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Trivia / Saki

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  • All-Star Cast: And how. Even rival schools are given voice actors of note.
  • Ascended Fanon: Yoshiko Kainou and Hayari Mizuhara being a pair. Started as a bit of a fan pairing after their first appearances in the main series, their relationship became canonical in both the main manga and Shinohayu.
  • The Danza: Momoko "Momo" Touyoko is voiced by Momoko Saito.
  • Overtook the Manga: The last match of the Nagano finals ended in the manga some time after Season 1 of the anime.
  • Schedule Slip: Ritz isn't exactly the most consistent mangaka around. The series at one point jumped from being bi-monthly to getting a (very short chapter) a month to stopping altogether for close to a year, then going back to monthly and bi-monthly. As of 2014, due to health complications, Ritz is back to releasing the manga monthly, with substantial breaks in between. They did publish bi-monthly chapters near the end of Nodoka's match in the semifinals, but quite a few of them were unfinished.
  • Studio Hop: The first 14 episodes were animated by GONZO, before switching to Picture Magic for the remainder of the series. Since Episode of Side A, the animation was handled by Studio Gokumi.
  • Word of Gay: The author confirms in a Twitter post that, while they're not exactly keeping an exact count of who's gay, at least half of the cast is gay, a 20% portion is bi, gay marriages are legal, and much of the cast was born from same-sex IPS cells breeding.
