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WMG / Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

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Garth Marenghi wrote a novel that was given a film adaptation. This film is known as Troll 2.

The Darkplace Universe
The literary universe created by Garth also contains the shows Look Around You and Time Trumpet. Lousy science facts and poor predictions, both caused by research Garth failed to did get because he pays people to get information he needs but was too tight to do so, instead he makes it up, with all the So Bad, It's Good consequences.

Garth Marenghi felt threatened by Todd Rivers / Dr. Sanchez...
Dr. Sanchez is supposed to be the most notorious womanizer in Darkplace. But, that might imply that Dagless/Marenghi is less handsome and sexually desirable than Rivers/Sanchez. And since 'Dark Place' consists of all of Marenghi's ideas and fantasies, Marenghi had Sanchez castrated in the last episode so he wouldn't feel threatened anymore.

The last episode was incomplete when the show was cancelled
Learner claims the footage was lost due to a "drink-related mishap" but this is a lie. Per the above WMG, Garth changed the script to castration late in filming after they had already filmed the final apology scene. When Todd found out he refused to go through with any additional filming on the episode. When Garth got the go-ahead for the retrospective, he included this episode with the "mishap" excuse to finally enact his revenge on Todd.

Sanchez is from Argentina.
One of the documentaries on the DVD has Todd Rivers state that Sanchez fought in The Falklands War. He didn't say on which side Sanch fought, but Lucien Sanchez isn't exactly an English name.

The cat the crew killed wasn't in the first episode but in Skipper
The crew originally planned for Skipper to be more active and so had a cat placed inside a suit; maybe they wanted Skipper to purr to show it loved Dagless. The cat was understandably upset at being stuck in there for so long and when Garth put his hand too close to the mouth, the cat bit him. He proceeded to freak out and beat the cat to death while the rest of the cast tried to figure out how to respond.

Madeline Wool was killed because she knew too much and was about to snitch.
The interviews with Dean reveal that extras were quitting left and right and the show had gone over budget. Something happened in the last episode that only the main four witnessed (probably a fight between Dean and an extra that got deadly.) They all helped cover it up and agreed to never speak of it again. Some time later, Madeline's guilt pushed her to reveal the truth, but before she could do it, Dean killed her as well.
