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Trivia / Beetle Bailey

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  • Crossover: The comic strip Hi and Lois exists in the same universe as Beetle Bailey (both originally done by Mort Walker). Beetle is Lois' brother while the Flagstons were introduced in a 1954 storyline visiting him. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Hi and Lois in 1994, they had Beetle visit them on furlough.
  • Executive Meddling:
    • One strip shows General Halftrack demanding a good explaination for why Ms. Buxley was late. He then ogles her after she replies that her bra strap broke. Because of complaints by readers, Mort Walker ended up putting Halftrack through sensitivity training.
    • For unknown reasons, a January 2006 strip censors Rocky's explanation of his past by claiming he sold cars across the street from the junkyard (originally it was across from the parking lot where he stole the cars). It was shown uncensored in Norway, however.
  • No Export for You: The series was originally published in Japan by a magazine called Pacific Stars and Stripes, the official U.S. Army publication at the time, but got removed during the 1950s because of disrespect to high-ranking military personnel.
  • Outlived Its Creator: After the death of Mort Walker, his sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker continued the strip.
  • Recycled Script: Dozens of gags have been recycled over the years; sometimes the original strip is simply redrawn years later, or the same gag is used in both a single strip and in the middle of a longer "story". Some examples:
    • "The training is going well. When we began, they didn't even know [simple thing]. Now, they don't even know [complicated thing]."
    • The soldiers are each dreaming about what's typical for them. Beetle is dreaming about sleeping and/or Zero is dreaming a blank thought bubble.
    • Sarge and Louise Lugg going out with their pets in tow is called a "double date".
    • Sarge goes out to eat alone but asks for a table for several persons because there won't be room for his order otherwise.
  • Screwed by the Network: The 1989 animated special never saw the light of day until it was released on DVD; it had been intended to air on CBS (as the Blondie and Dagwood and Hägar the Horrible specials did), but management changes at CBS caused the special to be shelved.
  • Write What You Know: The fact that Camp Swampy's soldiers never go to war makes sense if you know that Walker had an uneventful military career as a supply officer during WWII. He was never on the front line.
  • Write Who You Know: Mort Walker claims to have based most of his original cast on people he knew in the miltary.
    • He has said that both Beetle and Lt. Fuzz were based on himself: he was a 'maverick' who gained a commission while in the army.
    • The general was based on one who "couldn't lead a cubscout troop into a candy store."
    • Zero is based on a nice guy who tried his best but always ended up bumbling things.
