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Tear Jerker / Scream 2

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  • Maureen being killed in plain sight by who she believes is her boyfriend. Even worse since the audience didn't even know it was actually real until she straight up drops dead. Her acting may be a little over-the-top, but it's still pretty sad once you give this scene some thought.
  • Randy's death hurts. From Sidney in the police station afterwards saying "I should call his mom", to Gale's anguished rant about how she just wants to find the killer and stop everything. It was a pity one of the franchise's most beloved characters was mutilated beyond belief. As an extension, his Video Will in Scream 3 for some fans. Especially the end.
    Randy: So in closing, let me say good luck, God Speed, and for some of you, I'll see you soon. 'Cause the rules say, some of you ain't gonna make it. I didn't, not if you're watching this tape.
  • Derek's death, and his last words reaffirming his love for Sidney as he dies.
    Derek: I'd never hurt you, Sidney.
  • There's also the aftermath of Cici's death. In the hospital, Sidney says "that poor girl".
  • There's a special kind of sadness to the deaths of Maureen Evans, Phil Stevens, and Cici Cooper, as they had absolutely nothing to do with the events of the first film and were only killed because they had the same names as some of the players in Scream.
    • Made even worse when you consider the possibility that it was a red herring to throw the police off of the true motives of the killers: one wanted to become popular, the other just wanted plain old revenge.
