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Trivia / Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA

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  • Approval of God: As far as Kinoko Nasu is concerned, Prisma Illya IS the "Illya Route."
  • Banned in China: The series has been banned in Russia for being "child pornography", most likely due to having elementary school students in borderline-Lolicon and Shotacon style fanservice (albeit not to the extent to what they're implying, even if there's still extremely uncomfortable bits to get through). In fact, Russia has a strong stance against works they deem Lolicon.
  • Marth Debuted in "Smash Bros.": Caren Ortensia makes her international debut as the sadistic nurse at Illya's school. For many Western fans, this series was likely also their introduction to Luvia and Bazett, who had previously debuted only in the rather obscure fighting game Fate/unlimited codes.
  • Late Export for You: Both Oath Under Snow movie and the Prisma Phantasm OVA weren't released officially in the U.S. until July 14, 2020.
  • Newbie Boom: Fans of the main series who had written off Prisma as just a parody or outright paedophile bait were quick to find new interest in it following The Reveal that Miyu's brother is an alternate Shirou Emiya who took a path similar to Heaven's Feel to protect his little sister. Even moreso after the flashback arc that tells his story was adopted as a standalone film that can be reasonably watched without much knowledge of the main series.
  • No Export for You: In the case of home releases, 3rei!!. Sentai Filmworks didn't license the anime's fourth season, and though Funimation offered (two years after it premiered), it didn't pan out. The subbed version of 3rei!! is available exclusively on Crunchyroll, but the home DVD version — including its bonus content — was never given an official overseas release.
  • The Other Darrin: An unusual change of pace from Sentai Filmworks. Instead of outsourcing the dub to Bang Zoom! Entertainmentnote , they decided to use their in-house studio. This caused many of the original voice actors from the original Fate series to not reprise their old roles.
  • Portmanteau Series Nickname: Sometimes referred to by the author and other sources as "Prillya."
  • Promoted Fanboy: The manga's author and illustrator, Hiroshi Hiroyama, created several parody Doujinshi works based on Fate/stay night and Fate/hollow ataraxia before beginning work on Prisma Illya.
  • Schedule Slip: Though the manga is a monthly serial, Hiroyama is but one man and artist, and sometimes his life and his job don't coincide.
    • Due to an injury Hiroyama suffered in mid-2019, manga production was erratic or outright stalled for a long while; regular issues didn't resume until May 2020. To give a sense of scale for how badly things were derailed, the anime version of Licht - The Nameless Girl was announced in 2017 (JP Twitter source) and only had a 2021 release confirmed three years after the fact.
    • Another slip happened in the second quarter of 2022, though for the more benign reason of a massively increased workload. Comiket happened in July and the 15th Anniversary of PRISMA☆ILLYA in September wasn't far off, and Hiroyama had to do large projects for both. This resulted in the manga going bimonthly.
    • And then just when all of that was finished and regular issues were to resume, Hiroyama came down with COVID-19 in September 2022, leaving a gap in issues between August and November and having to take another extended break afterward; it took until June 2023 for a new chapter to arrive. He was especially sad about this because he wasn't able to include a Prillya chapter in the September COMP ACE issue which featured Prillya art on the cover page for the 15th Anniversary, but he had to prioritize his health.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: The anime's third season covering the second half of 2wei! didn't end on the manga's Cliffhanger that was all the heroines being sucked into another dimension, and instead sends the girls home safe and sound for a more open-ended conclusion with a stinger alluding to 3rei!!. This was because the writers weren't sure if a fourth season covering 3rei!! would be greenlit, and when it turned out it was, they had to haphazardly work off of the new ending scene. The results were mixed; while this gave the Ainsworths more believable reasons to appear, the main cast was less lucky, having to be hastily repositioned with a Contrived Coincidence to rerail the plot.
