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Trivia / The Lost World

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The 1925 film

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  • Accidentally Correct Zoology:
    • The dinosaurs in the film are portrayed as rather active and quick-footed animals, a view that would be pushed aside after the academic rejection of the dinosaur-bird connection theory occurring in the same decade the film was released, but revived by the discovery of Deinonychus in the 1960s. Special mention goes to the sauropods which are mainly land-based, contrary to popular belief at the time which considered sauropods as stuck in swamps.
    • There's a brief scene of a mother Triceratops looking after her young, well before evidence of parental care among dinosaurs was discovered.
  • Approval of God: Arthur Conan Doyle saw the film with his family and by all accounts was very satisfied with it.
  • Fake Nationality: Everyone really, since the cast is full of Americans playing people from the British Isles.
  • Portrayed by Different Species: The "spectacled bears" are played by American black bears — cubs, no less.
  • Science Marches On: The dinosaur anatomy and behavior are outdated due to dating back to the 1920s, although some portrayals are still mostly good.
  • Underage Casting: 52-year-old Arthur Hoyt as 66-year-old Summerlee.
  • What Could Have Been: As soon as the film was released, the same crew got to work on a sequel based on the lost city of Atlantis. It was killed by Warner Bros when they gained ownership of First National Pictures.

Other Trivia

  • The Lost World was the first film to be screened to airline passengers, onboard a Imperial Airways Handley-Page Type O (converted World War I bomber) in April 1925, on a London-Paris flight.
