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Trivia / The Homestuck Epilogues

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  • Ascended Fanon:
    • The egg-cleaning troll from the Credits animation reappears with her common fandom name of "Swifer Eggmop".
    • Dave refers to the Rose/Kanaya pairing by its fandom name Rosemary.
  • The Bechdel Test: Passes, but by a surprisingly slim margin, considering how good Homestuck proper was about this. Rose and Kanaya have two solo conversations in Candy, and the pairs of the two Vriskas and Aradia and Muse Calliope have one each. If trans/nonbinary characters count for the Test, then Meat passes with its Jade/Roxy/Calliope and Terezi/Roxy conversations; otherwise, it fails.
  • Milestone Celebration: This series was released on the tenth anniversary of Homestuck, as well as the third anniversary of its finale - April 13th, 2019.
