentally grounded and intelligent "pretty boy" type of man.

  • Although when we see Waylon naked, he's actually quite muscular and hairy, so he can't be purely a pretty boy bishi.
    • Pretty face on a manly body?

Miles was Sam Miller under a new name.
By the end of the series, Sam Miller's career and reputation are destroyed. There are noticeable similarities between the two. Namely, they share a physical build, they both drive a Jeep Wrangler and both are an Intrepid Reporter, eager for the next big story and willing to go the length for the information.

The fate of Murkoff
If there is an actual sequel, the fate of Murkoff during the two game involve one of three possibilities:

1) Waylon's information only puts a tiny dent in the corporation. Despite the government looking into the company, Murkoff is still going strong,managing to cover its tracks well enough to continue whatever twisted experiments its concocting right under the public's nose. This scenario is probably the most unoriginal outcome and thus the least likely to happen.

2) The government brings its full force down upon Murkoff, shutting it down completely and the corporation quietly withering and dying in the wind, the villain of the sequel being either the final remnant and/or a splinter group created in case Murkoff goes down and continuing to do research. While this outcome is original, what with an evil corporation getting its comeuppance, its unlikely as well as the same thing happened to Umbrella in Resident Evil, and its doubtful the creators would want to bring in parallels to that other franchise.

3) Murkoff completely drops the pretense of being a legitimate corporation and goes completely underground, pulling a HYDRA by doing all sorts of illegal experiments without the restraints of government control and the law while funded by various criminal organizations and shadowy power players with the United States trying to pull the plug on them once and for all. This would be the most unexpected direction the developers could take and, surprisingly, the one that would make the most sense.

Jer ran into Rick during the outbreak
It would be interesting, considering their Villainous Friendship, Trager's state of mind, and the situation.
  • Possibility 1: Trager recognized Blaire and spared him, maybe even keeping him safe during a good chunk of the outbreak. Blaire might have been aware of (or quickly picked up on) the particulars of Trager's insanity and used that to manipulate him into not hurting him, like convincing him that if they worked together, Trager could capture more people and experiment on/mutilate them. It'd fit Blaire's ruthless, self-preserving nature. Blaire was not present when Trager captured Miles and then got killed by him; when he found his only ally dead, Blaire decided he had to risk getting through the asylum by himself in order to make his escape.
  • Possibility 2: Not listening to any of Blaire's attempts to manipulate him, Trager would've harvested body parts from Blaire like he did with his other "patients". However, Blaire was able to get away. Although he seemed as though he did that without Trager getting anything from him (like, say, his fingers), the placement of his injury at the end of the game could be from Trager going digging for his liver or some such.

The protagonist for Outlast 2 will get their tongue cut out or otherwise injured.
  • In the first Outlast a piece of graffiti states that when torturing someone, start with the fingers, then the balls, then tongue. Miles soon gets his fingers cut off, while Waylon almost gets his junk cut off. Outlast 2 will follow this pattern by subjecting its protagonist to similar torture, resulting in some kind of injury to the mouth.

Dr. Trager's message to you over the dumbwaiter intercom was a deliberate attempt to lure you in.
  • Think about it. His voice sounds completely different over the intercom, and Miles would likely be turned off by a lisping voice telling him to get in a dumbwaiter. Trager was affecting a voice to put him at ease so he would come to the doctor.
