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Trivia / Doctor Who S28 E12 "Army of Ghosts"

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  • Ability over Appearance: Yvonne Hartman was originally written for an older actress, but when none of the performers in that age range were free, the much younger Tracy Ann Oberman was hired.
  • Completely Different Title: The French title is "L'armée des ombres" (Army of Shadows), a Shout-Out to the French WW2 film of the same name.
  • Content Leak: An odd example; the Black Dalek had been seen on stage at the BAFTA ceremony a few weeks earlier, where Doctor Who had won the award for Best Drama Series, clueing people in that the Daleks would be returning later in the series. This was later blamed on whoever was responsible for getting it out of the props department not realising that it had not yet been seen onscreen.
  • First Appearance: Of Torchwood and the Cult of Skaro.
  • Recast as a Regular: Freema Agyeman played the late Adeola before taking over as Martha Jones. Though as mentioned under What Could Have Been, Adeola would have become the Doctor's next companion in place of Martha, if not for the fact that there was no time to rewrite and refilm the story to have her survive.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Russell T Davies has said that had he seen Freema Agyeman's performance as Adeola sooner than he actually did, he would have rewritten the story so that she survived, and Adeola would have become the Doctor's new companion. Unfortunately, by the time Davies was able to visit the set and see her, she had already filmed her death scene. The resulting compromise was to instead cast Agyeman as Martha Jones, and write a few lines establishing that Martha is Adeola's identical-looking cousin.
    • Torchwood was originally based in Cardiff on the time rift, as had been introduced in "The Unquiet Dead". This concept was later used for the Torchwood spinoff.
  • Working Title: Torchwood Rises.
  • You Look Familiar: David Warwick plays a Police Commissioner, having previously played Kimus in "The Pirate Planet".
