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Trivia / Doctor Who S27 E13 "The Parting of the Ways"

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  • Completely Different Title: The Hungarian title of this episode is "Csata után találkozunk" (We Meet After the Battle).
  • Foiler Footage: An alternate ending where Rose is about to die due to her exposure to the time vortex was filmed with the intention of screening it for critics, with the aim of making the Doctor's regeneration a surprise, but it was made redundant when the news of Christopher Eccleston's departure leaked after only one episode had aired.
  • Not Screened for Critics: The original preview would have hid the fact that the Ninth Doctor would regenerate into the Tenth Doctor by displaying an alternate scene with the Doctor standing before a TARDIS monitor after scanning Rose that ambiguously read "LIFE FORM DYING". This ending was made redundant when the news about Christopher Eccleston's departure leaked after the first episode went out. This alleged cut has not been released to the public whatsoever, and took place in a time that predated the big boom of widely-available social media. All we have is Word of God to go by.
  • Pop-Culture Urban Legends: A lot of fans think that human-kaled mutant Jack blew up is a new prop made for the show due to the fact that looks like it has two eyes. But in reality, it's just the same prop reused from "Dalek", just positioned differently.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The Controller originally survived into this episode to provide the Doctor with someone to talk to, until Russell T Davies decided it would be more effective to have him talk with the Emperor Dalek instead.
    • In case the Emperor Dalek prop proved unfeasible, Russell T Davies prepared a backup script with Davros in the Emperor's place. Davros would later make his proper return to the series in "The Stolen Earth".
