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Trivia / X-Men vs. Street Fighter

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  • Acting for Two: Tony Daniels as Gambit and the announcer
  • Cross-Regional Voice Acting: The first of the Marvel fighting games to do this, the Street Fighter cast being voiced by their corresponding Japanese voice actors of the time (with the exception of Cammy) and the X-Men being voiced by the Toronto voice pool as usual per the period.
  • Dueling Works: SNK's Kizuna Encounter was released the same month and, like X-Men vs. Street Fighter, is notable for its Tag Team battle system.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: While every Vs. game prior to MvC3 has had this as a major issue, this game had it the worst. Following the initial console release on PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1997 (the former of which is a Porting Disaster and the latter of which is a case of No Export for You as seen below), this game received zero rereleases whatsoever, due to the rights to the X-Men name being tangled up between Capcom, Marvel, Fox, and (way later on) Disney. PS and Saturn copies would also get more and more expensive as they went out of print. XvSF would finally see a rerelease via the Arcade1Up machines (which also include other classic Marvel vs. Capcom fighters) in 2020. Those who don't want to pay several hundred dollars for a machine though are still out of luck, however.
  • No Export for You: The Sega Saturn version, due to Sega of America executive Bernie Stolar's Western embargo on 2D Saturn games.
