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Nightmare Fuel / Scream 2

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I can understand now why less people are going to movie theaters these days.
When a sequel arrives, it's time to up the scares and the kills. Here's how Scream 2 delivered on that.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

Individual Pages:


  • Randy being offed in broad daylight as oblivious college students blaring music pass by the shaking van he's stabbed in is quite disturbing.
    • Especially nightmare-inducing is just how utterly destroyed he is by Ghostface, having his throat slit and his chest stabbed multiple times. There was absolutely NO REASON he had to go down like that...
      • ...until you consider that he had just insulted Billy Loomis while talking with Ghostface. Who killed him? Mrs. Loomis. Of course she was pissed someone insulted her son.
  • The opening in the movie theater. Jada Pinkett's acting may be over the top, but getting brutally stabbed while tons of people cheer is pretty horrifying. And that blood-curdling scream she gives before she dies...
    • The only good thing about that scene is that when the audience found out that she was actually dying, their faces went from being callous to being concerned. They thought it was a publicity stunt until later, but when they discovered it was an actual occurrence, it was too late to do anything. Imagine going through the same situation, but the audience knowing that it is not part of the show.
    • Hell, even if they didn't it's scary. Imagine being in the audience. You're watching what looks like an amazing performance, thinking "Wow, this chick's a great actor!"... and then you realize that her screams sound a little too pained to be fake, and that blood in her mouth won't stop pouring. You were just applauding someone dying in front of you.
  • Sidney almost being killed onstage during her play rehearsal. Imagine feeling trapped on stage and almost being assaulted by an unknown person and it's believed to be part of the show?
    • The worst part is that it either happened, or Sidney is just going insane from all the events she's endured.
  • Ghostface taunts Cici Cooper over the phone, and when he rings a third time, no sooner has she said "hello", he jumps right out at her from a nearby closet door!
    • Also the way he quickly and quietly snuck into the sorority house unnoticed.
      • Though there is one scene where, if you look in the background, you can see Ghostface sneaking into the house, though that one wasn't holding a phone.
  • Officer Richards dies after having a large metal pipe go through his head. The sounds he makes are very unsettling, as is the closeup of his head.
  • Derek's death, while less elaborate, is horrifying when you think about it from his point of view. He's helpless and tied up in a room with the killer, and the only person who can free him is too afraid to do so as she's been gaslit into thinking he's a killer too.
  • Mrs. Loomis all throughout the ending after she's revealed to be the main Ghostface. She never blinks as she's threatening Sidney and ranting about how she wants Sidney dead for killing Billy. All throughout before she starts chasing Sidney, Mrs. Loomis has this manic, almost rictus look on her face that's completely unnatural and totally deranged.
  • Mickey is possibly one of the scariest Ghostfaces of all time, with only Jill surpassing him. He is revealed to have been a Serial Killer even before dressing up as Ghostface. While other Ghostfaces who acted as a False Friend to Sidney showed signs of amoral behavior even before The Reveal, he never drops the facade of being a Nice Guy till after the fact. He also shows a disturbing amount of intelligence and manipulation such as tricking two girls into thinking their boyfriends are murderers. Despite all this, he is criminally insane such as hijacking a car from two cops and ramming it on purpose, nearly getting himself killed in the process, and is fully aware of how insane he really is. He also proves to be incredibly difficult to kill, recovering unrealistically quickly from the car crash to kill Hallie and survives being shot multiple times.
