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Timeline / Mid-Fight Masses

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Pre-Mid-Fight Masses

  • It is unknown how long it has been in practice, but Hell and all demons living within it are ruled by a "Lucifer" who often had to do violent acts in order for them to stay in power. During times where the Lucifer was absent, it is rumored that anyone who attempts to claim their throne without properly being crowned a Lucifer themselves are said to never be seen again.
  • Centuries prior to the events of the mod, Sarvente came into existence through unknown means. She eventually became the Lucifer at a very young age. Due to an unfulfilled childhood, she was unable to grow up past childhood and remained a child for many years.
  • Years later, Ruvyzvat was born in a slum somewhere in Russia. Due to having no friends or family, he raised himself and lived off of snow. He developed an obsession with a justice he wanted to bring to the world and began murdering corrupt people. Eventually, he stopped caring about who he killed.
  • While on the run, Ruv would meet Sarvente. He doesn't mind her horns, since he considered himself to be "weird", while she wasn't afraid of his eyepatch. They became friends and hung out for about an hour until he had to leave. Both of them promised to meet each other again in the future, and Sarvente gave Ruv one of her ribbons as a promise. However, both of them would forget about their meeting due to Ruv being constantly on the run. Regardless, this meeting has fulfilled Sarvente's childhood and finally allowed her to grow up while Ruv eventually replaced the eyepatch he previously had with the ribbon she gave him.
  • As an adult, Sarvente got tired of ruling over Hell, so she abandoned the throne and tried to go into Heaven. However, she was rejected from going in due to an unknown sin that was horrible enough to warrant this. Since then, she decided to run a church and help others get into Heaven so people wouldn't have to share the same fate as her. She made herself a dollar-store nun costume so she would have an easier time converting people to her church, but her Hair-Trigger Temper made it hard for anyone to join at all.
  • Ruv would stumble upon Sarvente's church and meet Sarvente again. Due to the fact that they forgot they've met as children, their first interactions started out rather rough. Ruv would often slash at Sarvente with his sickle, while she often burnt him with a cross. Ruv would eventually come to trust Sarvente as she showed no signs of betrayal and both of them would soften up to each other. Ruv would vow to Sarvente to protect her for the rest of eternity, and was granted Immortality from her as her part of the vow.
  • Some time later, Sarvente - with her experience in music from singing in choirs - writes up a song called "Zavodila" for Ruv and teaches him how to sing. However, while performing the song with him, she discovers that his vocals were loud enough to shake the church and quite possibly make it collapse. After Ruv masters his song, Sarvente created an illusionary version of the church to his liking, mainly because she couldn't afford repairs. He appreciates her gift.
  • Meanwhile, Selever and Rasazy - Sarvente and Ruv's hypothetical children - wake up in a void known as the Nothing World with only basic knowledge of themselves and their family relations (among other things) to go by. As time goes by, they figure out their powers and learn about the canon universe, which they can't enter. In the meantime, however, they just live within the void, hoping their parents will get close enough to allow them to enter the canon world.

The Week itself

At the beginning of the week, Sarvente calls Ruv on the phone and tells him to come by. Boyfriend and Girlfriend arrive at Sarvente's church somewhere before or during the phone call. She greets them both and asks them to join her church, but Girlfriend tells her that they've only came because they were just looking for a bathroom they could use. Sarvente insists, though, and challenges Boyfriend to a singing battle to convince them. She gets frustrated after the first round, and just gives up for a while after the second.

By that time, Ruv has finally arrived. Seeing Sarvente tired and angry, he confronts the couple threatening to break their legs should he win while Sarvente uses her magic to summon the illusionary copy of the church so the actual one doesn't get destroyed from his soon-to-be-demonstrated Earth-shaking vocals. However, he too loses to Boyfriend.

With no other option left, Sarvente transforms into her demon form and challenges Boyfriend once more, but Boyfriend would end up winning against her. Due to the mod's nature, the ending is left completely to the player's imagination.
