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WMG / Muppets Haunted Mansion

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This will be the first of many crossovers between Disney Theme Parks, and acquired Disney properties.

Alternatively, we'll get more Muppets/Theme Park Rides crossovers.
All featuring different Muppets. Fozzie will be the main star of the Jungle Cruise special, since it's been proven that the skippers there actually like his jokes.

Or Muppet specials for different holidays.
Perhaps, a second Christmas special. Miss Piggy is the star, being more selfish and egotistical than usual until she is shown a village where its residents suffer from the actions of people like her.

MacGuffin is not the original/main Ghost Host.
Master Gracy (or whoever your headcanon Host is) let him take over for the night, since it was his 100th anniversary and he had a special connection with that years guest.
  • Generally, the current consensus is that Master Gracey is the Dorian Gray changing portrait in the WDW Mansion. (Which works as both as a Shout-Out to the inspiration for the painting, an and a tribute to Yale Gracey.) The Host is usually identified as Marc Davis’ Hatchet Man painting, and is, as of yet, unnamed.

A future park will have a Muppet-based mansion/there will be a special seasonal Muppet Mansion overlay.
Because Disney likes marketing, and this is the most well-received Muppet/Haunted Mansion-related piece of media they've put out in a while.
