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Video Game / Starmancer

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Starmancer is a colony-building simulator in the vein of Dwarf Fortress and RimWorld, created by the two-person team Ominux Games and published by Chucklefish.

The game is set in the distant future, where humanity has been forced to abandon Earth. The player is a Starmancer, a human who has been converted into a machine core and put in charge of running a space station. When your space station is damaged, you are forced to awaken some of your colonists so they can fix things up.

Starmancer launched in Early Access on Steam, GOG, and the Microsoft Game Store on August 5th 2021.

Tropes found in Starmancer

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Some colonists can have the "Blue Skin" or "Green Skin" trait. It's said to be due to an error with Brain Uploading.
  • Exposition Fairy: Kat, a cat-shaped AI who provides tutorials and is responsible for communicating with NPCs.
  • Hamster-Wheel Power: Treadmills are the first form of energy production you unlock. When a colonist uses one, their current job is listed as "Pretending to be a hamster."
  • An Interior Designer Is You: You can research multiple styles of furniture to decorate your space station, and change the appearance of walls and floors. Placing decorations improves a room's beauty stat, which makes colonists happier.
  • Nobody Poops: Averted. Colonists produce "biowaste" regularly. You need to build toilets for them, or they'll go on the floor, which will make other colonists upset. Biowaste can be processed back into food.
  • X Days Since: The UI has an "Oopsy Tracker" that counts the total number of times your colonists have died and how many days passed since the last death.
  • You Have Researched Breathing: You have to unlock the ability to set job priorities for your colonists, set up work shifts, or have them automatically attack certain creatures.
