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Trivia / Weiss Reacts

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  • Ascended Fanon: The author utilises some reviewers suggestions and has borrowed elements from various fics inspired by Weiss Reacts.
  • Author Appeal: Quite a few franchises that the author likes show up, either as crossovers or as subjects of reactions.
    • He has also mentioned that he likes writing the character of Pyrrha. This may explain why she has had more chapters devoted to her as the story progresses.
  • Colbert Bump/Leno Device: The story acts as both:
    • Many of the stories featured gain reviewers and readers after Elf features them.
    • Some of the anime mentioned, like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or K-On! have been mentioned by reviewers- most say that the fic has inspired them to watch said anime, or to start watching anime in general.
    • Another RWBY fanfiction, Emergence, did this to Weiss Reacts by directing people to it from the forums it was hosted on.
  • He Also Did: ElfCollaborator is also active on the Bay 12 Forums: many of his characters can be found in various roleplays, and he's responsible for heading the second iteration of Rise of the Magic Girls, Bay 12 Monster Girls and EverythingGaiden v2. He also wrote this very page.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Half-Blind Otaku, who started out as another author whose stories were featured in Weiss Reacts, before graduating to writing a Spin-Off for Weiss Reacts.
  • Schedule Slip: The fic used to update tri-weekly, petering out around mid-Volume 2 due to the author having to study for exams and doing college studies.
  • What Could Have Been: There was apparently a spinoff planned called Yukari Reacts. Considering what Weiss Reacts is known for, one only wonders what would happen if this fic came to fruition....
    • Apparently, Norn was originally to be called Belldandy or Verthandi, and her kunai were supposed to be Skuld and Urd.
    • Originally, Winter was supposed to be introduced during the Winter Animecon.
    • And apparently, the Cockerel Festival was not meant to be started until chapter fifty, being started due to a very tragic happening with RWBY. The author pushed it up as his tribute instead. From what is known, Ren wasn't intended to make it past the first round and Norn was intended to fight Weiss instead.
    • There were originally plans to have Chieri as Weiss' mother instead of the OC Freya. This is given a nod to in Volume 1, where Weiss states that Chieri is her godmother, and wonders what it would've been like to be her daughter.
